24 Hours of Ellisbury 1984 [homologation in progress]

Thank you

can i change the panel materials for a GTU for the production and race model?

no, they must remain as homologated.

rules change (sorry for changing rules after the discussion, but this only affects Phase 2 anyway): aero fixtures on GTX and GTP cars are now limited to two on the front and three on the rear

But that doesn’t stop me from opting for a naturally aspirated engine. There is a saying in German “Turbo lauft, Turbo sauft” (higher consumption). We make up for the lower performance with fewer refueling stops.
It‘s an Endurance Race and not a Sprint.

well im getting nearly 30mpg out of a 500hp 2L turbo, so idk if thats really the case

Fuel consumption is calculated using the engine’s efficiency at full chat though, not the game’s mpg stat. That’s not to say my current mule is any good at either, though…


Is this a Production Car? O.o
Who needs 500hp on a Daily?

turbo engines tend to have their MPG inflated because the fuel economy test spends most of its time at low throttle where the turbo isn’t fully spooled

this is true in real life as well; it’s not misleading per se because most people don’t spend the majority of their driving time at full throttle, but it does mean the difference in fuel economy between full throttle and normal daily driving is greater for turbo engines


Yes it is the production car.
Im getting the appeal from the supercar market, by making more power to increase the prestige. It allows me to run harder suspension.
Paradoxically, the road car will probably be faster then race car (because I gotta add weight)
The true mpg in race conditions is closer to 11.9L per 100k.

Im designing it as a race car first, and a road car second (the way it should be)
However the small problem with this is that my drivability absolutely TANKS when i put on the medium tires instead of the regular sports compound (goes to 32 from like 43)


I developed for the Light Sport-Market. I based the whole thing on his predecessor from the 70‘s, which was a convertible. It‘s Driving Characteristics are too powerful for it‘s Weight xD

I think there should be more rules around turbos. Having them gives you extra efficiency, a big advantage for fuel usage.

Also, is AWD allowed? Haven’t seen anything about it.

the rules are period correct, and as I said in my post before this one, the efficiency gains from turbos are entirely dependent on how much you’re going full throttle. The fuel consumption estimate I’m using is heavily weighted towards full throttle driving at which point turbos are actually often less thermally efficient than NA cars (especially in the 80s).

AWD is allowed; see the Audi 90 GTO for an example of this IRL (albeit a few years after the challenge is set)

Does having “straight through” count has having a muffler?


yes, a straight-through muffler just doesn’t have baffles in it, it’s still a muffler. only “none” counts as no muffler

Im kinda new to challanges so this might sound dumb, but is the techpool cost just techpool or techpool + lab?

It’s the third figure in that row, “Total Costs”. So for your production homologation car, your total cost is $20.0M for car tech and $10.0M for engine tech.

not sure if it was covered before, but how much are we allowed to increase quality on the race car/engine for a gto or gtu entry? i know the rules say only 5 points can go in the negative direction, but how many can go in the positive direction?

i can tell you, you really dont get a turbo advantage for mpg. Early turbos are so inefficient and SOOOO thirsty, because you have to run a richer fuel map so the engine doesn’t knock itself to peices.
I think it was mentioned that rules are based on real rules for like daytona or something (idk im not an American) so they are basically what you would get irl. Personally i think the weight penalty turbos take is too great, but thats just an opinion.

Is it allowed to set the sandbox country to increase the tech offset or is it restricted to +0?