Conceptcar to production

In real life car companies often tease us with awesome concept cars and also trick us into thinking that the production car of the concept will resemble it closely in order to increase the hype.
Would it be possible to make in game concept cars/prototypes/ mockups that would be presented at car shows to increase awareness and prestige of the company?
An idea related to this would be that any car made out of a conceptcar or prototype should be graded on how closely it follows that concept and that aspect would have an impact on populararity, sales etc.

Great Idea! I love concept cars and its even better when they get made into production cars… Well minus the Aztek lol

:smiley: I’m glad somebody like the idea and yeah the Aztek was pretty ugly.

I think this could blend with the research aspect of the game. Use the profits or money from investors and do reasearch and build a prototype or concept car then it will be a bit cheaper to make the production vehicle if you base it on that research.