AGC36 - The Blacklist [Complete]

AGC36 Now Processing!

please bear with us as we start to review the entries!

Thanks everyone!

expect the first reviews out by the end of this weekend - hopefully judging wont be too complex, but its not just a numbers game this time, so yeah

Hello, are there any updates on this?

Please, take your time if it’s needed, there’s no rush. Thank you.


Hi, all the cars are imported and the sheet is filled, but need to double-check each car one by one as some cars crashed the CSV exporter and there were some bins :grimacing:


It’s been 3 weeks since this closed, any updates?


Yup! All the judging is done, all that’s left is the post graphics and actually writing it out. Sorry it took a while, we were trying to make sure the data for the spreadsheet is filled out, then take photos for each car, then had to figure out the weights for the judging system. (every stat is normalized, so each car is directly competing with another on every small stat value, and we also had to remove the binned values as they would affect the overall normalized values)

Otherwise, sorry it’s taken this long - been unexpectedly busy so yeah, but expect it soon! I will say there’s a LOT of bins (sadly?? seems like people didn’t double check the rules) but I’m also quite happy about the entrants in the finals too.


Just checking in to see how everything is going hoping to see you how it all went down

Apologies for the long wait everyone, some of our calculations where a bit off and had to be redone unfortunately, but we are basically done with the writeups and should be releasing soon!

Sorry for taking so long to process this, it has truly been a nightmare of constant re-importing and re-inputting the numbers and re-calculating the spreadsheet. We re-imported some cars at least twice, re-input the numbers at least 2x, re-calculated the sheet 3x, and then had to cross-check between the exported values again. In total I think I spent literally an entire week on this from organization, importing, exporting, photos, calculations, and writing.
AGC36 - Bins


Unfortunately, these didn't make the cut. Minor rule infractions would cause differences in standard deviation and average of the stats we wanted to look at, and since we normalized all the values, an entry that was way below budget or way above budget could alter the average of the stats so...

@AndiD - AMM Paragon 4.6

Binned because used 0 techpool in “Trim Fixtures” (where minimum TP should be 5). As for design, here is what we have to say:

Ivan: “A very interesting entry, very stubby and out of proportion & super small wheels make the otherwise decent fascias seem very off.”

Oreo: “Hmm right up, I don’t really like the short proportions - it looks like it’s squeezed length-wise lol. Also, the wheels seem not that performant compared with the visual body mass above it - it seems a bit small. Also, the side mirrors are a bit out of place on a what-looks-to-be modern car.”

@crab_4333 - Polaris P-GTR

Quite a surprising number of rule breaking… not sure if you double-checked the rules before submissions or not. Otherwise, binned for using 100 RON fuel (should be 95), only achieving WES 7 (should be WES11), being at 61.4 engine loudness, blowing through the $80k trim budget (at $98k), and using all 0 techpool where we specified minimum 5. (perhaps the source of the budget overrun). Otherwise, design notes:

Ivan: “A very very low supercar design, maybe a bit too low & flat. A decent livery with some nice touches, but nothing special to note.”

Oreo: “Like another entrant, I assume it’s a similar body. I also like the proportions here, along with the overall ‘look’. However, the fixtures need refinement - that front curvy DRL seems out of place, and the rear looks a bit weird and flat. The graphics don’t really help it either, the paint scheme is great, but tthe text seems too big.”

@fabiremi999 - Accurate SC500-PI

All looks good except for a 4 techpool in the interior (should be 5 again…) Design notes are:

Ivan: “Not bad overall, main note from me would be the splitter being way too big & not having anything else on the car be that aggressive - livery also could be patched up on the hood, but rest is decent”

Oreo: “This is a really solid entry. It’s a basic muscle car style with strong and aggressive front styling and nice rear that fits the overall look. My main nitpicks are the size of the fixtures - the side mirrors, headlights, tail lights and splitter seems a bit too large. Graphics are nice, it’s tastefully done.”

