Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!

mate I started with softs, they overheated and burned faster than methane in a cow fart so I switched to mediums. While that gave me exactly how much tyre life I wanted, my times dropped by over 6 seconds and that was goodbye race to me.

1st and 7th to 15th and bumfuck nowhere

you may or may not be screwedā€¦

good job to the winners, the track just didnā€™t suite my redbull

Started on Softs, kept Softs through the second pit, then realized Tumanova kept redlining the tires and Lee was just cooking them. Soā€¦ Mediums it was.

Same compatibility! high fives

Same compatibility here, tooā€¦

Uhhhhā€¦ Iā€¦ uhhā€¦ also have the same compatibility.

ohh, well I do have the most downforce soā€¦

High fives all around! :raised_hand: :raised_hand: :raised_hand:

EDIT: If you want to express your anger @ramthecowy there is a middle finger emoji. :stuck_out_tongue:

This is no mere anger.

This is a blinding rage that surrounds and consumes me out of the sheer confusion as I HAVE NO FUCKING CLUE WHY I LOST SO BAD

Well as I summarized it, tire strategy was the key point in the race. What tires were you running?

EDIT: I just looked at the research section and I noticed no one gives a damn about reliability. :stuck_out_tongue:

Winner car:
SS 9 laps, SS 7 laps, S 12 laps
First set of SS was also qualy set and they lasted 2 laps longer :open_mouth: . In softs still quite a lot of juice left.
Second car:
S 15 laps, S 13 laps
Some juice in both left tho

NOTE: I fired Button, whos still leading the championship, and replaced him with a better driver. Still think he could finish 2nd with no problems.

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I am at quite a disadvantage having started from scratch like this

And now the Hirings and Firings can begin. Time to play the numbers game.

How do you mean scratch? This is my first season in IGP :smiley:

Last. Yay.

No, I was last. Your car finished third last with a 15 second lead on my dude

My 4.5 star driver is a good bit better than my 5 star driver and my 5 star driver has 1-2 more points in all of the driving ability statsā€¦hmmm

I know how to explain this.


I have an amazing idea, why didnā€™t I think of this!!!

Join with that team which I set up first!