Badge designation

Right this has probably been asked before but I really want a sort of label or tag system, what I mean is a system in the car design tabs where you can click on the body and a text window appears with the option to change font style and material, then you can then type in the model name of the car or the trim designation or if you really wanted to have the style of front badging much like the type found on the Hummer.

It would be a really cool feature but it wouldn’t add too much to the gameplay so if it’s too much coding for what it would be in gameplay wise then I’m not worried as I love the game as it is already :smiley:

We’ll look into the possibility of this again with the Unreal port of the game. In our current engine it would not be worth doing. :slight_smile:

Awesome! It would make quite a few players happy, especially the serious roleplayers. :slight_smile:

I second that AWESOME!! :slight_smile:

Can I ask how far away the Unreal edition is?

That would sound cool, have the model name on the sides or rear of the car with different font options.