Tyres on start

Recently bought an Automation. Made two cars. Both of them rub the tyres when starting and turning, leaving a mark. What do I do? How can I fix it? I’d be very grateful.

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Do you mean they squeal? Like breaking traction? Because if that’s the case, all you can really do is use tires with better grip and increase downforce, and in beamng go into tuning and lower the tire pressure

Thank you! I’ll give it a try.

I tried increasing traction and changing tyre pressure. That helped. Now they hardly rub at all when starting off. But there was still a question about cornering. I made an experiment and realised that it is the wheels responsible for the drive that rub.

Is your vehicle rwd?
Also, what is the width of your tires?

No, it FWD. Wheel width: Front - 165 ; Rear - 155. It’s very small car like autobella picolina in BeamNG.drive.

FWD cars tend to have a lot of wheelspin and I don’t know a good fix for it other than lowering pressure

Reverse stagger on a FWD car? That’s rare, but it’s been done a few times in real life. I don’t usually consider such drastic measures on front-drivers, though - ever since the Ellisbury update, I’ve relied more on clever suspension tuning to do the trick.