Adapt or die [Final scores posted]

Is there a final cost limit to the cars?

Pd My sportscar is a 4 banger turbo and chugs along to 46+ mpg

can I use same engine in 2 cars?

[quote=“Manche”]Is there a final cost limit to the cars?

Pd My sportscar is a 4 banger turbo and chugs along to 46+ mpg[/quote]

There is no final cost limit to your car, keep in mind though cost does affect the score of the car.

Yes, two of my baseline cars have different variants of the same engine family.

Opps. I completely missed the part about 50 emmissions or less. Back to the drawing board tonight.

Submission corrected, now meeting all requirements. Sorry about that Zabhawkin.

All submissions are currently up to date

How many submissions do you have now? Just asking because I will be going on a long vacation (with little to no access to a PC) in May and cant wait for an update :smiley:

I only have 6, it looks like it will go to the end of the time.

Well, let’s hope more people submit cars :smiley:

Started putting together something for this, have a question on the weightings;

The ‘yearly cost’ bit, what exactly is the calculation for this? Is it just the whole ‘(fuel cost12000/mpg+emissions10+(total cost/(rel/5))+service)’ from the earlier bit, or is it only the ‘total cost/(rel/5)’ part?

Edit, also, just to confirm - those are square root symbols on the ‘√dr+√sprt+√com+√pres+√safe+√prac+√util+√off’ line, yes? If so, are the weightings for the class applied before or after taking the root?

yes this one (fuel cost12000/mpg+emissions10+(total cost/(rel/5))+service)

Yes those are square roots, and the weightings are after the square roots.

Thanks for the quick reply!

I wanna say that I want to join but part of me is unsure about it on one end.

On another…I may give it a shot regardless…and see how badly I’ll crash and burn, namely in emissions, but that’s a ramble I’ll leave for later…maybe.

Figuring things out is in my opinion more than half the fun. I get slaughtered regularly, but have fun doing it. :slight_smile:

Me too since I have NO idea how to setup a suspension so I stick with the presets.

Give it a shot, worst case you learn something. :wink:

I’m not far from using presets, just trial and error for me on suspension settings.

Yep, and even if a setting gives you “green” numbers it doesnt mean it is actually faster on the track.

especially when the green numbers are due to increasing top speed when you cant get going that fast on the track.

Luckily this competition doesn’t take that into account.

OMG, 5 cars to submit. It will take me some time. :stuck_out_tongue:

You dont need to do ALL 5 if you dont want to :wink: