Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!

I’m not, no stream today :frowning:


you still have double my championship points.

:’( My cars had 12 liters of extra fuel for the first stint and then when i adjusted it for the second pit apparently i was 1 liter too short as my drivers felt the need to pit on the last lap.

I don’t even want to talk about it. I start in 2nd, in 7 laps I was in 8th, finished in 20th and 22th.

Im guessing youre drivers arent good mentally?

Also my driver I White is up for sale

My drivers are absolute shite (the crap ones you start the game with), the engines were both at 68% condition and I made some crap strategy at the last minute. Didn’t pay attention during the race either, was chatting away happily.

Somehow got to 12 and 14.

What do you think, sincerely?

Other than talent on your first one and stamina on the 2nd those are actually pretty good.

those are freaking great. my drivers are 33yo+

and i’m putting my spare on auciton

Thanks, I’ve got a spare one that I’m training that is better then these 2, but isn’t in condition to race right now. So the problem is the car :unamused:

race in 25 mins

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I didnt forget my strategy today.

So it seems we will get a pretty rainy race.

Meanwhile in Canada…

We have replaced our rain with snow.

Of course, i remember to do my practice laps and as soon as im finished it starts to rain

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Qualifying has started.

EDIT: Of course I do terrible in qualifying thanks to the rain. That’s not a surprise at all.

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was in 1st. then i fucking threw it on to the garbage can.
why do i need to keep telling the crew to fit inters again instead of that becoming the default?

fucking ass both my drivers were supposed to get point this race. was such a perfect run too :frowning:

stop fucking winning Schack racing

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yeah, I’ve sorta left my iGP racing behind for now. Maybe I’ll set it up for the next race (if there’s any left)

It’s surprising to see how in quali i was 7th and 10th but when it comes to the race i got up to 2nd and 5th.