Title is enough said. And it’s annoying.
I bet the mods would fix this in B1419, right?
There should be a log.txt file in your automation folder, please post that along with more details for better and quicker help with your problem.
I’ll post recently what happened.
[15:17:13] Music Task Added: MODE, CAR
[15:17:28] Loaded Body: 80MidCoupe body
[15:18:02] Set Colour
[15:18:03] Set Colour
[15:18:04] Set Colour
[15:27:23] Music Task Added: FADE, nil
[15:27:23] Music Task Added: STOP, AMBIENCE_CAR
[15:27:23] Music Task Added: PLAY, 2014
2nd, it crashes only when I am making MR cars. Other cars work fine, engines work fine, only the MR cars crash. Why, though?
[quote=“Imspartan9002”]I’ll post recently what happened.
[15:17:13] Music Task Added: MODE, CAR
[15:17:28] Loaded Body: 80MidCoupe body
[15:18:02] Set Colour
[15:18:03] Set Colour
[15:18:04] Set Colour
[15:27:23] Music Task Added: FADE, nil
[15:27:23] Music Task Added: STOP, AMBIENCE_CAR
[15:27:23] Music Task Added: PLAY, 2014
2nd, it crashes only when I am making MR cars. Other cars work fine, engines work fine, only the MR cars crash. Why, though?[/quote]
Scratch that. All cars.
Please post the whole thing, as well as the KeeEngineLog.
It’s really not!
At what point is this happening, (what screen are you on, what are you doing, what did you just click on etc.)