Completely different types of engines

The game seems to be a car engine simulator. I think it would be really fun to have small upright engines (Like the ones on cheap gokarts) and horizontal shaft lawnmower engines. (I’d also like a V6 and engines going further back than the 40s)

What are your thoughts?

You do realize its about running a car company. So lawnmower engines don’t really make sense.

I have to agree it would be crazy if you added them in but I dont see you doing that…although I know one or two cars that ran on 2 stroke motors like a Saab and the Peel P50

Honda. ( insertjokeabouthowcarcompanymakeslawnmowershere. )

Hmm. Good points, but still, I feel that we should have engines from a time when people would look at you as if you were crazy if you mentioned “starter motor”.

Do remember that the game starts in 1946 :wink:


Do remember that the game starts in 1946 :wink:[/quote]

They had starter motors. I’m talking about stuff like this:

(Yes, I know it has a starter motor)

your kidding me thats a starter motor…

Read the entire post.

I read it and that is one craaazy starter motor

There was “self starter” engines in the early '20s.
That would be so many more engines to add to the game, it wouldn’t be out until after 2020.

And most between war engines were very low powered. Not so much fun.