The CSR Archive (Work in progress)

The Car Shopping Round Archive

CSR recently passed 100 rounds over the past 3 years and I thought it would be a good idea to make an archive of all of the rounds to look back at the history of Automation and its community over the past 3 years through its most consistent challenge.

It is a lot to do in one go so this will be a work in progress for awhile. :sweat_smile: Also a lot of the early rounds didn’t have a lot of ads and sometimes only the winner was named, so this first bit may look rough

Thanks to @goblin95 for creating a Google sheet of most info on all of the CSR and CSC rounds!

CSR1 - 10
CSR11 - 20
CSR21 - 30
CSR31 - 40
CSR41 - 50
CSR51 - 60
CSR61 - 70
CSR71 - 80
CSR81 - 90
CSR91 - 100



Host: strop
Winner: niafolloftara - Centauri Spectre 20GTZ

2nd (tied): Dragawn - Dragotec Move


2nd (tied): rapidbacon - Xenon S

3rd: HighOctaneLove - Boqliq Fox GT300


Host: nialloftara
Winner: 8bs - Aventure XR 4x4

2nd: Urbanliner - Daiki Sendai Carrier 4.2

3rd: koolkei - Viton EX


Host: 8bs
Winner: Dragawn - Dragotec Sagitta

2nd: koolkei - Komodo Zygot XZ

3rd: asdren - Revera CS 2.6E

CSR4 - Old vs.Older

Host: Dragawn
Winner: Leonardo - Balthazar Zeppelin

CSR5 - Brand-new Econobox

Host: Leonardo
Winner: titleguy1 - Atarashi Kaishi 1.0 HX

CSR6 - The Commute

Host: titleguy1
Winner: asdren - Revera FS 250e

CSR7 - New Home, New Car

Host: asdren
Winner: Sebesseg - FASE Cefiro LS

CSR8 - The Future is NOW

Host: Sebesseg
Winner: koolkei - Komodo Predict Millenium


Host: koolkei
Winner: AirJordan - Smooth Thesus V8


Host: AirJordan
Winner: DeusExMackia - Erin Merna Touring Ritorno

2nd: SillyWorld - Moonbow Stradale

3rd: HighOctaneLove - Boqliq Mouse GTi


CSR11 - The Relatively Affordable Trackday Car Challenge!

Host: DeusExMackia
Winner: oppositelock - GSI Mamba

2nd: thecarlover - Solo Hare SSM

3rd: asdren - Revera XR Supersport

CSR12 - African People’s Car

Host: oppositelock
Winner: phale - Adenine Asante I6

2nd: asdren - Aguila 1900S 4x4

3rd: koolkei - Hollot Sky


CSR13 - The Efficient Utility Challenge

Host: phale
Winner: HowlerAutomotive - Gnoo Utlight 160

CSR14 - The Luxury Track Taxi Challenge

Host: HowlerAutomotive
Winner: KLinardo - Boss Executive Sport 302 B

2nd: phale - Pearlite Magnitude

3rd: thecarlover - Solo Rhino SM

CSR15 - Muscle or Pony?

Host: KLinardo
Winner: thecarlover - Solo Jetstream SM

2nd: Madrias - Storm Insaniti LX-1

3rd: strop - Courcheval Manta Touring

CSR16 - The Canadian Supercar

Host: thecarlover
Winner: Dragawn - Dragotec Rapier


2nd: strop - Empyrean Infernus

3rd: koolkei - Komono Serba

CSR17 - A Client of Esoteric Priorities

Host: strop
Winner: Der_Bayer - Cisalpina Scattante


2nd: phale & SillyWorld - Pearlite Vsceral V12

3rd: HighOctaneLove - Shelob by Leeroy AWD V8

CSR18 - The Kit Car Dune Buggy

Host: Der_Bayer
Winner: Rk38 & koolkei - Komodo Namar Rk38 Edition

2nd: phale - Adenine Buggy

3rd: AirJordan - Smooth Bugalicious


CSR19 - Fleet Replacement

Host: Rk38 & koolkei
Winner: phale - Adenine Exceed

2nd: Kubby - Cossack T4700


3rd:rcracer11m - Mott Works Wraith

CSR20 - '86 is over: The ugliest crossover in Automation’s history

Host: Kubby
Winner: phale - Pearlite Vercetti Custom

2nd: HowlerAutomotive - Poseidon TT

3rd: Puffster - ABR Kingfisher T.V.E


CSR21 - Legendary 40s Cars… on a budget

Host: phale
Winner: Madrias - Devillain DR6-5

2nd: oppositelock - GSI Belneus

3rd (tied): HowlerAutomotive - Howler Rogue R12

3rd (tied): NormanVauxhall - Znopresk Z6746

CSR22 - One Car to Rule Them All

Host: Madrias
Winner: HighOctaneLove - Boqliq Ambassador

2nd: thecarlover - Diamond Quartz Storm

3rd: oppositelock - GSI Warlock

CSR23 - We’re going to need a better boat!!!