@greenrun1986 - Meisterswagen Eridu R

Binned for -1 negative quality on chassis (where minimum quality should be 0) and using -1 chassis techpool (minimum 5). Design notes are:

Ivan: “A sleek and simple design, good looking front end and side, but the rear seems quite off with how low it is compared to the body, which hurts it a bit.”

Oreo: “This looks really well done actually. I love the stealth look and every fixture works quite well with each other, including creatively designed front and rear lights. Other than that, it’s a pretty basic good entry, no specific parts of the design stand out to me.”

@happyfireballman - Rhania Perserver SWAT

Binned for -1 quality on aero, along with -1 negative techpool points on aero as well. Design notes are:

Ivan: “A rugged & tough looking SUV, means business & is ready for anything, however quite simple design wise if it were not for all the push bar up front.”

Oreo: “I do love offroad tough looking cars. This one is actually quite solid to me, but my first impression of it is it’s quite messy, there’s not a lot of coherence in the design. The shape is simple and boxy, but the front bumper… cage(?) is angular and complex, with circular headlights and side mirrors - also, there’s like some parts that have a lot of fixtures and some parts that are not quite as detailed (not evenly ‘distributed’). Paint scheme is good but yeah, maybe a better font or better graphics could help.”

@theduck1347 - Heracy - Beowulf - J.J.E

Binned for missing username inside car model naming scheme. Reminder it’s supposed to be [Username] - [Car Name]. Design notes are:

Ivan: “A massive beast of a sedan, design is a bit all over the place and isnt really coherent at all from front to rear, but it does look tough though.”

Oreo: “This is a sort of weird one to me. There’s like a lot of antennas sticking out, and the tail lights are absolutely massive - a bit larger than the headlights, actually. The wheels and body shape actually do complement the paint scheme and works well for an old-school looking large cop car, but yeah, I can’t get over the mismatched fixture design and odd sizing.”

@PanPan - Marigold 450 Sheriff

Firstly, binned for missing username inside car model naming scheme (should be [Username] - [Car Name]. But… would still be binned again because used -15 quality in interior and a 3 in interior techpool points (should be 5 minimum techpool and 0 minimum quality). Design notes are:

Ivan: “A very 90s build, a appropriate look all over and has a good livery, however the rear winch is very odd.”

Oreo: “Hey actually I rally like this one. First impression is it’s different to the rest and pretty retro looking with its green and white paint scheme. It’s a really solid overall cohesive design honestly, my only nitpick is the oddly shaped front bumper bar and lack of license plates or any extra details.”

@Mikonp7 - Deer and Hunt Marsh Police Spec

Firstly, this car looks damn great. Really really a shame to have to bin this but gotta follow the rules or else the numbers calculations might be skewed. In this case, binned for only having 4 techpool points in body, safety, and driving assists. Design notes are:

Ivan: “A solid design, good overall but the rear end seems quite dated.”

Oreo: “I really, really like this one. I love the sporty and powerful proportions while still looking tough (for a sportscar). Everything works really well together and is cohesive, including the front and rear design. I love the aggressive front intakes and the graphics too.”

@Xepy - Tristella Crecerelle V12 Interceptor

Again, feel really bad for binning this one as it looks great, but… yeah, it might skew the numbers in calculations especially as the way we calculate it is based on normalized values on others in the dataset. Anyway - used 1 techpool points in safety, and 3 TP points in braking system. Design notes are:

Ivan: “A handsome GT, very coherent and good looking & with a great livery to help it along further.”

Oreo: “Looks like a really beautiful older car, mostly reminds me of cars from the 2000s with that proportions and general bodywork. Otherwise, a good-looking and really solid (if a bit basic) GT car with no outstanding specialness to it.”

