What is the status for the wankel?

The best mod ever.

is this real world

well, since this is about engines in automation I might as well put this in. Sometimes an engine you build barely can’t fit in the engine bay because the intake takes too much height. The engine could still fit, if you give it a slight tilt. I don’t know if this is possible to put in the game or if I said something stupid again here.

No problem asking just avoid asking the same question over and over (search and ask)
I can’t answer it for you, so you’ll have to wait

You’re talking about slant engines. Chrysler and Toyota were both well known for doing this. The Toyota was just a normal engine that was installed at an angle, but the Chrysler Slant Six was actually built to be at an angle, hence the placement of the valve cover and oil pan. This was done to allow for limited hood clearance. It also allowed you to use the nickname “Leaning tower of power”


SAAB 99/900 had the engine at 45 degrees, but they had the gearbox under the engine block.
So the top of the gearbox was the oil pan.:nerd:

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Work a weekend with me into a RX7, and you will love them.

Maybe that’s what I need :stuck_out_tongue: