Welcome to the Automation forum game

We have moved the parts and stuff to a hidden forum until its reached an acceptable level of completion… If you are interested in it send me a PM or come see us in the Live Chat

What is it?

This game is all about running a car company, tuning company, or racing team.

I am the GameMaster, and I will be running a racing team as well.

How does it work?

Well basically you start off with a few choices as what your profession is. These will affect your starting skills, property and money and to some extent what direction your company will take.

The game will be turn based, with each turn being one month. A month is defined as 4 weeks for the sake of simplicity, so every year will be 48weeks. (or 13months/52 weeks?.. to be decided :stuck_out_tongue: )

How Do I Join?
Well so far its just a few of us… But it is very hard to manage too many people. Come see us in the live chat if you wanna join, but there is still lots of work to be done before it begins.


Yes, its not dead… Far from it infact. :wink:

Engines: 90% (we have a long list, but theres always more to add. I feel theres enough at this point for the early portion of the game)
Transmission/Drivetrain: 90% (we have a good selection. Could do with a few improvments maybe)
Suspension: 90% (Almost complete. Tons of improvements made)
Body: 10% (Needs weight formula and testing, But we have an initial concept)
Chassis:0% ( Not started/ Needs weight formula and testing)
Brakes: 90%
Balancing: This is the big one… Parts are balanced as they are added, but once we have a complete list I will want to go over everything and balance the stats.

[size=150]To be Continued…[/size]

hello it look fun what i have seen that is and i would like to know how to join in

i’m confused, how does this work?

Ask Drake, its some scary forum game stuff :stuck_out_tongue:

Will this be done before the real game :stuck_out_tongue:? jk.