Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!

Well, that could’ve gone better. I hate wet races.

Was Set up for a Dry Race, Was a Few laps done by the time I Joined the Race, Drivers were on Inters, then I Noticed that the top drivers were on Wets so I Had to pit my drivers to go from Inters to wets. Was Set up for Super Softs for 4 Laps, 15 Laps of Mediums then Mediums to the end, so good thing I Thought about it & Joined the Race for the 1st time, Managed to get 17th & 18th (-2 Laps) out of 30.

I have a Preposal for IGP season 4 due to this:

The reason for this result is because I set the car up for a dry race, had to go to school and didn’t have access to a computer to cheak the weather and the ai managers don’t adapt to inter conditions changing to wet conditions and vis versa.

As I result I am requesting that the races only happen on Friday and Saturday at 10:00 gmt for season 4. This would let people like me on the other side of the world like me attend all of the races (Or most of them) as they would be in the morning of the weekend and not on a monday when things like work, school etc are going on and allow people on the gmt side of the world to get an early sleep on sunday night if they need to get up early.

Here’s a poll so someone else doesn’t have to do it:

  • 2 races a week
  • 3 races a week

0 voters

@UMGaming I’ve been dealing with schedule conflicts around igp for every season. Stuff like that happened to me all the time.

I could step back to 2 races comfortably.

I wouldn’t mind 2 races a week too and I don’t bother with time, I’m wake during at least 16h per day anyway.

wtf… and here i was requesting more races because with more races, someone is bound to miss at least 1 race per week so they can screw up and let the others catch up… plus the financial. i need the moni…

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the costs only apply every race so it doesn’t make a difference weather there is more races or not in a week

yes it does. more income per race means we can upgrade our facilities more often without getting bankrupt.

the income you get per race depends on your sponcers not how many races there are per week, it may take a longer time to get that income but you will still get the same amount


You don’t lose money by not racing

The schedule poses difficulties to everyone. For example, the races run at 8 pm for me now, which is exactly about the time that I go out when I hang out with my friends in the evening. I have missed races because of that, including Saturday’s event, and I have gotten late to meet them several times, because of watching the races.
The point is, once in a while everyone will lose a race and have to trust the AI to run their cars. For me, the Sunday race is the one I’m the least likely to miss, so losing it would mean the amount of races I’ll attend live will probably diminish, compromising my efforts.

Also, koolkei has a valid point. The most races where we meet our targets, the more spare income there is. Meaning that with more races we should be able to have more money per week and therefore it would be easier to improve the HQ.

if you don’t buy/upgrade anything, yes that’s true.

but you don’t get anything by not racing either.

@Speedemon is it safe to assume that the poll results will be acted apon for next season?

I would say so. After the first round got screwed up we didn’t really have a chance to change things.

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Selling a 5 star level 9 driver
Currently on auction.

It’s with sadness that I have to inform you that Gamma Racing will retire from this league.
I haven’t being able to even make the training or setups, even less to watch the race, so there is no meaning to keep on.
But I hope to came back one day.

Good game for who stay.


GG mate, that’s too bad

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Headquarter upgrades are now more expensive…

but now we get this fancy graphic and star ratings