BRC 1976 - Under Pressure [E8-Q]

It will not pit (definitely, except if low on fuel).


Built an excel sheet to give me rough estimates on when to pit, taking into account track conditions between each stop. I think I will have a real strategy this year instead of basically just stopping every 33% of the race!

Next BRC i am going to make a rear engined rwd car or mid engined awd car

If it rains that much in 86/87/88, all will go AWD. :wink:

Assuming that AWD will be allowed.


I hope the budget is a bit nicer in the next one, I can barely get 1000hp for under 12k, let alone 10k

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You know, sometimes it’s useful to take a step back and think about the utter hilarity of what you just typed. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m going to leave this excellent quote from @Sillyworld here, because it seems relevant:


The problem is that it seems soo much easier to make power on here than it is in real life right now.

[color=#ffee00]Race 1 Announcement[/color]

Race 1 will most likely be happening on Sunday evening CEST (it’s a 90% chance that pyrlix will be back). I will post the exact time slot as soon as I know it.

Deadline for your strategy updates: Saturday, August 13, 6 p.m. CEST


yay for brc happening while i’m free :slight_smile:

It’s August, sir.

July was last month :stuck_out_tongue:


:smiley: Thanks for reminding me!


Dont you know we have to wait until next year for the races?


I, what, how, I…

How much HP are you running?!?

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Just an early prototype for 86, does 2:06 standing for ATT without much tuning, and thats a 1500kg car. without AWD it would just do burnouts though.

That’s nice but when will you put up the qualifying?

It factors into race strategy!


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…And here’s where BRC starts to become like F1 (in terms of designing cars). Working on next season’s vehicles before this season has even begun! :joy:

Sorry guys, gotta go, off to start work on the BRC97 car and begin planning our BRC07 vehicle!

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what tyre width do you use? there a chance we might be get 325 or even more and no news if AWD really allowed

because 1 month of planning and designing is not enough :joy:

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The designing for 76 is over but I still feel like designing cars, so it just made sense to see what was possible in 86, obviously I will be taking a long break and coming back to do all the serious designing when the next season and it’s rules have been announced (still kind of keen to stick with 1000hp though, just as an added challenge to see how competitive it is).

@Denta Running 275 rears and 225 front, it was the most the body would allow and I haven’t tested other bodies. with AWD that gives me 20% tyre spin which is about the same as my 76 entry I believe.

I think we may get more variety out of 86 by having different width restrictions for RWD and AWD, e.g. 325 for RWD and 275 for AWD, still a long way away but possibly an idea to keep in mind @Der_Bayer, with balance testing of course it may level the field between AWD and RWD.