Host: HighOctaneLove
Winner: EnryGT5 - 2000gt

2nd: strop - AE88

3rd: Rk38 - GTC Concept ll

CSR24 -Student Runabout

Host: EnryGT5
Winner: Leonardo9613 - Ikkonagashi Sport 1170S

2nd: rcracer11m - Mott Works Apollo

3rd: strop - Matteo Miglia Silva


CSR25 - Legendary Specifications

Host: rcracer11m
Winner: abg7 - WMD CBX4 Cup


2nd: phale - Ardent

3rd: strop - Neutrino


CSR26 - Search for a Supercar

Host: abg7
Winner: BobLoblaw - Ventnor Bambino

CSR27 - Municipal Decisions

Host: BobLoblaw
Winner: Denta - Pragata Gentala Dinas

CSR28 - A New hope for Indonesian car enthusiast

Host: Denta
Winner: HighOctaneLove - Slyde Nano

CSR29 - My First Hot Hatch

Host: HighOctaneLove
Winner: NormanVauxhall - Znopresk Zap 1.7 Super S

CSR30 - Merry Christmas, Mr. Laurance

Host: NormanVauxhall
Winner: 4LGE - VC2 Version Sacam


2nd: Leonardo9613 - Omellete du Frogmage

3rd (tied): Der_Bayer - BAM Bavaria

3rd (tied): pyrlix - RAM1600


CSR31 -Transeuropean Express

Host: 4LGE
Winner: Denta - Carlton Ltd Centuries


2nd: Ornate - Velkolepy Krasny


3rd: strop - Icarus Continental


CSR32 - 2012: The year that the indonesian ‘Low Cost Green Car’ class are announced

Host: koolkei
Winner: Leonardo9613 - Yucatan Santaka

2nd: thecarlover - CM Nanaimo B5

3rd: HowlerAutomotive - GnooFamilight

CSR33 - Highway to Hell

Host: Leonardo9613
Winner: EnryGT5 - Seishido Eccelsa


2nd: ramthecowy - AM260


3rd: NormanVauxhall - lularo Caterina

CSR34 - Crossing Over

Host: EnryGT5
Winner: thecarlover - CM Huron MX

2nd: Nomade0013 - Gamma Briggs

3rd: CadillacDave - Horyuji Tanigawa X-Sport 2.0

CSR35 - Cruisin’ L.A.

Host: thecarlover
Winner: MarcoAlla - AM California

2nd: Leonardo9613 - V12 Nicolae


3rd: phale - Pearlite Voyant

CSR36 - Fun in the Alps

Host: MarcoAlla
Winner: Rk38 - MRZ 3

2nd: AirJordan - Smooth 248S

3rd: F17Francesco - Raziel 12 Barra2

CSR37 - RETROGRADE…Back to the 1980s.

Host: Rk38

Winner: strop - Matteo Miglia Merlo Turbo

2nd: NormanVauxhall - BMMA Salmon GT-Sprint

3rd: oppositelock - GSI Butzi BiTurbo

CSR38 - About The Era of an Aussie Icon

Host: strop

Winner: Leedar - Bowles-Noyce ‘Factory Lorry’


2nd: nialloftara - Centauri Ridgeback Express

3rd: HighOctaneLove - Bogliq Maverick Loadstar


Host: Dragawn

Winner: AirJordan - Smooth Pretaco R 2010

2nd: strop - OranjeAuto Lelijk Touring


3rd: gridgehost - Scarab Halo XS

CSR40 - The Celebration of the ATT

Host: gridgehost

Winner: AirJordan - Smooth Duster SR

2nd: strop - Armada Fore Gen2 ATTC

3rd: KLinardo - Bobcat


Space for CSR41-50

Space for CSR51-60

Space for CSR61-70

Space for CSR71-80

Space for CSR81-90

Space for CSR91-100

It would be nice to see the goal for each CSR so we can understand why they won. Otherwise, it’s really interesting!

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Thanks, I plan on adding more each round and I’m getting some help with stats soon hopefully, but for now the rounds will just be linked to their prompt.

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I feel that you need to be corrected: it was phale who won CSR25, not me (I finished second, not first). But he chose not to host CSR26 (which came immediately after it), so I hosted that one instead. For reference, here’s the post regarding the final outcome of CSR25:

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