@K4kW1R31 - Parfarte V10 ALLEA 4.3 RSE 275 dep

Might be a new player, so yeah feel bad for binning but hopefully it is understandable. Binned for wrong naming scheme (missing username), it took me a while and literally had to check the imported list again and again in the exported data lol. Anyway, even if it was correct unfortunately it would be binned again for using 0 techpool everywhere (where we specified 5 minimum).

Ivan: “A rather simple looking sportscar with noe real notable features, very minimal and safe design wise - but could be improved.”

Oreo: “It kinda lacks detail and cohesion. Proportions are fine because of the body used, wheels are okay, and the police look is there. But the front of the car don’t really match the design style of the rear, and some fixtures are oddly sized, like the exhaust and mirrors or rear spoiler(?)”

@thpetalk - Venator PPI

Hmm not much to say about the bin other than exceeded the budget by 1,100. Design wise the car is pretty average…? Even if it passes I’m not sure if this would score very well overall. As for why the budget matters, we use normalized values on each stat so any small change would change the average and standard deviation and so would affect the other entries as well, even if binned and ignored.

Ivan: “Funky mid engined proportions, a bit busy up front & massive headlights. The side intake also doesnt really fit , too sharp on a rounded car.”

Oreo: “This car has good proportions but really messy fixture work. The headlights are absolutely massive and really wide, the side is completely dominated by a triangular body vent that is extremely angular and doesn’t really fit the style of other parts of the car - the rear too, is messy. The lights are pretty cohesive but other that it’s pretty messy. The front bumper bars are a nice touch though.”

Hmm honestly both of us was very surprised by the amount of bins we got, I think the only thing we can say is to double check before submission next time using a quick checklist.

The rest of the entries have been judged and reviews are written completely, I will post it tomorrow but will leave this here first.


the Accurate SC500-PI and Polaris P-GTR bin reasons seem to be the same when they shouldnt be


Oops you’re right

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Haha, again, don’t know where I was with my head when doing this. I should stop doing several challenge cars at the same time and try to focus on one after another…

I went back and rechecked to see if there were no import/export shenanigans and realized I violated another rule. The minimum techpool for Aspiration is 0 if it’s an NA engine. Mine is a turbocharged one and I used 0 in the Aspiration TP xD. I remember I started this car with the intention of going NA and forgot about that aswell :sweat_smile:


I almost was ecstatic about my first challenge rule infringement bin ever over the past three? years, but…:

Trim Fixtures Techpool doesn’t exist in game, it only exists in the exporter (same for Trim Fixture Quality). If you count the trim techpool-related columns in the export, you end up with 11 whereas there are only ten trim-related techpool options in the in-game dialogue…


I’m alive for now lol

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Yeah. Trim fixture quality actually WAS a thing but got removed years ago.

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I remember it being present in the Kee era, but now it’s gone - my hunch is that it was merged with the body quality slider in the trim tab during (or after) the UE4 transition.

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I cannot believe i’m alive. I was so sure i’ll banned because of lack of police tools stuff on it.

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Trim Fixtures Techpool doesn’t exist in game, it only exists in the exporter (same for Trim Fixture Quality). If you count the trim techpool-related columns in the export, you end up with 11 whereas there are only ten trim-related techpool options in the in-game dialogue…

Damn, womp womp

Just kidding, I checked and yes you’re right - really really sorry about that! First time using the exporter lol and uhhhhh yeah never again tbh (cuz some of the stats doesnt export anyway so we still needed to check like one or two numbers for each car so its kinda moot, and I couldn’t find documentation on how to modify the exporter properly for this so)

I re-calculated the sheet again, and there’s a lot of changes! Anwyay, I need to go back and refine the reviews again for the cars so please give me a bit of time to do that first before posting the final round.


Oop dangers of using the same base car for different challenges, those techpool values were leftover from CSR and forgot to update :sweat_smile:


Damn my bad simple mistakes can do that i suppose

Hello again!!! I had to re-write some reviews (minor) because of a new addition to our list! AndiD's AMM Paragon 4.6 woohoo!!! Lets go.
AGC36 - Results

Results – Part One!

