Commercial Vehicles?

My thoughts turned to this sector with the idea of the diesel engine for the game, which came from the 1950’s tutorial for an army jeep.

We could create diesel engines for efficiency in the executive range, but also use them for a range of vans. Anything from small tool carriers, to large parcel vans.

You sir deserve a medal for this wonderful idea.
Too bad you didn’t look around first :wink:

Check these out:

I knew about the first of those threads, but I never read the second one* :stuck_out_tongue:

It could always be a future Van DLC! :wink:

*Wankels will be rather fun to play with. :sunglasses:

Would like to build engines for contracts, so during war you could get a government contract for engines for tanks which wouldn’t make you much but it would cover your losses since car sales during the time might slump. Other contracts would be like a ship engine, perhaps a drone/plane ect.

Devs are already looking into implementing contracts like, engines for police cars, taxi’s, etc.

Yes but from what I understand your building the whole car, not just the engine for it. For instance Honda makes engines for boats that a boat company makes.

sweet contracts yes but we need NEED NEEEEEED diesels so badly