
Ok so this one is merely cosmetic. It has zero impact on the gameplay.

However its also effortless to implement :slight_smile:

You know how Bayerische Motoren Werke is known as BMW? And Fabbrica Italiana Automobili Torino is known as FIAT?

Well my suggestion is you have the option to use the acronym of your brand name, if you want to.

Of course, this may prove useless, depending on the decisions that will be made regarding logo, logo stamping in the car and engine etc. But imagining stuff like this gets to the final game it would be a nice thing to have, considering it is a tradition in the automobile industry. Even if its merely cosmetic, as I said :slight_smile:

I didn’t understanded everything, but I think you are speaking about using accronyms instead of full names… Well, you know, when you create a company, you’re free to set the name you want. Use accronyms, full names or already existing names, I think nobody will care…

Oh I know. Its just one those details. For immersion sake. Its absolutely not important at all hehehe But some of us (like me) like these finnishing touches of realism. I suppose its about the role playing element of simulation games.

A nice to have, not a must have.

In fact, I would be tremendously surprised if this was ever picked up.