Call me insane for this but read it

so i had an idea that you enter in a engine bay size you want and a type a car you want aka sport or coupe or hatch batch or truck etc. and then length and stuff and then it randomly generates a car body its probally insane difficult and just impossible / to hard but i just liked the idea so i posted it

You are spot on about the difficulty :slight_smile: so yeah, that won’t happen! It would work with a bit of effort if we had no graphics though, and indeed that would be a cool feature then.

It wouldn’t need to be completely randomized from scratch, there could be a set of preset morphs for each body and a set of preset fixture configurations for each morph version (and separate for front, middle and rear), so you’d know they fit right. Content for this could even be contributed by the players (option in body shape editor to save as preset and in fixture editor an option to constrain fixtures to the front, middle or back sections to be able to save them as presets).

It would be nice to be able to see the AI competitor’s cars with at least somewhat randomly-ish generated bodies.

[quote=“accent”]It wouldn’t need to be completely randomized from scratch, there could be a set of preset morphs for each body and a set of preset fixture configurations for each morph version (and separate for front, middle and rear), so you’d know they fit right. Content for this could even be contributed by the players (option in body shape editor to save as preset and in fixture editor an option to constrain fixtures to the front, middle or back sections to be able to save them as presets).

It would be nice to be able to see the AI competitor’s cars with at least somewhat randomly-ish generated bodies.[/quote]

yeah that was what i was trying to say i kind of messed it up

Yeah, it’d be possible to do I suspect, but I think it’d be incredibly difficult to get it to produce things that looked any good at all. And the last thing we need is to make things MORE complex to develop :stuck_out_tongue:

But it will be possible to buy designed cars and engines from other players, so you don’t have to design, if you don’t want.