when you guys have the time you should try making a boat version of this game to sell to die hard boat fans
suggested features:
chose between sizes of boat ie: ship, yacht and river/lake boat (maybe jetski maybe)
different propulsion methods ie: water jet, skimmer propeller (a propeller that is half in half out the water), paddles, outboard motor and a normal propeller
ratios ie: size and degree of propeller blades how blades etc.
hull designer (self explanatory)
and so forth
I’m sure that after people get behind it more suggestions would come but this is half baked idea of mine
If anything, I would expect a motorcycle tycoon if they make any others. Though if we are naming versions we would want, I would love a airplane manafacturer tycoon.
Again, that’s probably 6 months to a year’s work to do nicely, or licencing a physics engine that can do it (like the one the Rigs of Rods guys do, BeamNG)