I'll combine it all here. There are 3 categories - speed, agility, and toughness, but we will use the overall as our main winner, so you can think of category winners as honorary mention and high praise.

18th – @PhirmEggPlant – VMC - GreyWolf

Agility: 18th
Speed: 16th
Toughness: 8th

The last placed entrant, which seems slightly confusing when you see that its a massive brute of an SUV, the typical thing you see speeding towards you planning to ram the hell out of you. In typical video game fashion its blindingly fast despite how massive it, 372km/h fast to be exact, on the higher end for all the entries. It also comes with a 3.1s 0-100 sprint which is insane when you consider the sheer weight of this thing, weighing in at 3296kg its the heaviest & has the largest footprint by far. However the speed & size of it gets dragged down a lot with one of the lowest drivability scores & the lowest sportiness which its fair, its has the worst cornering Gs out of all with with most body roll too, and also quite surprisingly it has very low comfort for having air suspension, buutttt the sequential transmission probably doesnt help with that one. Overall most of the sats are sub-par, besides the speed, the visuals also dont really help it out by much - it is one of the low scorers in that category unfortunately, its just a bit plain and a lot more work wouldve had to be done to make it stand out among the other entries.

Ivan: “A typical basic american police SUV, nothing really too out of place besides the chrome rear bumper and the double push bar up front. Maybe couldve done with a livery of sorts.”

Oreo: “This is a huge fullsize American SUV… that lacks a lot of detail in its design. Proportions are fine, and I guess it does fit a bare, stripped-down old-school tough SUV look but it really really lacks detail - and not because it’s missing a livery.”

17th – @ArizonaCaseo – Montiago 2400 GT-P Supersonica '20 RL Interceptor Package

Agility: 17th
Speed: 15th
Toughness: 18th

A full on LMP racecar as a police interceptor, what could possibly go wrong? surely its fast, agile and can withstand driving hard for 24h straight… well it does one of those at least. Despite being a LMP car the sportiness, drivaility & reliability is among the lowest in each class which is quite scary to think about - the drivability is the worst by far though (42), reaching over 10 points less than the next competitor at 54. Comfort, as one might expect is low, almost non existend even, its 1, yes, not the best for if you need to be in a high speed chase for longer than a minute. It is at least one of the fastest entries though, almost reaching 400kph, unfortunately handling is also quite middle of the pack so not much to say about that, same with the looks, its nice, but also its a very basic looking LMP with a livery that might look a bit odd in some cases. Overall speed was its only friend, that doesnt bring it far up on the list unfortunately.

Ivan: “A pretty basic 90s LMP style build, nothing really special to mention - livery isnt too bad but could maybe have used less “cartoony” fonts”

Oreo: “To be honest it’s not a bad shape, it’s like a re-purposed LMP car. However, what brings it down to me is that the sides look relatively flat (body-wise). The graphics brings it down a bit, it seems a bit exaggerated. Otherwise, it’s a pretty basic ‘okay’ design.”

16th – @oldmanbuick – Flint Sentinel Interceptor

Agility: 14th
Speed: 18th
Toughness: 4th

Now this is almost what we are used to seeing around every corner on your typical videogame, a very basic police cruiser, made to blend it almost - complete with the on brand, no thrills sportiness of 39, the second lowest score we have. But it is very drivable just like most basic sedans out there, almost having the best score there to be more accurate, but unlike many other sedans its not very comfortable, around average in that category. Reliability is a strong point though, being the most reliable car out of the whole bunch with a score of 94, baller. When it comes to speed it starts to fall apart a bit though, being the slowest car out of the bunch even though its capable of hitting 200mph, this coupled with the rather poor handling makes it not ideal for high spees chases, which is unfortunately what we are looking for. On the looks side of things, its not bad per say, but its for sure just a average daily runabout, not ugly by any means, but not really special either.

