Automation iGP Manager Racing Club || Season 2 || Race next Friday!

Thats unfair you get a test track at your headquarters. I don’t have one of those.

He’s a higher level. Recruitment center.

Schack Racing Development will pull out of the league at the end of this season for an undetermined amount of time.

University is getting really intense and I will have to work on my Bachelor Thesis 1 beside other things.
I will maybe return. Maybe.

Same, I’ve runs out of time too, so I’ll be gone at the end of the season

I’m probably going to drop out at the end of the season, as half the time I am not able to attend the races, and the other half I forget due to other projects.

I’m contemplating dropping out at the end of the season as well. I miss half the races, the other half, I struggle to pull myself into anything resembling a reasonable place.

I’m pulling out at the end of this season too, I need a new challenge

Unfortunately, I’ve already made the decision to stop racing.

yup. we all need a new challenge. everything is getting too repetitive

I wish there was some way I could change the calendar or rules, but no. I could make the races longer which would stop people from going SS-SS-SS every race, for starters, but if more people are losing interest I could put the league on hiatus.

I’m figuring, I’ll give it a little bit of a try for one more season. I’ve got a plan in the works, and I had a little luck with a few things regarding the team, so I may actually be competitive this season.

Plus, it wouldn’t quite be the Automation League without Storm’s mysterious roadblock cars. No, we don’t have a wizard in the pits, why would you ever think that?