Brand Image - Venn Diagram

Ok, so I will admit this one might be out there more. Sadly I have random stored up ideas for a game like this (since I always wanted to do one but never had the programing know-how to do it).

I think brand image could be a really interesting aspect of the game. It is both exciting to see where your brand goes but also where the other brands are. It gives you a quick perception of what the buying public might think about your cars.

So my thought was to have Brand Image fall into a number of categories basically like a Venn Diagram. Such a diagram could even be used as a menu item quick glance for the user to see how they stack up against the other car companies.

Anyways, just throwing it out there - take it or leave it just thought I would fuel the fire.

PS: Just threw in some examples of brands and maybe I didn’t put them exactly in the correct brand image segment, personal preferences may vary :smiley: .

(hope the attachments work)

I really like that!

We’re still a fair way off doing the business side of things in detail, but we’ll most likely incoporate that concept, as it really elegantly does what we need.

Thanks :smiley:

I think the concept is great, however I’d show it somewhat differently.

I was thinking on something like this:

Where the five items could be Value for Money, Utility, Performance, Luxury, Reliability. This way you can quickly compare several competitors.

It doesn’t need to be a pengagon, any geometrical figure will do (it depends on how many items you need):

Cool some marketing stuff! If this stuff is going to be in the game also, then you can really call it realistic. :slight_smile:

I really like this idea as well.

In addition to this, I think it would be neat if you could get short media reviews on individual car models (both yours and the NPCs), although it would probably be a bugger of a thing to program in without making it feel stale or repetitive.

Another thing I thought would be really cool is if there was Car award ceremonies every 5? years (best hatch, best sedan, best sports, best under $25k etc) with bonus in demand for each ‘winning’ car (this bonus decreases every year until after 5 years it is back to zero, time for the next award)

I think this is a good idea. Maybe just upload an image to represent your company and place them on your cars. I think I might use my family coat of arms.

Errr… did you actually read the other posts? They’re talking about “Image” as in reputation, not as in some kind of logo…

…um…uh…yeah, I knew that…

Epic Daffy :laughing: you gain over 9000 internet points.

Didn’t you mean Nein Thousand?

Yes I did, please excuse my bad french ;F :laughing:

I like the Venn diagram, it explains very well your market position.

Great idea! I just think if the same could be used with engines, for those who don’t understand a lot about them, there could be a pentagon. It would have Performance, Emissions, Loudness, Economy and Value. Opinions please. :slight_smile:

Showing other values in this way, as you suggest oxygen, is in my opinion not a good idea because it is not “standard” in the scene. Giving 5 values is more exact and simpler than a varying shape, even though the shape will be quicker to evaluate once you know what it means.

I agree with Killrob, numbers are the right way to represent technical values.

[quote=“machalel”]I really like this idea as well.

In addition to this, I think it would be neat if you could get short media reviews on individual car models (both yours and the NPCs), although it would probably be a bugger of a thing to program in without making it feel stale or repetitive.

Another thing I thought would be really cool is if there was Car award ceremonies every 5? years (best hatch, best sedan, best sports, best under $25k etc) with bonus in demand for each ‘winning’ car (this bonus decreases every year until after 5 years it is back to zero, time for the next award)[/quote]

I like all of these ideas.

Depending how in-depth the game gets (how much you operate the company on a micro-scale), you could even make the awards every one year, or at random intervals and durations for each type of vehicle (small cars, trucks, luxury cars, etc. etc.) closer to what happens in real-life with magazines and other media outlets. Small cars are reviewed often due to the fact that changes are made frequently to models and it is the most common type of vehicle that people buy, where luxury cars are usually reviewed slightly less frequently due to slower model turnover and less demand and trucks even less so for the same reasons and other types fall between.

In general though, I think media reviews / criticisms of some sort would be a very good element to have in-game.

I love the awards idea. Even it its just a blurb and someone repetitive it would be a good addition.