Ivan: “A simple & no thrills sedan, usually the fastes ones in any game lol. but decent and simple overall, main complaint being that the wheels seem too small”

Oreo: “This has a really tall greenhouse, lol. It looks like a basic commuter sedan that has been modified for police interceptor duty. The addition of the bumper bar at the front is a nice touch, as are the rear tail lights matching the side paint strip. But yeah, it’s really really simple and compared to the rest of the group (especially the racers’ cars) it doesn’t LOOK like it can hold its own.”

15th – @xsneakyxsimx – Ascot Renegade 460S Pursuit Special

Agility: 15th
Speed: 17th
Toughness: 5th

Now this is what a lot of people would want as a pursuit vehicle, a typical blacked out muscle car, with its inherent tough looks and front push bar it certainly sells the chase vehicle aura, the weight does too, coming in at 1768kg its very much at the top end of the scale out of the entries. All that weight does not help it much around the corners, benig slightly below aberage in that category, but also having the 2nd highest body roll only beaten by a 3.3 ton SUV. Unfortunately straight line speed isnt its friend either, while again, not being slow by any means, just not fast among the other entrants - the 0-100 for example being the slowest out of everyone, the only one to not be below 4s in that category. Besides the lack of speed its actually pretty sporty and is quite drivable too, starts to fall apart a bti when it comes to comfort though, however reliability is very much on the higher end. Overall not a bad build, but the speed & handling hurts it a lot which causes it to drop down the list quite a bit.

Ivan: “A muscualr brute fits very nicely into the brief, looks tough and very coherent overalll.”

Oreo: “Okay like another car here, this is perhaps also inspired by a real life car, but I would say the execution is not as great. First impressions to me is also it is a car from the 2000s - nothing wrong with that, but compared to newer more complicated designs it can lose out a bit on wow factor. Overall, a solid and basic entry.”

14th – @Speeeed_D3m0n – VIPER High-Speed Interceptor

Agility: 16th
Speed: 4th
Toughness: 17th

Now, looking at this car you can tell its main purpose is to go fast, and that it does, very well infact - its the fastest overall in every category of speed which is no small accomplishment and can certainly take home bragging rights there, it can dispatch 0-100 in 2.33s and keep going up to 411kph, certainly fast enough we would say. Sadly, however thats where the good news stops - sportiness is very much below average in that sense, drivability is also one of the lowest ones, which is not the best thing, especially when you are going over 400kph of course. Reliability is yet again one of the lowest scores out of them all, almost as if this thing was made to go really quick over short distances. Handling is quite average with the only thing worth mentioning being the body roll, which is near the top end for the least amount of roll. Its a decent looker too, very very aggressive & would certainly scare the guys on the highway away, livery is also nicely done and does help it along too, final thoughts being, speed carried this build a lot lmao.

Ivan: “A very aggressive design, massive wing & diffuser with a very low roof makes this look super fast - very decent livery too, but the front end looks a bit lackluster and overdone.”

Oreo: “I really like the proportions on this thing, and the angular design works extremely well and looks fantastic - both front and rear… The duotone paint and tasteful graphics also seals the deal. Although there are no external reinforced elements at the front, it looks tough enough for a sportscar and most importantly, looks really fast with that aero.”

13th – @Sureascanbe – Arnage Talon RR Special Deployment Interceptor

Agility: 13th
Speed: 13th
Toughness: 16th

An absolute beauty of a machine, one of the best looking entries for sure, scoring the highest in that category in fact - with some really nice livery work as well, truly sexy. All that really makes it hurt to have this car only ranked at number 13 on the list, however we cannot look past the stats, sportiness is slightly above average but nothing really special, same with the drivability and reliability too, but the real kicker here is the comfort, a whopping 0, which is crazy to imagine seeing as it runs on air suspension and is also the lightest car out of the whole bunch, not quite sure if theres a glitch causing this, but moving on. This is also only one of two entries running all-terrain tires, which surprisingly (not) does not help at all when it comes to handlin stats, causing it to lose out on the agility there. Speed is also slightly below average among the other entrants, but only in terms of top speed, acceleration is pretty decent. Overall its a very good and capable looking entry, game cover potential even, but its just plagued by some engineering choices like the tires, which i believe was done with aesthetics in mind, which we can get behind lol.

