3 Small(ish) Suggestions

Just a couple of suggestions/ Questions:

  1. we we be able to add on expensive kits like Sport and Race kits as optional extras, if dealerships sell enough then it’ll be profitable but if the packs arent pushed it’ll cost more in tooling etc than its worth
  2. Will we be able to add on flappy paddle gearboxes etc (to bump up margins)
  3. Is it possible to build/design 3 Wheel Cars (Reliant Robin) 80’s cheapness :slight_smile:
    Ill probably come up with more as i think about it, Can’t wait for release

Thanks for your time.

  1. probably not, you’d just make a different varient of the model (like a Porsche 911 Carerra and a GT3)
  2. Yep!
  3. Noooooooo! :astonished:

No Reliant Robin, This is a Moral Outrage, but i Understand it’d be difficult

No 3-wheelers?
no Morgan-style ones either? :stuck_out_tongue:

Oh… there goes my plan on building a rear-engined V8 3-wheeler

Haha that sounds like you wanted to build the fastest coffin in the world :stuck_out_tongue:

hahaha more of a “What if Tatra built a sports car” :wink:

which I guess is the same thing!