Badges tutorial

Before we start I’d like to say that I NEVER include virus/malware/trojans in ANY of my zip files.

Here is my tutorial for making a VERY simple badge. The instructions are in the zip file.

I made the badge whilst making the notes and it should work for you…I hope.

This is where I started my modding and it has grown.

Comments are welcome and I’ll try to help with any issues you have.

As stated this is very basic to get you used to modding.

Checkout the grille tutorial. It has LOADS of helpful stuff.

And you can copy yout badge folder to a Vents folder and therefore get the badge on the side. :slight_smile:

Good luck and happy modding! (920.4 KB)


thank you for this, one question though, if thee badge is a circle shape already can you skip the steps of putting it on a circle?

Yes, should be OK.

If you have gaps then you need to make the I UVmesh smaller or you will see holes in the body work.

so uhh, basically make the mesh smaller until there’s no hole?

EDIT: i just guessed yes and it worked

probably far from perfect, tho it was actually kinda fun to make


The UVMesh, contrary to the grilles tutorial, does NOT have to be a similar size.

The “vinyls” I’m working on have tiny UVMeshes so the vinyl can go along the whole car, crossing seams. :slight_smile:

well i suppose that is something good then, now it’s just a matter of trying to make a “flipped” variant for on the back, currently running on guesswork, though i’ll eventually get it

well from dissecting other mods i should have the UVmap and model figured out, however copying/pasting the line into the parts.lua results in this error

from what i see, it’s expecting a parenthesis near materials, tho i am most likely wrong, any help available?

Can you post the whole LUA listing?

I use Notepad++ for editing LUA files. It’s used for coding and shows which parentheses belong together, which helps a lot.

For flipped badges, use the Mirror function on the menu bar of 3DS.

i’ll just send what i have here, just sorry for being so new to this lol

parts.lua (831 Bytes)

just again, i was 40% guesswork so expect it to be bad

I think it’s that there are commas missing at the end of the “Thumb =” lines.

oh derp :stuck_out_tongue: thanks for that