AutomationHub - Show your designs!

Hello everyone!

We from AutomationHub have made a website for you guys and girls to display all your awesome designs.
The website requires you to register, but when you do, you get access to a facebook-like website where you can keep your own company profile and show off all your work.
From cars to engines, it can all be shown, and be rated! You can become top of the chart with your company by getting rated 5 stars, so your effort will be paid off.
The company catalog will provide you a nice collection of all the companies out there.

Why should I explain more? Quickly go to and see for yourself.
If you still want more information, check out our own thread on the forums
or, check out the news area on the website of AutomationHub.

The AutomationHub Team

It’s a great idea :smiley: , but it seems that the website is offline.

Nope, the site is very much live for me. :slight_smile:

Yes, if it seems offline for you, try Control+F5!

I ask this retrospectively, since it’s a bit late, but could there be any way for a user to finish building the company profile and sorting out the lineup before being open to public? I started building my profile but it’s got lots of holes in it, but people are still very keen to vote on it!

I’m not sure what they’re voting for, to be honest. Not that this matters, given I’ve built up a storm of controversy :stuck_out_tongue: but I cringed when I realised just how much work I’d like to put into things before I wanted to declare it open.

Maybe at a certain point we can do this, but right now we are focusing on much more important things that generate a lot more user-friendliness and will add more to the experience.

Tried to donate but the paypal link was in dutch (maybe German? ignorant Canadian geuss) making it very hard to navigate.

I’m not familiar enough with paypal to navigate the process without being able to read what i’m clicking :frowning: If i can get to the part where i punch in my credit card I will be fine

I am also getting an error but only when trying to sign up. also tryed control +f5 didnt work.

What error are you getting?

[quote=“np1993”]Tried to donate but the paypal link was in dutch (maybe German? ignorant Canadian geuss) making it very hard to navigate.

I’m not familiar enough with paypal to navigate the process without being able to read what i’m clicking :frowning: If i can get to the part where i punch in my credit card I will be fine[/quote]

"I thought Paypal would adapt to your language and thus was multilingual.
In case you want to change it to english, look at the top of the URL (so the….) and change nl_NL to en_EN.
We will try to fix it to become multilingual, if thats possible."

[size=150]Edit: would be stupid if not fixable, but it was! …AND FIXED!!![/size]

Signed up! :smiley: Good work!

I donated and still only have 10 car slots. I double checked to make sure I was signed in.

EDIT: just noticed the “wait 48 houts” clause. My bad

Yes! Haha, we have to do it manually, so it might take some time as we also try to work on the website and make the whole experience both richer as well user-friendlier.

We tend to wait for a bit to do a couple of accounts in one go in stead of manually doing them every single time someone decides to donate. We hope you understand this!

Edit: just quickly changed your status, you should be gold now!

its working now, thanks for figuring it out with so little info on my end. I was on lunch so had limited time.


also 10 euro, that is about Canadian correct?

10 Euros are 14.15 Canadian Dollars. Not a perfectly equivalent exchange, but close.

sweet when I get paid I will definitely donate :slight_smile:

Appreciate the donations! Thanks a lot to everyone!

The site will not allow me to post up a car…

I add in all the specs,

Make the pics to be your recommended sizes, add my discription, hit create or add but then it just reloads the car creator page…

[quote=“supraman”]The site will not allow me to post up a car…

I add in all the specs,

Make the pics to be your recommended sizes, add my discription, hit create or add but then it just reloads the car creator page…[/quote]

Who the hell beta tested this website, and why the hell are there still bugs? :blush:

Do you have anymore specifics to add?