

First of all, overall I find the game looks very nice, and I just checked the recent pics you posted about the lighting refactoring, it looks gorgeous ! As you are working on that I wanted to talk about something that disturbs me : close to the surfaces we often see a lot of tiny details, bumpy patterns or material “noise”, but when we look at it from a distance, we see huge shimmering or moiré patterns. I understood that you fetch your lighting from environment maps (cubemaps ?), thus it’s a difficult filtering problem.

I have some experience in that domain, and already “played” with some techniques that address efficiently the problem of filtering complex datas (for example, LEAN Mapping for specular highlights from point lights on normal maps, we can also make it work quite well for environment maps. For a complete summary of what we can put into “complex datas”, the last page of this is interesting). If you’re interested, I would be glad to help you make this game more awesome. First, I can send you a little demo program (with sources) to demonstrate what is possible/not possible to do (let me the time to prepare it), it should help you decide if it’s worth integrating it.

Oh and another thing, I also tested the engine designer on a PC with a smaller screen (17" CRT, 1152*864) and it was far less comfortable. The non-resizable window UI make me feel that a lot of space is wasted as the background is of no use (yet ?).

Regarding the background being of no use, that’s because that’s where the “main game screen” from which you manage your company will live, and all the other windows open over that.

Regarding the shimmering etc. are we talking about the pattern of dark lines visible up close (an artifact of SSAO, if you turn it off it goes away) or the typical artifacts that AF would usually fix?

I saw the SSAO artifact you mention, but I don’t find it much distracting.

About the other artifacts, this is something AF can barely (if at all) fix. In fact, hardware texture filtering (interpolation/mipmap generation/AF…) is linear, and it works well when textures contain just colors (or linearly filterable data). Normals cannot be linearly filtered and on top of that, the real problem, colors fetched from those normals don’t have a linear behavior at all. These are the cause of aliasing/moiré/etc.

I have found a nice presentation (Spectacular Specular) that talks about this typical issue, with nice examples, and with all of the theory I used to make a demo program.

To sum up, the basic idea is instead of working with normals or means of normals (a normal fetched from a coarse mipmap is the mean of those who are on bigger mipmaps, this is already very different from the mean of the colors computed from each top-level normal. Anisotropic filtering only helps in this case for tilted surfaces, those who are parallel to the screen are not affected by GPU AF algorithms), we work with local distributions of normals. A gaussian distribution for example only need the mean value (same as before) and a variance (or variance matrix). We can tweak this representation to have data that are linearly filterable, and with some approximations, we only need 3 floats to represent a local distribution of normals, which fits in one FP16 texture. Replacing one normal by a distribution of normals allows us to work as if we have a cone of directions, instead of just one averaged direction. We can work directly with gaussian formulas, or simpler, derive a radius and estimate the footprint of the cone in the environment map, then we only have to fetch a texel that match approximately this footprint (we just select the appropriate mipmap level). The final result is close to the average of the colors computed from each individual local normal, and thus, aliasing and “surface flattening” disappear almost completely.

I know this may not be easy to fully understand what happens, and it may seems difficult to implement or require heavy computations. In facts, the final code is really straightforward, only requiring small modifications to the existing. The biggest penalty is that instead of using a 3 components INT8 texture for normals, you need a 3 components FP16 texture, so twice the memory footprint (the conversion is easy to do, it can be done on load time so you don’t have to change your existing normal maps. And it is fast, it can easily be done at each frame). But you don’t rely on AF anymore to reduce artifacts, you only need it to get more details.

Here is the links to the demo program, and source code. I hope you don’t have an ATI card because I don’t, so I can’t check if it works also on Radeons. This demo shows a very difficult surface to render properly, and you can play with mipmaps, anisotropic filtering, brute force oversampling, and this anti-aliasing “trick”, and see precisely the performance implications.

For the source code, I’m sorry I know that this is not what you are using, it’s a Code::Blocks workspace and use SDL and OpenGL (with GLSL shaders). With what I give you only have to install Code::Blocks and TDM-GCC if you want to compile this though (but I know I shouldn’t ask you to spend time on stuff like that). I made the effort to make things the clearest possible, and the most important things are on the two pixel shaders genleanmap.frag (conversion of classic normal map to a lean map) and bump.frag (the LEAN mapping).


I hope you will find it interesting, because it can have a great impact on Automation actually, and it really is a minor modification to do.

And OK for the windows, I would be glad to see the rest of the game :mrgreen:

I’m very happy to see that you just addressed the aliasing problem, the improvement is huge ! I don’t find distracting problems any more, the game really is gorgeous.

I see also that you continued to tweak the rendering. Are you planning to introduce new improvements or everything has mostly been done already ?