Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!

What??? I changed the strategy!!! :angry:

I might stand a chance this time…

Is the stream up yet?

Live now!

It’s So Cold

(During Monaco)

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I ruined my strategy by 1 stopping and switching to mediums

Well that went terribly

what did you place

That was fun.

Sure it was… :disappointed:

I ended 14th and 17th after a last lap pit from one of my cars :confused:

I ended up past 20th place. FFS WHY DID I GO MEDIUMS!!??

Wooo 1st and 4th, that sorta makes up for the last lap pit i had yesterday which cost me all points

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Congrats @rcracer11m. Maybe next time I will do better since I seem to be good on tracks that have high tire wear and boy does the next track have that.

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and here I am, shit on every track no matter what. Woop woop!



I’ve decided to give up on buying new drivers now. I’ve had enough issues with doing so recently and my current drivers are doing well enough right now.

same, i bought one and game said i was 346m in debt. refreshed, and was all right with money, but no new driver man

I’ve got the two I need and a couple reserves. Though I think I’m letting one of them go just because as good as their stats are… training a 2.5 star driver up takes longer than I’d care to do so when I’ve got a 3, 3.5, and 4.5 star driver set as it is.