Viscous drive fans and dual radiator singal fans?

MTBF and Coolings, and power and their function if there would have put into play put your responds. :bulb: :question:

I’m not 100% sure, but I don’t think the cooling system will be quite that in-depth. Someone else will be along in a bit to give you a better answer hopefully.

Nah, cooling will be pretty simplistic, it’s just not an interesting design parameter, the most complex bit of cooling will be getting the appropriate amount of ventilation on the front of the car

As a related question will there be an opportunity to make make the radiator suck from the underside. like the corvette c4, c5. so you can have a powerfull engine without the massive mouth in the front.

That may be something that can be incorporated, yes. We will need some underworks cooling/aerodynamics options for mid-engined cars anyway, so I see no reason to not make it work for front-mounted engines too.