Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!

Has everyone saved a strategy? The race will be on in 15 minutes!

And no rain as of yet!

inb4 it starts raining halfway through the race.

Done my last minute strategy changes. Letā€™s hope ā€œSomething Stupidā€ works out and that the confusion tactics worked.

@Speedemon are you going for a one-stop strategy?

Yes. I always do. :stuck_out_tongue:

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For the first time, Iā€™m 2 stopping. I feel like it would be smarter around Catalunya.

Split strategy, 1 stop 2 stop. My less-experienced driver gets the short straw to stay out on one stop.

Iā€™m going 1 stop too.

fuck I can feel the pressure mounting

qualifying started!

@Sillyducky where are you??!

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@Sillyducky stream?

EDIT: nvm

im live! Sorry about that

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I totally forgot the race :disappointed_relieved:

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Well it looks like tire strategy was the key point in the race again.

@Fayeding_Spray tough luck on the fuel, and @rcracer11m pitting for med on the last lap!

Mate @JohnWaldock you did hella good for a first timer! Well done :grin:

Similar strategy for both my drivers, however Flosadottir/sson came into traffic after first pit and lost a lot of time there. GG to Blackbird Racing Development for nice 1 pit stop strategy and giving me hell on last laps!

Itā€™s become a battle between me, @rcracer11m and @findRED19 for the third spot in the championship. Game on. :imp:

Your car is like at least 50% better than mine in all stats. That might explain my mediocre performance.

I have no idea why my drivers pitted at the endā€¦I was on track to possibly get 5th and 7th and then they decide to pit dropping them to 12th and 17th.

The only thing i can think of is by me messing around with the fuel thing in the pit menu of the live feed it somehow told them to pit without me telling them to as it looked as though they had enough fuel to make it that last lap.