UE4 Open Beta Body + Variant Issues list

Excessive lip placement on all the lancer bodies (plez remove lowering body morph)

here it is with the lowering morph

it’s way lower than 30cm i can tell, resulting in really high roll angle even with the lowest ride height setting

Thanks to this the lancer bodies will always scrape on the ground in beamng


This convertible trim is only 1 seat row despite the rest being all 2 with the exact same roof shape/size

This truck is marked as an SUV weirdly also


This body set (which includes 80sMinivanSmall) has its engine too far aft, when it should be much farther forward:

Chassis sticks in to rear wheels/suspension. Makes an endless slide in beamng by the way.

Body: BodyEditor_10sSupercar02-Coupe

You can morph body muuuuch wider than you ever will be able to extend wheels by size/offset

Body: BodyEditor_10sSupercar02-Coupe

This body has its hood morph reset by itself and I find out quite annoying since everytime I visit back the car it’ll reset.

how it should be


Body resets its morphs
Exspecially noticeable with the upper windscreen morph


Weird wheelbase alignment

I am not able to change the morphs on the panel van version of the 1975 254 cm wheelbase “70sPanelvan” (VW T3 lookalike) body. It works perfectly on the passenger van but not on the panel van.

A few issues surrounding the 70sUSCoupe_Small body.

  • Front axle looks to be very slightly too far back.

  • Chassis firewall is too far forward for the mid and rear engine layouts

  • Mid-Engine transverse engine bay size is very limiting. Mid-Engine longitudinal cannot fit any engine. Should at minimum fit a 2000 cc DOHC I4.

  • Not a bug, but expanded variants would be heavily appreciated (non-inset coupe, soft-top convertible, targa).

Edit: Found a new issue with same body. Large amounts of clipping on rear pillars if fixture is placed near edge of trunk (see photo for example.

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This has been a lingering issue for years now - it’s quite sad that it’s been unfixed for so long, and a car body with this much potential really mustn’t go to waste.


There are new Swinger bodies in the new Patch 16 update, however, those bodies are currently unusable at the moment I selected those bodies in the lime green rectangle.

Selecting those bodies can cause the game to crash as shown below.



Fun times. A broken morph C pillar morph on this exact body variant.

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This body has asymmetrical UVs in the rear - while I haven’t tested it yet, this may be the case for all wheelbases of this mid-engined body.

Other taillight for comparison:


This variant has only 1L of cargo volume, causing all sorts of issues with the stats etc. All other variants and wheelbases are fine

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The wagon version of this body have an amazing sky window on the inside of the hoof :grin:

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Looks like a material issue, as I can see from the B-pillar that the material you’re using for the roof has no backfaces.

It happens when cloth is used as the material for the roof. If you use leather or normal paint it shows the roof from the inside

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Posted this on discord as well, reposting here just to make sure this doesn’t get lost:

For the 65_XMB body, the hatchback and coupe bodies are identical, and it says 5 doors for the hatchback (see tooltip) while the actual body just has 3. Guess the 5-door hatchback isn’t wired in?


For both 00sHatch bodies in the screenshot, engines seem to fit better when made larger. :grin: And currently NO engine fits into the 2.1m wb 00sHatch02Mini (the one with the tooltip).


Is there a reason why the 88_eu_coupes (of all wheelbases, showing the 2.4m as an example) are separate from their corresponding sedans, hatches etc.? This split isn’t that helpful for campaign when you just want a coupe variant and not a separate car project.

If it is because of the rear engine possibility for the coupe, the 50s minicar has this option as well for all except the pickup - so there is a mix between engine positions already somewhere else, and more variants and less separate types are more convenient for campaign play.

The '00 Porsche bodies also have varying engine locations. Also, I think it’s worth pointing out that the front UVs on those 88_eu bodies are broken (as brought up on more than one occasion in the Discord).