Console version(xbox and playstation)

Hi, i think it would be great if you guys made this game come to Xbox and playstation. i would buy the game at almost any price(below 40 bucks for sure)


hahaha facepalm


To be honest, this would be hugely expensive and time consuming, and probably wouldn’t work too well. Especially considering the game isn’t even done for PC yet.

Ahaha… no.

Doing console ports of PC games is a non-trivial task, we’re talking along the lines of multiple years of work, switching to a new game engine, completely redesigning the UI to work nicely with a controller, organizing publishing through whatever means etc. All to make a game that would have close to 0 sales potential on consoles as very few console players buy complex tycoon games, and with what would most likely be a really horrible to use UI…



Perfect! :laughing:

Or preorder for $35 and use on pc… I mean the game runs on my piece of garbabge laptop I’m sure your pc could run it!