24 Hours of Ellisbury 1984 [homologation in progress]

I’m thinking maybe I shouldn’t focus on fuel eco so much and maybe I can reach 1300

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150k sounds good. Also thinking PU and ET limits if implemented could be higher in GTP compared to the others, to account for the Prototype part and make them stand out more.

How reliable is that motor? Knowing what I should aim for is helpful.

not very, the car seems to be reasonably fine, just use the calculator as a reference

Oh, I must not have clarified. I was asking for the in-game reliability score.

company secrets you see. I will say under 40, but I’m probably not gonna use it in that state especially if there is a budget cap

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ET and PU limits added for all classes; let me know if they seem too low/high.

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Lap Estimator has been updated to increase the reliability threshold from 50 to 70

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I’m gonna call BS on ET and PU limits, we have a price limit already so what’s the need for them? you won’t even be able to reach 50k because you physically cannot fit any quality into it, especially for GTP where the engine has to be a race engine rather than it’s own thing (which is subject to the 100ET and 75PU)


So, for GTP engine homologation this is the limit, but after that for the race it can be tweaked, within the rules, and there are no hard limits related to the engine, right? (except overall price)

I also did not see any limits to the amount of aero fixtures for GTP, and it does not say it follows GTO/U/X rules? I assume it does.

Also for GTO/GTU/GTX you can change the production engine from 2V to 4V for the race, but it is not clear for GTP, actually strictly from the ruleset if you use class 1 or 3 you are limited to 2V?

About quality between production and race (engine or car), when it says “Drivetrain design is free” or “bottom/top end is free”, does that include quality slider as well? Meaning it can be changed from prod to race but within ET/PU limits? And any section that is not free/mentioned cannot change quality? Also, see my first question combined with this one.

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I disagree, at least for the GTP engine, we do not really have a price for an engine itself.

For the rest, not sure the budget is enough, it might be less of an issue with the smaller TP of GTU/GTO, but with GTP my car has +7/8 quality nearly everywhere and I am still under 50k I think within ET/PU limits. Removing them would not really change any of my engineering choice, it would simply boost all quality to max the budget. For the other GT classes you can’t really boost quality from production so I am not sure at all how the balance work there.

My GTP mule might be a special case tho, and I still do not 100% grasp the whole ruleset so might have missed something.

They do seem arbitrary tho.

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Speaking of engine TP, does the term “racing engines” in the following quote refer to engines in all racing entries, or only GTP entries?

I’m willing to be flexible on numbers but I’m very concerned about how much quality spam I’d see without the ET/PU limits. I don’t know that the budget is enough of a restriction for people who are really good at min-maxing and I want to avoid this becoming another HNC2 at all costs.

The engine can be tweaked after homologation but must remain within the ET and PU limits.

At the moment I don’t have any outright limits on number of aero fixtures for GTP, although that might be worth looking into.

GTP engines follow their own rules, class 1/3 engines must remain 2V.

Quality sliders are free unless stated otherwise e.g. the maximum of five negative quality points each for car and engine (speaking of which I completely forgot that I wanted tire quality to be fixed at zero).

GTP class 2 and 4 engines only

I also think ET/PU is unnecessary, the budget is tight enough even with the TP so we can’t go crazy. I think we should instead encourage having more cars than just a single really fast one


After playing around in my GTU mule, I’d say they’re a little restrictive when compared to the budget. I’m hitting ET limit while staying under AM$25k. I think the budget numbers are ok so maybe upping the PU and ET some more?

does an extra 25 to each for all classes sound reasonable? I might also remove the ET/PU limit for race engines.

I would clear the ET and PU limits entirely, the budget and techpool should be self limiting enough.

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I agree. They seem far too limiting, and either way they shouldnt matter too much.