Ivan: “A super unique and well done build, absolutely no complaints on the styling & a very very well done livery too.”

Oreo: “The detail on this one should be what others look towards. I love the little front skidplate detail, the wide offroad-y fenders, and the livery work here is impressive - truly. There’s not much else to say. Fantastic design for an offroad capable supercar designed to catch pesky racers.”

12th – @bang6111 – Revuelto Castanya XS Undercover

Agility: 7th
Speed: 14th
Toughness: 15th

This little coupe is a decent performer, reliable, very drivable and surprisingly the most comfortable car among the group - also, by litlle i do mean little, its the smallest car out of the bunch. Where it starts to go a little south is the speed & accelaration , while not being slow by any means, its just out-classed in every aspect by the other competitors, its not the slowest but its definitely in the bottom 5% with its top speed of 329kph & 0-100 of 3.8s which makes chasing videogame level speeds a bit hard. Handling is above average and does help it a little with being one of the lighter entries we have. Design is also quite average, it doesnt start out bad, but the rear is not very coherent and seems quite far from the overall design, definitely not bad tho, but there are other entires that go above & beyond which leaves the Castanya a bit behind. Overall not a bad entry, but the speed, ironically, is what kills this one.

Ivan: “A neat little sportscar with a cure face ,but the rear end is where it falls apart a bit, especially with the rear lights - but decent overall.”

Oreo: “Proportions-wise it’s fine - a small spirited sports car, and it does look cute with the rounded lights and bubbly shape. But… doesn’t look exactly menacing or powerful to stop these reckless and ruthless racers. Detail-wise it’s minimal but still okay.”

11th – @Ch_Flash – Fanella Fuego III

Agility: 11th
Speed: 12th
Toughness: 12th

Onto this mean & retro looking supercar, a pretty decent performer overall, sportiness is on the higher end among the entries which one would hope from a good ol wedge shape supercar, drivability is really good, also among the higher ones, however reliability is slighty sub-par, not bad, but just not among the top entries. Comfort is very good too, again, almost on par with the top entrants. Speed is on the lower end too unfortunately, although not slow by any means, 347kph will definitely get you places, but its very much below average in this pack. Handling is a bit iffy as well, despite having pushrod front & rear its below avergae here too, even having one of the highest amount of body roll too- probably not helped by its 1650kg bodyweight. However its biggest setback is the rather tame design, very outdated for a 2020 car too - which couldve helped it go well into the top 10 if it just a had a tad more wotk put into it, its a very basic 90s supercar and not much else, a more fitting rear wing couldve helped too.

Ivan: “Good looking & mean, however does seem a bit visually heavy and maybe wheels that are slightly too large.”

Oreo: “Okay, I really like the basic stealth look with the subtle police branding (the side - not that rear). The overall look screams ‘clean’ but… yeah that’s it. The front headlights are small, intended to mainly use the popups I assume but still a weird shape. It looks a bit 2000s ish but also has some modern stuff… so I’d say a bit confused but otherwise it’s a solid entry.”

10th – @KSIolajidebt – Hoffsman Pulsar Speed X RST

Agility: 12th
Speed: 8th
Toughness: 14th

The Hoffsman is a handsome brute and certainly looks the part, mean and seemingly poisonous, it should strike fear into the street racers. Despite its looks sportiness is on the lower end of the entries, but it does make up for that quite it bit by being the most drivable car out of the entire list with a 89 rating, epic. Comfort is great too with it being among the top of the list as well. Reliability is avergae though, but not bad at all. Speed is not not necessarily what the Pulsar is good at (with only being able to go 371kph) but rather accelaration takes the cake, in all the test regarding accelaration the Pulsar nearly tops out the leaderboard on them all, epic X2. However handling is where it starts to go a tad south (very un-German like), agility & cornering is quite average and nothing really special to mention besides the fact that its among the top entries regarding having the most body roll, which is probably due to it being 1735kg, quite a heavy barge this one. Overall its a good entry, good looks and striking livery, but with stats that are a bit all over the place it just scrapes by 10th place.

