Vector City News Network - Automobile Review Division

Wow! Thank you very much for this review. Erin will be looking at the feedback and responding accordingly :smiley:

Eh, are you talking about the Cormond 412?

The Cormond is one of those cars you want, but it’s quite expensive even when marked down by 10%. The Visto, on the other hand, is within reach of most buyers’ budgets.

Yeah, that’s one of the big problems. Only affordable by some of the more richer people.

Pffff, once Flug gets into the 2000’s you guys are in trouble


We’re still waiting :wink:

June 16, 2017
Main Reporter and Driver: Jason “Lightning” Alonzo
Secondary Reporter and Secondary Driver: ???
Editor and Third Driver: Rodger Manson

The Great VCNN Olympics: GTX-11 vs Model 97 Race Edition vs Walker 6

The next few weeks are where the Vector City Olympics are taking place, and boy do we have a crowd. It’s estimated that over 2,500,000 people are going to sit down in the Fruitina Memorial Arena, popcorn and drink in hands, and watch as some of the best athletes in the world duke it out in an attempt to win the coveted 5,000,000 dollar prize. But seriously, we have some of the best athletes in the world.

We’re going to be absent for those few weeks so we can sit down and interview some athletes and coaches, while we also watch with those 2,500,000 people as Team Touring beats the ever-living daylight out of the other teams. Metaphorically, of course. So later this day, we’re going to do some of our own olympics, where Jason doesn’t spin out in a Model 97. Where our guest driver The Jackal shows us the true definition of insanity, and where a drone shoots water at my Avantgardo. So sit tight while we wait for our cars to arrive, because things are about to go down.

So, we did the olympics. And we completely forgot that the cameras weren’t rolling. So, we just talked to absolutely nothing. But we had a blast, and before we leave the country to get to the Fruitina Memorial Arena, (and especially before summer vacation hits) we will be doing a final countdown of our top 10 most favorite cars this year and all years. So sit tight, because we might be seeing a lot of OSCAR’s in our list.

This is so disorganized and incoherent. I read through it twice and I still got no clue what the hell you’re talking about.

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Yeah, i kind of rushed over it a bit and realized that i was just left with this mess. Not that great of a read, to be honest…

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September 13, 2017

Main Reporter: Rodger Manson
Secondary Reporter: Erin Leath
Editor: Terry Dow

Re-Elections Underway + Three Major Competitors Hit By Computer Error

Now, i don’t know about you, but everyday, on September 13, two days after the 9/11 memorials, we here at Vector City always start our re-elections. Or, to be more specific, everyone in Touring.

Touring is basically this big island in the Pacific, right? You may not know about it (frankly, since it’s fictional, you really shouldn’t know), it’s shaped sort of like the half of a brain, with a few bumps here and there.


oh. ok, fine.

I have just been informed that i have now gone way off topic.

Right, so… yeah. Two days after the memorials for the attack that killed almost 3,000 people in the U.S of A, a bunch of potential presidential candidates, all of whom i consider insane, string up propaganda everywhere in an attempt to get people to put pieces of paper in a box with their name on it.

What a world we live in.

But, since apparently everyone over the age of 18 who has a Touring citizenship has to vote because… reasons. And since i consider all candidates to be mentally ill, i just have to vote for the one that’s the least mentally ill.

But enough with depressing news about the Touring elections, we have some car news to talk about.

And… it’s still depressing news. On to you, Erin.

Three of the biggest car companies in Touring (Gauntlet, Dalimash, Jacket) got hit last night by what seems to be one of the biggest computer errors in automobile history, albeit one of the shortest. For upwards of 24 hours, all Gauntlet and Jacket GPS systems on models made in 2010 or later stopped functioning. For Dalimash, the mark was 2013. All companies admit that there were some issues with satellite tracking technology created by a Japanese company that has requested to be unnamed for the time-being. While service is up and running as of now, paranoia is still rampant in the streets, with some even believing that this may have actually been a computer hack by an unknown group of cyber-criminals, and some even going so far to say that this might have actually been a decoration of war by foreign criminals.

That’s a scary thought.

As of now, all three companies have declined interview requests from us. Back to you, Rodger.

Right, that’s the end of us for now. Like us on Twitter and MySpace and the official webpage of webpage ok bye.

I would like to say this would be much better if any of this made sense. Like how are we supposed to care about the “biggest companies in Touring” getting hacked if a) we dont know what any of your companies make and b) dont know anything about the companies/places involved.


The Sliding Corn Chip is right. no backstory + frenetic/inconsistent writing = an totally incoherent, rambling mess.


This whole thread is, quite frankly, an absolute mess because none of the stories here make any kind of logical sense to me whatsoever, and there’s neither a background nor a context to it.


Well, it’s lucky they have you to give your critique then :stuck_out_tongue:


So can we go grand touring around Touring, whilst touring Touring’s best tourist attractions?


Yes. Yes we can.

As for everyone else…

I don’t actually have anything to backlash with this time. Everybody here makes some valid points. There’s not much else i can say other than I’ve evaluated everyone’s responses accordingly and i’ll be making adjustments to my format. So yeah, thanks for the critique.

Edit: I’m thinking up backstories for companies and Touring Island. The stories themselves are fine: I’m just having trouble applying them in a way that lets everyone know about this in a way where when i create a new article, people actually know what i’m talking about. Any ideas would be appreciated.


