No Automobile game would be complete with some cool business models such as ability to buy/sell stocks, raise money through your own company’s stocks sales, and tracking stockmarket effects on your business.
Another cool idea would be to introduce historical or random events that throw a wrench (excuse the pun) into the gameplay, such as unionization, strikes, company mergers and buyouts, Government bailouts, loans, material shortages, wars, and other economic instabilities. But I think that strikes definitely should be portrayed as this has been a real issue that affects costs and long term company strategies.
i remember playing one of the old DOS games car tycoons - might have been detroit im not sure - it had the ability for your workers to go on strike - was playing it and 2 minutes into a new game it went
so i said ok have a 10% payrise since i had plenty of cash and wanted to keep them happy
“really? shit. ok 15% will that keep them happy since im offering more than they want!”
“f*ck. is this a bloody British leyland Simulator or something?”
We should be able to buy into companies (like GM and Izuzu) and be able to buy out our competition, whether through buying all their stocks, or just buy them outright.
In the Detroit game, when you reached some higher design level, for example, level 5, you cannot design and launch into the market old design cars, like Car Tycoon. And I don´t like this…
I was thinking, what if I´m an owner of GM, at year 2012 and I want to relaunch the Chevelle or Trams Am. But not with new design, but with the old school design. Then I can put new parts or old. But the ideal is to reissue it in exactly the way it was is 1969 or 1979 for example, but at 2012!
Will you make it so that if it does meet the regulations it will be reguarded as a classic and have the classic apeal to certain audiences as the suggestion is building the same car part for part? Its like when Cadbury relaunched the Wisper bar everyone wanted one due to its history.