Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!

Well, I can be profitable in the races some of the time, but I tend to then turn around and spend that on shit for my team, in the form of new drivers, new staff, new stuff for the headquarters. Then try to recover my losses by ditching old drivers and old staff, trying to tune the cars worth half a firecracker fart, and coming up with strategies that are nuttier than a jar of peanut butter.

Iā€™m going to broke soon. Need to sell 2 of my drivers, Iā€™ll try to auction they until Friday before the race, if no one hire them, then Iā€™ll just sold then anyway. I canā€™t keep loosing money like that, isnā€™t like I would use 5 drivers anyway, 3 are very good and enough.

Heh, at least Iā€™m sitting here having broken even.

Not sure what Iā€™m going to spend the money onā€¦

i still have budget, but i need to start scoring.

i was operating on deficit. but iā€™m now just make a LITTLE bit of profit after the sponsor change.

that is as long as iā€™m not upgrading anything anymore

For those of you lvl 5 and under, I found a decent driver:
her stats:

not bad at all, key things:

  • needs to be trained mentally
  • is 40 years old so training wonā€™t be very efficient on her at all

iā€™m not so sure about thatā€¦

that seems like a driver thatā€™s bad under pressure.

True. Thatā€™s why if youā€™re lvl 5 you should take Dana knudsen

Tempting, but Iā€™ve got Glock, whoā€™s a 4 star driver, and a new guy who was 4 stars but trained up to 4.5, soā€¦ Iā€™ll stick with who Iā€™ve got and save for when I inevitably need to change out drivers later. Iā€™ve probably hot-swapped more drivers in this championship than anyone else hereā€¦

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meanwhile. my main driver keeps on out leveling me :joy:

I wish I had that problem. Instead, I get drivers who fall back a star or two every so often and cause me no small amount of frustration.

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Iā€™ve swapped drivers a lot to, now Iā€™m paying the price, literally.

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Is anyone else have trouble with doing practice laps whereby the temperature is always 10 degrees?

I havenā€™t tried to practice yet.

itā€™s a day early. iā€™m not doing any practice just yet

Good News! The forecast for tomorrow is sunny and cloudy so we will be free of rain!


more weather updates?

or just any update?

tonightā€™s weather, also not all that windy


Race in 50mins

Iā€™m thinking on going with 1 stop, SS/SS, since the low tyre wear, what do you guys think?
Iā€™m a little concerned about the number of laps the tyre would need to last, 18 laps is a lotā€¦