Our client is a mysterious figure. They live in the neon glow of the city lights. Cloaked in black leather jacket with dark sunglasses hiding their eyes. Who know they do out all night driving but they need a new ride. They’re cocksure but not without reason. So prepare yourself for opinionated views. If your car doesn’t meet their requirements or even if it doesn’t look the part it can be game over for you buddy.
Now with that in mind what exactly does our enigmatic client want? Well they need a car that looks the part. A proper car for the 1980’s…whatever that means. I heard they might like to buy into a brand that has a tangible history, legacy and racing pedigree.
How you approach this is up to you.
The Basic Rules:
Stable build or open beta. Just let me know which build your car comes from as I’m using the the open beta.
No restriction to body, but chose your style wisely our client isn’t fond of certain styles.
No restriction to number of seats, but it’s unlikely our client will ever need more than 5 and on most occasions 2 could be fine.
Trim year: 1987 (model and engine family can be older)
Fuel type can be up to 95RON, but our client would like flexibility 91RON would be preferable.
No semi-slicks. It’s not a race car.
Radio with a tape deck essential requirement.
Design is important and will be very subjectively judged according to our clients tastes. This is true for the colour, you can choose a lime green if you like but then don’t complain if our client sends your entry to scrapyard because of it.
You will have to balance performance, reliability, safety, economy and running costs will all be looked at along with sportiness and driveability.
Engineering time limits (engine 75, car 55)
Production units limits (engine 70, car 100)
No limits on sliders (plus or minus) but our client won’t take kindly to shoddy build quality.
Price a maximum budget of <$25000 (+30% markup)
You must post an advert for your car with price (just needs to be a photo with full vehicle name and price)
Usual naming convention
Model: CSR37 - username | Trim open
Engine: CSR37 - username | Trim open
Thursday 30th at 11:59 pm GMT + 10:30
Enjoy and [here’s something to help you on your way] (Stream Sung | Listen to Auto Ran playlist online for free on SoundCloud).