A few odd thoughts

i know that programming new engine types and what not would be incredibly time consuming so the list will contain none of that.

  1. Door types
    an easy way to increase prestige at the cost of practicality.
    Regular: no change
    Scissor doors: high prestige, lower practicality, medium engineering time
    Gullwing: extremely high prestige, extremely low practicality, high engineering time
    Suicide: high prestige, hgih practicality, low safety, high engineering time (4 door only)

  2. FR traction buff
    Just a bit pretty please?

  3. Markets should have more to spend
    Oh you want a hyper car but 200K is too steep for you? Jeez

  4. Ability to make awful and cheap carbon fiber.
    Whenever I try decreasing the quality on the chassis it just gets more expensive. Whenever i try increasing the quality on the chassis it just gets more expensive.

  5. Penalizing noise and emissions
    I think this will be implemented in the tycoon mode anyway but currently I feel like were not punishing polluters and noisy cars enough.

  6. For tycoon mode, if a car has high enough prestige, we should be able to make money off licensing cars to the media such as video games and advertising. This could help counter the high engineering costs especially for low production cars.


I have made cars with a cost over 300,000 and still affordable (only in 1 or 2 demographics), so I don’t know why you say that .__.
Remember that the idea of a hypercar car is that not everyone can buy one and thus, only a handful are produced.

There is not such a thing as crappy cheap carbonfiber, it is hard to produce and it gives awesome results. I guess once the familiarity is implemented in the tycoon mode you’ll have to produce a lot of models with cc to cheapen its cost. That said, I do agree with the slider thing, a negative quality should decrease cost…

I do kind of agree with the rest, specially making money out of licensing :money_with_wings:

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4 door only? Phooey!