Checking on Some Ideas

A while back I posted a couple of ideas, and I just thought that I would chuck them back on here and see what you guys were thinking about them and if they were in or out.

  1. My big one, and especially for the beta: An engine comparison chart. People can submit their engines online and we can see what the best performing, economic, comfort, costly, and overall best engines are. I would love this because I think it would definitely give those of us who play the beta a little competition and some goals while we build our engines, I’ve gotten quite bored of just building a bunch of engines with nothing to really compare them to. I was wondering if you guys still were thinking about adding that to the current beta or if it might be a little too much work for right now.

  2. Not that it will be done any time soon or even when the game is released: AI driving the car around a track to give you overall performance stat. This would be awesome to see what our track time is versus other company cars to get an idea of our body and engine design efficiency. I know that you don’t plan of having the racing ability any time soon, but possibly building one main test track (nurburgring :stuck_out_tongue: ) would be great to get a better idea of how good our car is in the performance world. Just wondering if this would be something that you would design post game for us to use or if it would be more of a DLC/Expansion that would be released if the game went off really well.

  3. Another one that I’m not sure if it will be part of the main game: Aerodynamic test for the body design. wondering if you guys were planning on looking into any type of basic test or a full dynamic simulator that would test the body design to more accurately give our body designs ratings and variable effects to what the vehicles ending stats will be and how well it will run.

Would love to know if you have any information on what your thought is towards any of these, I would really love for the first one. That’s something to keep me playing more then I do now :laughing:

  1. We will include community sharing features, or at least that is the plan. The best way to compare your engines will be the quick-fire multiplayer mode though… that really shows your skill and has huge replayability.

  2. Yes, at some point we want to have this in the game.

  3. Aerodynamics will be calculated in the game… no wind-tunnel thingie, but you’ll get the stats you need to know.

Awesome to hear! Thanks for the update and I am loving watching things progress.