Ivan: “Another solid build, very sleek & powerful looking - great livery too”

Oreo: “Wow. First off - I LOVE the proportions here, and especially the alignment of the design lines at the front of the hood. The blue and red headlight does look great, but you know takes the cake? THAT REAR. Absolute masterclass in emulating “depth” in automation. Livery and paint scheme are great and tastefully done, and the blue/red side strakes are a nice touch.”

9th – @Riley – ZRD Corsa

Agility: 10th
Speed: 10th
Toughness: 13th

The ZRD Corsa is an absolutely sexy supercar that looks both powerful and agile - combined with its complete lowkey stealth look, you’ll never see this coming, and if you do, be very scared. Perhaps not surprisingly, this takes 2nd-place position in the overall design score. Despite its looks however, it only scores 10th… in both agility and speed (and 13th in toughness). In actuality, top speed is above average at 381kmh, which is really good considering this ‘only’ has a 617hp naturally-aspirated V12, but gets beat out overall due to below average drivability and comfort and just simply being outclassed by the other entries. In terms of agility, it has really good cornering ability and is the 2nd lightest of all the entries, at only 1262kg and is quite small too, but fails to control it’s body roll and only has mediocre downforce levels. Safety and reliability is average, and due to its small stature and really light weight, suffers on the toughness score as well. It’s a really good entry that is slightly carried by its stellar design - unfortunately the engineering of this, although good and above average already, is slightly outclassed by its rivals.

Ivan: “A very aggressive & good looking supercar - love the retro looking lines across the back end but the massive diffuser & wing seems a bit out of place.”

Oreo: “This looks absolutely fantastic. Perfectly short but powerful proportions with that massive rear haunch and large wheels. I really love the stealth look on this car, and that entire rear is so sexy. Not sure what else to nitpick about tbh, it’s a really, really damn good design.”

8th – @the-chowi – Crowley Bruiser GT8

Agility: 8th
Speed: 11th
Toughness: 7th

The Crowley Bruiser GT8 looks really powerful and tough with its dramatic molding over the front bonnet and tall front face. The Aston Martin badging is a bit too on the nose though, but otherwise it looks like a great undercover cop car, complete with nice attention to detail. Ironically though, this is the most fuel-efficient car on the list at 9.4 L/100km lol, while using a 4.5L turbocharged V8 making 677hp. Although fuel efficiency is always good, a more performance-oriented setup would work better here. Otherwise, adept tuning gives it outstanding drivability and reliability, but unfortunately does not specialize enough to take top spots in any of the three categories. Speed-wise, it has a great top speed of 389km/h but abysmal acceleration, at ‘only’ 3.89s and a 1/4mi of 11.05s. Agility-wise, it corners quite well but suffers from the lack of downforce and a below average 200m cornering. Safety is also abysmal - the second worst in fact. and combined with the ‘light’ weight of 1397kg it suffers in the toughness category too. Not much else to say other than perhaps a more focused approach towards either of the three categories could have helped this car place higher on the list. Otherwise, it’s a good car with a good design.

Ivan: “A really impressive build, good looking and menacing in the undercover clothing. No complaints”

Oreo: “I can tell this is inspired by a real life car, but other than that, it’s extremely well executed. Wow. The subtle body surfacing and molding is really nice work, and I like how the tail lights are cohesive with the front. Otherwise, really solid car, looks properly powerful and tough too.”

(discourse won’t let me post the entire thing as one post since I exceeded the character count so…)