October 18, 2017

Written by Rodger Manson

Edited by Henry Mord

Into The Realm of The Video Games: Cuphead

So, we’ve decided to take a break from car news (for now :wink:) to… actually, first we should clear some things up. At the end of the paper. So, anyways, you’ve probably heard of a small game called Cuphead. Recently, it’s gone Platinum. (That means it’s sold a million copies) In it’s first two weeks. Sure, Grand Theft Auto V cleared over 80 billion in it’s first week alone, but this not a big budget crime action adventure whatever the heck Grand Theft Auto is: Rather, it’s a 2D Indie run-and-gun platforming game reminiscent of 1930’s hand-drawn cartoons. And by that, we mean it’s a frustrating Disney cartoon where everyone’s legs are too thin to actually hold them up, and they know it. Every frame of animation is hand-drawn. ALL of it. Every shot, every enemy, every boss, every piece of scenery, it’s ALL hand-drawn. A pain-staking process, indeed it was. This game was first announced at E3 in 2010, but only NOW it’s come out. That alone gives you an idea of how much time and effort Studio MDHR put into making this thing.

Another reason why this took so long to unleash it’s 1930’s awesomeness was because of the fact that originally, it was going to be a boss rush, a game that is solely bosses. But then they did a 180 and added some new features: Such as run-and-gun stages. So, how did this little indie great become one of 2017’s biggest hits?

The game starts with the protagonists Cuphead and Mugman (mugman is a co-op option)… Well i don’t know, showing off their crotch? And let me tell you, every single YouTube video i found detailing the game? Almost ALL of them grow a smile.

‘Oh my god… I f-word love barbershop quartets!’




‘Oh… Oh… Barbershop quartet?’

~CoryXKenshin (yes i know he technically counts as a children’s YouTuber, like a black DanTDM)

Now, the game starts with a little book to get you familiar with the plot. Basically, two cup kids live with a kettle. Inside of a kettle. So one day, they decide to do some gambling, in the Devil’s Casino. While on a hot streak at the Craps table, the Devil shows up. He offers the two cup boys with a deal: Win a roll, and they get all the loot in the casino. Don’t know what the devil would use to reward other casino-goers, but whatever, cartoon logic. Lose, however, and they die.

Guess what happens? Yes, correct! They do lose the bet! And then the Devil let’s them live, as long as they collect the souls of his debtors.

And so begins the rage and anger.

Cuphead begins in a top-down map view where you can pick your fights, either a run & gun stage, which is basically a grind for coins, or a boss, the main focus of the game. So we have a pattern here: Do the R&G levels to get coins, and deal with the bosses.

And let me tell you, both level types nearly made me break my controller in rage.

(no it didn’t…)

The game requires superhuman timing, finding the enemy patterns and attacks, and making a plan on the go. And last time i checked, i really, really, suck at those very things.

The R&G levels? Don’t even. It’s impossible. The game throws enemies and bullets after enemies and bullets at you. Death after death. Scream after scream. But you know what makes me keep coming back?

Well, mostly because i have nothing better to do, but also because the game is just so charming.

Cuphead’s visuals, as i said, are hand-drawn, and it just looks so nostalgic. The upbeat jazz was also hand-made, completely orchestrated by a man named Kristofer Maddigan, and let me tell you, it is amazing to hear.

Now, i actually have nothing else to say. So, my final review score, is Ten tea and crumpets out of Ten.

The game is amazing. Incredibly hard, but incredibly well-made. The atmosphere is great here, and the time spent making the game perfect in unreal. Studio MDHR, great job. You guys and girls have earned every penny you have right now. So, about the things we said we’d clear up.

(talking from my point of view)

Some of you have been commenting about the inconsistencies in the Vector City News Network paper. I’ve evaluated these comments, and I have realized that, yes, it is kind of a rambling mess.

From what i’ve gathered, and correct me if i’m wrong, but no backstory of the companies i’m making here, plus the zig-zagging nature of the paper, is kind of confusing. So i’m trying to improve. I’m trying to not start another Block Motors here, but i’m also not going to twist the story here.

So, i’m going to try and improve. I’m changing up my format for a quicker, more detailed paper. But before that, i’m going to try and get a good backstory going on with companies and characters. But, i’m still not sure about this whole thing. So yeah, suggestions and comments are welcome here. I just hope this didn’t come off as a rambling mess.

(i have no idea what to say next, so thank you for reading this thing if you did)

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Firstly, I would like to say that your last post is slightly better written.

However that being said, whats the point of it? Your thread says its a car sharing thread, but you havent posted any cars to share at all.

Secondly, youve made a review of a game, which I guess is nice. But ive got to ask. A) why bother with making up reviewers B) Why post it here and not on Steam for example.

I mean maybe if you did game reviews and you want to publicise your work by sharing it on the forum that would be cool, but it really seems out of place otherwise.


April 19, 2018

Hello, dear readers. My name is AidenPearce9000, and i’m the creator of the Vector City News Network’s Automobile Review Division forum. I’ve left this account inactive for over a year now, for a multitude of different reasons too complex for me to get into right now.

But, after giving it a long, thorough thinking process, I’ve decided to start writing VCNN articles again. They’ll be released (hopefully) every Friday, with two stories in each issue and more professional action on my part. I’ve learnt from my mistakes, and now I’m going to type smarter from this point onward.

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