2005 Best in Class [Review 3/9]

Clearly you are insane Jason, you are on the list.


Oh look, I see a potential sporty competitor! I wonder how many strops it developsā€¦

Your vehicle for the example, develops 1 Kilo Strop.

for the sake of this formula, we will refer to that as 1KS, or KS for short.

The other sporty car produces (((KS/2+250)-(0.25x10^3))^2)/(22.36067977^2)


Your vehicle for the example, develops 1 Kilo Strop.

for the sake of this formula, we will refer to that as 1KS, or KS for short.

The other sporty car produces (((KS/2+250)-(0.25x10^3))^2)/(22.36067977^2)[/quote]

So, it produces 0.0005KS?

Come on guys. What does a kilo mean.

1 Montes=0.0005KS :wink:

[quote=ā€œLordredā€]Clearly you are insane Jason, you are on the list.


Yeah, yeahā€¦The carā€™s full name is PolMot Mart Wagon for those who are interested in the last place holder

500 Strops ofā€¦ powah? I guessā€¦ (half a KS)

I couldnā€™t be bothered using calculator, so that came up to me to be about KS/44 squared. Which off the top of my head would come to aboutā€¦

Oh wait, enry said that already.

Iā€™ll be slightly annoyed if somebody uses that just to develop something to steal the power class review, I guess that would constitute a leak :laughing: at any rate to make as much power as that would require significant sacrificesā€¦

I am moving up the deadline with the upcomming Open Beta.

Deadline is Sunday the 6th 7pm PST

Cool, just means We get to see the results sooner :smiley:

So, is this competition full now or what?

Hm. I must submit a revision pronto. In my search for ultimate off-road capabilities I used off-road tires.

Indeed, I am only letting people know if their car was received, not if they passed inspection. :slight_smile:

23 Entries, 2 failled inspection.

This does not count the rejected entries for LUA errors.

(I am left handed, pardon the chicken scratch)

Good to see I passed the inspection, and best of luck to Strop and his 1KS supercar :smiley:

I am right handed and I cant read my own writing 5 mins after I wrote somethingā€¦

I am a fellow lefty, but also a doctor, so handedness is irrelevant to the complete illegibility of my writing :laughing:

Looks better than my handwriting.

Glad I passed!

CarsKICK by the way. Doesnā€™t matter though, Carskirk is fine! =P