Automation as teaching aid

Have you guys thought about making at least part of the game, like the engine designer, as something that can be use in schools to teach children how engine work and how they are different?

I think there could even be other oppurtunities, I know my uncle who owns a driving school was in need, a few years ago, of graphical animated examples of how car engines work. Translated into as many language as possible, the market share for this segment alone could be huge.

I have thought of that too, yes. When you show people the engine designer they usally say that in a reaction to it :slight_smile: We will definitely consider having a version specifically taylored for educational purposed. The mission or scenario based approach fits this pretty well, coupled with the large amount of descriptions and tutorial videos.

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I taught my 5 year old son, who is car crazy, the basic principles of how an engine worked using the videos of the progress so far, and he understands, so proof that it can be used as a learning aid already.

That’s great. :slight_smile: