Cop-Show Car Supply (CSCS)1 - NOTRUF 110 - Einsatz für die Autobahnpolizei, Staffel 3 (DONE)

Berlau, 3rd of May 1996

“Alright, Nicole, the new characters now got plenty of screentime, time for your Sarah to come back to the force - with a fitting ride”, said Johannes to actress Nicole Korte whose alias in the show is Sarah Maier.
“Let´s start with that red one, what do you have to tell about it, Mike?”

MM: A Vaughn Silverbird in GTC top trim. Nothing wrong with it, but the handling and sportiness are the lowest here, although not particulary bad. Maybe because that thing is quite heavy. But again, not bad especially for a Gasmean car. Excellent safety, but the comfort is meeh. The old-fashioned OHV V8 is reliable but has some thirst, but returns quite stunning performance. The purchase is pricey with $ 25.000, especially considering it is for a junior grade detective.

NK: The front looks like a frog trying to kiss me. Nah. I mean, this is acutally a cool car in general, but among these five, it is the least interessing together with that blue one.

Johannes stepped to the SM Soaura. “Looks like an Illaris, but is branded as SM. Maybe their sister company, like Primus and Globus?”

MM: Feels similar to the Vaughn, also fast, but not that fast, alright handling and cornering, the comfort is a bit better. Actually the best together with the Swanson, but far less than the other protagonists have in their cars. Price and reliability match the Vaughn.

NK: Hm, another car that stands visually out but not in a way I like it. And if I don´t like it, Sarah doesn´t like it, right? The front without a grille is not to my taste, the taiillights are too oval go only roughly with the shape of the rear, too low and too wide to really fit. Saberin Motors didn´t mess it up, but it falls behind next to that other one here.

“You mean the Zephorus 305?”, asked Johannes.

NK: Yeah, clearly an older model, but cool as heck with all those spoilers and wheel arches… this also lacks a grille, but goes better with that than the Soaura. That stripes are also quite cool. Looks like made for a young and wild person like Sarah.

MM: The Zephorus offers almost 300 horsepower for a bargain. $ 16.100 - as low as the Capella, but comes with a V8. Like the Vaughn, the engine is powerful, reliable but thristy. The Zephorus even consumes more than the Vaughn with 16 liter! This is way too much. The simple chassis has a very harsh ride to allow for acceptable cornering, but still offers no improvement about Vaughn and SM in that aspect. Well, the price is still hot. It is hard to get more bang for less buck.

“We made good experiences with a Swanson, what about the 200 series, Mike?”

MM: The 220 PF is no surprise, it handles the best and makes stunt driving very easy and precise. The comfort is good, at least among this quintet, and reliability is great, but none of the five disappointed in that aspect. The price is lower than the Vaughn and SM, but a lot more expensive than the Zephorus. From my side, it´s a go. Perfect all-rounder.

NK: Have you seen that huuuuuuuuge wheelbase with tiny overhangs? Nah. That´s ugly. Sarah is despite her psychological issues a very lively person. That Swanson looks as it has a constantly bad mood and wants to run me over. No, sorry Mike.

She walked over to the Nordwagen Skadi.

NK: THIS is better. Still unique and very different, but smoother and … it´s a bit on the retro side, but plays that card very well. The blue color and some oval shapes prevent it from being too strict. The wheelbase is also quite long, but it somehow looks better than the Swanson.

MM: Well, Nicole, this car is also among the expensive ones. They all are except for the Zephorus. The performance of them all is very close. The Nordwagen is worse in drivability, sportiness and comfort than the Swanson, but not by much. In addition, the Skadi is the toughest in terms of reliability. It is more or less a matter of taste between these two, and I think you made your point.

[OOC:] Surprisingly all cars match each other in performance and price (except for the Zephorus). So it was mostly up to the design.

The Vaughn by @Knugcab is another case of fifth, not last. It has hardly any fault, but just fails to impress in any way. However, working on that shitty mess of mod body and having a bearable result deserves some applause.

The SM Soaura by @shibusu suffers from lack of coolness and seems to mix being different with being weird. The stats of it can´t iron that out. Which means, it will not proceed, even if the car is overall solid.

The Swanson 220 by @Ludvig has the best stats, beating everyone except for the price and has only the Nordwagen in striking distance. But it looks odd. What I felt somehow weird about Batimus car is even worse here, mainly due to the wheelbase that is too long. It just looks different without looking right in terms of proportions. Since the Nordwagen is in striking distance and looks way more suiting for Sarah Maier, this sadly means that the Swanson is not considered despite many positive things.

The Nordwagen Skadi by @moroza has convincing stats and wanders confidently on the small rope between weird and different. Even the bizarre six-headlight-configuration can´t make me call it ugly in any way, and the rear design perfectly reflects the front. It´s being consistent in all details what makes that design work.

The Zephorus 305 by @Riley captivates Sarahs personality the best. Young, wild, free, this liftback sedan manages to look modest and berserk at the same time. Where it also scores is the price: Some 5.300 less than the SM which is the second-“cheapest”. I am still not sure if it is enough benefit to cure the diverse shortcomings which are absurd fuel consumption, mediocre handling quality and low comfort. But it is the only opponent left for the Skadi, and it will be a tough wheel-to-wheel duel.


I had a feeling that the Vaughns would be a bit too “gasmerican” for a Hetvesian show, oh well, it was worth a try… and yes, I don’t recommend anyone to use the SN95 body because it really is junk!

A small notice of what to expect

I stepped on the gas with the judging to get it done before I fly away on vacation (and I don´t want to take my expensive gaming laptop with me when not going by car), but everything that could go wrong shortly prior to the takeoff went wrong and took more time than expected, so I am still not done to arrange all the 20 screenshots and write the stories needed for the final post.

The judging is done, and there are final descisions which car is considered. This took me longer than expected since as a host, I have the responsibility to objectively decide what the fictional client wants and suits him/her best, and not what I would prefer.

But the final post will take my like 10 to 15 hours to make since it is something new and not seen here before. My plane takes off in less than that.
Which sadly means that I can´t continue before September 21. I also didn´t manage to enter all the challenges I originally wanted, but that´s life.

Now that the judging is 100 % done, it is just the huge presentation of the cars that is left, so the update will not bother me in any way unless the mods are turned useless, which is very unlikely since the game engine remains the same.
As I don´t work for a living anymore and this is a high priority after the return, you can expect the final results and presentation soon after the 21st of September if I don´t almost kill myself with a jetski like two years ago.

So, how will the finals be presented? You have an episode guide hidden in the opening post, and even if I can´t turn them into graphic novels since Automation is not the Sims or a 3D studio software, most action scenes involving the cars will be featured. Some background cars were quickly thrown together, some others are requested from other users, since Berlau is not GDR where you just had three main types of cars in the scenery.

For that reason, you are free to send me realistic 80s to early 90s cars you want to have seen in the background. The villain cars are mostly there, either a Nordwagen, Saarland or Primus/Globus.

I apologize for not having better news for the challenge duration, but I hope that the waiting will be worth it.



It´s a two-parter, so I did the stunt scenes for both in one post. One winner is now revealed. If your car is not mentioned yet, don´t worry. You still might see it in another role as I want to provide every entrant with at least one fancy screenshot as benefit for the work put into the car.

E01 starts with an older Globus van that crashed after a tire burst, the driver fled the scene after trying to put the van on fire, but Jakob Walkowski - driving the police car from seasons 1 and 2, a Primus Astrona, watches this on patrol and came just in time. Frank Batimus and his new partner Harry Walkowski arrive on the scene with Franks new ride: A Swanson 425. They find a lot dead bodies inside - with missing organs that were taken for trade, obviously, sometimes even when the victims were alive.

Do you always have such fucked up things at the Highway Patrol?

No. This is… something else, Walkowski.

Call me Harry. How about a beer? I know a really good bars in Berlau.

I smell that.

Hey, Harry! Look what I found there. The driver must have been in a hurry, because there is a forgotten map. An adress is marked in the industrial area.

So, you find a piece of a map and directly drive there? What would you have done if they had left a globe in the car?

A first trace leads them to a company that pretends to be in import/export business, but Frank is sure that this is just a cover - they are kidnapping people on order! They interrogate the CEO, and on the parking lot they see a 1988 Primus Imperator whose tires seem to match - the van driver had been picked up by a car using similar tires. Unfortunately, Vitaly Stroganoff escapes, since he had some grenades in his car that destroyed Batimus´car, inherited from the deceased Kriminalhauptkommissar Sordel, and the Baumhauer lasted only one day in Harald´s hands…

Soon after, Sarah Maier uses CCTV footages and some tough classic police work to find out who stole the 1976 Globus Duratrans - and finally manages to get the address, after comparing the face to hundreds of criminals that could fit there - and it was Fred Willig, working for Stroganoffs business - and he came to some wealth recently, as he moved into an expensive area of Berlau.

12-4 to 12-2, where are you? 12-2, I could need assistance. 12-2, please respond. AAAAAARGH, FRANK, HARRY, WHERE ARE YOU?

Well, these two were enjoying hotdogs and left their phones in the car, so Sarah decides to go alone.

She spees to the apartment, a luxurious penthouse, but nobody is there. She then tries to collect proof by searching for whatever could be useful.

Suddenly, when she was checking the the rooftop balcony, Sarah was pushed off it, but survived by breaking both arms to catch the fall… but the roof of the Saarland Origo she used is now… quite dented.

E02 continues a few days after - It was clear that the organ traders had help from a doctor to perform the surgery. But the doctor isn´t an idiot: No traces were left in the van, at least not of him. Frank and Harald investigate in every hospital in Berlau and found out that all organs missing in the dead bodies were needed in the St.-Lazarus-Krankenhaus in Berlau - exactly that hospital where Sarah currently is.

She notices something suspicious, since a doctor seems to have forced symptoms of a kidney failure at a patient and proposes removing it, so Sarah tries to collect proof against Dr. Joseph Heiter who seems to be the brain behind the organization.

Batimus and Walkowski finally manage to find Stroganoff with the help of some informants, but he notices that and steals an old 1978 Primus Astrona Taxi. By using a brand new patrol car, a Capella Notirius, Walkowski blocks the way, and the Swanson, and Batimus forces Stroganoff into the road block with his Swanson. Well, since Frank took an abbreviation, his brand new car is a bit dented, but at least not a total loss.

Dr. Heiter meanwhile found out that Sarah collected proof against him, kidnaps her in a dramatic finale - she was locked in an ambulance, and Heiter drives to a junkyard in order to put it in the car crusher…

Frank and Harald take Schneider´s 1991 Primus Legacy without his consent, since saving her colleague at all cost is what every dedicated cop would do.

In the end, they arrest Heiter with a well-placed gunshot, save Sarah and even get a praise from Bernd Schneider - he wanted a new car anyway, since he refered to his predecessor´s car as “Boehme´s wheelchair” since he considered it as too boring.

The episodes featured cars from @kalan , @Knugcab , @Ludvig and from @S_U_C_C_U_L_E_N_T who didnt enter but I found the car very fitting for the earlier season.


In the end, this car combined best performance, handling and reliability as well as value and even if I think the styling isn´t perfect, it is edgy. Something that also reflects Batimus who is a much younger version of Columbo with an attitude, despite looking like a dressman. In short: He is weird. And the Swanson is equally weird. But I chaged the awful Army green. That purple fits great in the 90s and emphasizes the character of the car a lot better.

I will try to publish one more episode per day, so that you will soon know what happened to your car.


Episode 03

The reverend Paulus Heller, working at the highway church near Berlau, was nailed on a cross, to let him pay for the sins. It turns out that Heller was a pimp - but treated his girls well and gave them a fair slice, which made the prostitutes rather working for him than for others.

Walkowski investigates undercover as doorman, but sadly, the Baumhauer is junked and he does not want to be seen in that role with the Saarland Origo from the department. So he casually walks to the impound lot to get a confiscated TIO Eagle that belonged to a traffic law attorney that got his car confiscated for frequent traffic violations… With the stylish Eagle, Harry is taken serious and his cover is solid. Meanwhile Batimus tries to reveal the truth in clever interrogations. The pimp Rüdiger Fritsche tries to escape with his Nordwagen Freya, and Batimus needs to push his Swanson 425 to the limits to match the mighty Nordwagen. On the radio he yells for assistance, and Demir Berkan, the first Dalluhan working for the Hetvesian police, assists with his Samir 328i, shooting the tire of the Nordwagen, causing Fritsche to give up.

In the department, he loses control as he made a mistake in the interrogation, manages to captivate Batimus and escapes with a **Primus Astrona **patrol car. But Kriminalrat Schneider follows them with a helicopter and alarms Walkowski, causing a giant mayhem in the city of Berlau.
Walkowski rams the Primus over and over with “his” Tio Eagle, which is not the right tool for the job and the engine stalls and finally passes out.

But Walkowski grabs the car of the police president who was eating at a nearby gourmet restaurant, pulling out the driver and taking over the wheel.
With the massive Vaughn El Mirage GTS, he not only leaves behind a furious police president but also rams the Primus Astrona finally to dust, after Batimus jumped through the rear window onto the Vaughn and climbed in on the passenger side at 200 kph. The episode ends with Walkowskis Knoia phone ringing, with a colleague asking if he know any about a Tio Eagle that a lawyer now asks for where it is…

Cars featured in the episode by @DrDoomD1scord , @conan, @Ludvig, @moroza and @Knugcab


That’s a rather heavy car to be hovering that high off the ground… Also, the base Freya is a family estate car. What you have there is a Freya Æro.

Good that they shot the tires out of that thing before it reached an Autobahn. Chasing it with 227hp wouldn’t be very interesting or productive.


It was hitting the curb after a hit from the Swanson and therefore levered up, since it was now slowed down Demir Berkan could shoot the tire.

Tomorrow in the next episode Walkowskis car will be revealed!
@shibusu and @Knugcab, stay tuned.


Didn’t think I’d see the Eagle in this haha

The good design was rewarded with a brief appearance in the show in one of the toughest chases of the 1990s. It lasted five minutes screentime until Walkowski grabbed the Vaughn to finish the Astrona off in another five minutes
But I hope you didn’t plan to get the Eagle back after the Show… or did you?

In this case, you might come with a trailer…

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The work you’re putting into both the storytelling and the pictures is just amazing, few challenges have been this “deep” in that regard, you really deserve credit for that. I love it!


Episode 04

The successful computer salesman Hans Heller is in a hurry - after a traffic jam, he is late for an appointment in his office in Berlau and speeds with his Swanson 537. In the other direction on the A-2, the restaurant owner Vittorio Morini drives to a farming market in the countryside to get groceries, but suddenly he is shot by the driver of a Nordwagen Tyr Autobahnkuriernear Berlau, causing his Globus Grand Cruiser to crash into the center barrier and into oncoming traffic, killing Hans Heller who noticed it to late as he focussed on his phone. Even the tough Walkowski, now having an own car, an ACR Via Fenis, is shocked by the scene, and Batimus, who speaks fluently Frunian, decides to intrude the Mafia undercover, as a first investigation of the backgrounds seem to indicate a mafia feud.

Meanwhile, Haralds uniformed brother Jakob recieved a new patrol car, an Ilaris Imperial, after his Primus Astrona did not survive the last episode. The traffic law attorney Dr. Günther Bess, after a trial against the department, now drives a Zephorus instead of the Tio Eagle, and speeds again - Jakob Walkowski performs a dangerous maneuver to stop Bess and, well, confiscate the next car - and Batimus happily grabs it as soon as it arrives at the department.

Batimus takes note that il padrino, Mauro Forelli, was insulted my Morini that the pasta in his money laundry restaurants was terrible - and Forelli was furious with rage about that, since his own mother was in the kitchen using a family reciepe. His right hand, Gennadi Frutti, seems the most suspicious, so Walkowski secretly gets a hint from his partner. Since Sarah is still in hospital, Bernd Schneider calls for Demir Berkan as assistance, unfortunately, the ACR seems to be a bit to slow to get the Nordwagen Tyr Ludenkarre and Berkan only trashes his Samir 328i, but an oil leak caused in one of the contacts finally makes Frutti stop.

The criminal technicans found out that Frutti can not be the muderer, and almost simultaneously Forelli reveals to Batimus that the assasination of Morini was a matter of family honor, so he did it himself. Forelli now tells Batimus that his cover was blown, and that he will be the next on the list. In just that moment Walkowski crashes with his car through the window, distracting the padrino and letting Batimus escape. Who also escaped was Forelli, escaping with his Nordwagen Tyr Autobahnkurier. Since Batimus drives a very capable Zephorus, Forelli can´t shake the detective off. With a driving-on-two-wheels-stunt, the Zephorus squeezes past the Nordwagen and slowes him down, allowing for Walkowski in his slower SUV to close up. Together they manage to stop Forelli, who unfortunately was killed on impact, since Walkowski pushed him against a lamppost at 120 kph.


Competition was strong, but the Fenis was not only dirt cheap, it also looked rugged enough to fit the rather rough Walkowski. It looks like it would be a capable tool for ramming or driving into someone else´s living room. The performance is lower, indeed, but to be realistic, not all fugitives drive overly fast Nordwagens that require a sports car. The Swanson 437 seemed to be a bit too large and avantgardistic, the IP Royal Vagant was a very close one but finally didn´t match the price or the “working-class” style that fits the character perfectly.

Cars in the episode from @Ludvig , @shibusu , @Riley, @conan and @moroza


This is excellent.


Meh, it’s fiiiinnee :sweat_smile:

Episode 05

Sarah Maier is back in duty and whitnesses the kidnapping of a bus that planned to go on a coffee tour.

While she keeps Schneider updated, Walkowski interrogates the nursing home staff where the bus picked up some frail people. He quickly finds out that something is wrong with the people onboard, and they are heading in a strange direction. While Maier follows the bus, Batimus finds out that all the seniors inside belonged to the SS and were accused of committing war crimes - so this is most likely an act for revenge. Sarah tries as hard as she can to stop the bus with her Zephorus 305, but it has no use.

The bus even drives in the direction of a site where the war crimes were commited by the seniors. This is a question of conscience - should they try to save the seniors or not? SEK (Sondereinsatzkommando, a special heavy duty task force of the Hetvesian police) boss Paul Wanner loses his patience and orders his officers Swoboda and Kasupke to stop the bus at all means - since they have a rear-engined Saberin Soaura, the nimble sedan manages to maneuver quickly as a road block, but desipte the gunshots fired, the bus crashes into the officers, which miraculously survived, but the Soaura didn´t. Schneider, furious with rage about the disobeyance of the SEK, calls for the minister of the interior to stop any attempt to stop the bus with weaponfire.

In the end, they are police officers after all, and have to save the seniors, but possibly killing a grandchild of the many victims and letting the seniors go away leaves a sour taste. Hit by a bullet fired by Hauptkommissar Klaus Kasupke, Moshe Rosenzweig has to give up and is finally stopped by Batimus and Walkowski in the Swanson. Sarah enters the bus first, unarms Rosenzweig and promises him to collect further proof against the former SS members to give justice to his ancestors after 50 years. The first investigation was lazy and full of errors, and Sarah is confident to do it right this time. Nevertheless, Rosenzweig commited now crimes himself, and will sadly not experience the arrest of the SS staff, since he died before the ambulance arrived. Klaus Kasupke, who fired the lethal bullet, promises Sarah that Rosenzweig did not die for nothing and offers any assistance wanted, but the three from the highway patrol leave without saying any word.

Why the Zephorus 305?

More performance in that price range is absolutely impossible. Sure, the other entrants, especially the Nordwagen, were not bad and it was a tough descision between the Nordwagen and the Zephorus. Given the fact that Sarah is a junior grade detective, the Zephorus is the more realistic with a very low sticker price. It´s general appearance also looks like junior grade, like an average older sedan that is a leftover of the 80s, but with coolness and some visual pepper. It has some significant shortcomings, but the Nordwagen scores equal for actress Nicole and is much, much cheaper without being unreliable or totally undriveable.

Cars featured from @Ludvig , @Riley , @shibusu


Episode 06

Klaus Kasupke left the courthouse free of charge, as his shots were justified. He reaches out to Sarah for a peace meal at a near highway restaurant. Sarah reluctantly accepts, as he really did only defend himself, Moshe Rosenzweig attempted to kill Kasupke and his partner Robin Swoboda and she might have reacted the same. When they finished eating and walked to the parked cars, a huge explosion destroyed the restaurant, throwing its WC onto Sarah´s Zephorus…

Later, another restraurant blows up… with many victims. Since they are all close to the highway, the case gets assigned to Batimus and Walkowski.

This series of explosions at highway restaurants makes it obvious that blackmailing is in progress. Batimus, a passionate cook, works undercover, while Walkowski and Maier stir up the local suspects - after Batimus provided them with the results of his observations. Batimus withnesses that the Sokolow clan seems to threat the restaurants to pay or be destroyed - and that the “Golden Tree” where he works undercover seems to be the next. Mihail Sokolow sees Batimus in the kitchen, recognizing him as a cop as he was arrested by him back in 1994, and blows up the Yamaguchi Zen of the restaurant owner, Woo-Ttum Kaiser. In just that moment, Walkowski arrives and jumps in the Swanson to chase Mihail.

Mihail makes a terrible descision: He enters the highway the wrong way in his Vaughn Firebolt GTS - and can´t react to the oncoming old Primus RT320, whose sharp angled front works as a ramp, catapulting the Vaughn into the air. Batimus locks up the brakes of his Swanson despite ABS, skids sideways onto the Primus and also gets arborne, rupturing the fuel tank of the RT 320 and causing fire.
After a 20-meter-fall, Mihail survived thanks to the good safety of his Vaughn, but is in a coma with permanent severe brain damage. He won´t be hepful at all…

The next day, Harald Walkowski and Sarah Maier are on the way to Juri Sokolows mansion to arrest the father and possible brain behind the blackmaling. But Juri Sokolow isn´t dumb and knows what will happen. In revenge for his son, he rams the Via Fenis of Walkowski witth his silver Nordwagen Tyr Autobahnkurierand fires multiple bullets on it, hitting Harry in the shoulder. Sarah fires back, bursting a tire and causing the Nordwagen to slide into a construction site, having a terrible lethal accident.

The case seems solved, all return to normal duty. But after a few days, when Sarah is alone on patrol in a highwayside area, a blue Nordwagen Freya approaches her and fires on her, as well as some ramming attempts. Behind the wheel of the blue Nordwagen is Yulia Sokolow, trying to get revenge for her family, after all, it was Sarah who decided her father´s fate with her gun.

The two young women get into an intense catfight where nobody spares the other, the cars bang heavy, gunshots are fired, and both fight like devils. When Sarah finally manages to call for backup on the radio, Batimus and Walkowski jump in the red Saarland Origo and speed to the scene.
But it seems to be too late, facing a dead end of a ramp Sarah jumps off it with her Zephorus, getting some distance between her and Yulia.

But the 305 is severly damaged, leaking oil, coolant and gasoline. In a desperate attempt she goes for a head-on crash with the Nordwagen. In the very last second, she jumps out and becomes unconscious.

Soon the uniformed Patrol as well as Batimus and Walkowski arrive, supported by an Ambulance. Sarah suffered a broken leg and a concussion, while Yulia´s trial isn´t urgent since she will spend the next two to three months in a full body cast…
The episode ends with a pensive Kriminalrat Schneider, doubting if he did enough to protect his force out there, and ordering a car to interfere himself in dangerous situations, so that his policemen and women don´t have to…

Cars featured by @Riley , @shibusu , @moroza , @Knugcab and @Ludvig


Intense, episode 06 is probably the best yet.


Finally the purple flunder gets a REAL beating :smiley:


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Episode 07

Bernd Schneider pushes the massage button of his heated leather seat - since Sarah is again in hospital, but will soon be back in duty, Schneider takes the opportunity to patrol himself out there with his Ilaris Impid. His passenger is Batimus, since Schneider wants to teach him how to arrest baddies without trashing the car - and other than for Harald, Schneider has still faith in Frank to do so. Harrys ACR is mechanically fixed but still dented as Schneider refused to pay complete repairs for a car that will be trashed again soon…

They are interrupted by a radio call of Harald, chasing a speeding dark Zephorus. Dr. Günther Bess overslept and rushes to the courthouse where he has to defend a guy who was DUI. Since the ACR of Harald can not keep up with the Zephorus, Schneider, who is two kilometers ahead, takes the opportunity. He blocks the Zephorus from speeding, but Bess refuses to stop, since his appointment is urgent. Walkowski overtakes and cuts off a Swanson 220, causing it to swerve and be right in the way of Bess`Zephorus, with an obvious result.
A furious Bernd Schneider is not calmed down by Harrys defence that he didn´t ram anybody this time…

Highway construction workers repair the damaged road surface - and find bones in the tar. Examinations prove that the two victims were Oliver Rolle and Tristan Zahn, two crooks that disappeared in 1981, when this section of the highway was built. In this 15 year old case, Batimus and Walkowski run against a wall of silence. The drug dealer Mirko Jeske might know more, as he was a close friend of the duo. But when they just wanted to speak in peace with him, Jeske thought Batimus and Walkowski wanted to arrest him for his dealing and rushes off in his pimped IP Colibri. Walkowski happily accepts the pursuit and a desperate Jeske uses his small car to drive up the stairs of the Berlau university, but Walkowski does not back off. While the small IP maneuvers more nimble, the SUV of Harald can climb better with the high ground clearance. Arriving at the top, Jeske is mad to see the cops still behind him, and speeds off the roof…


Walkowski wasn´t lucky with aiming, landing with a huge bang in a trash container already waiting for his car to be junked in it.

But Harald climbs out and runs just in front of the brand new Globus Premier Signature of the Gasmean businessman Dave Crane, pulling him out and obtaining the potent 3,5-liter V6 car to go for the Colibri that is now slowly limping after the crash landing. With a keen ramming maneuver, the heavy Globus catapults the tiny IP into an old Primus Urbano.

When Jeske lied on a stretcher with broken legs, Batimus offered him either to talk, to have to walk to the hospital or with Harald being his driver… that was finally convincing, Mirko Jeske reveals that when the two victims were hiding drugs in the woods near the A-2 highway, they must have withnessed something… this was active gang territory of the Bald Eagles motorbike club.

After a rather pointless interrogation, a selfmade gokart with a bomb attached to it followed Batimus and Walkowski, but after a few shots, the danger was eliminated. Yes, the Swanson is a puke green this time, propably because the purple one is still in repair.

Later on the shift, when Batimus was driving home, a blue Globus Phoenix followed him, finally shooting at him and shooting the rather unsafe fuel tank of the Swanson, the well-known weak point of these models. [OOC: That´s the revenge for submitting the lowest safety in all 4 cars for the characters]. With a burning trace behind him, Batimus throws a banana peel as last straw, and the Globus ideed slips on it, rams some garbage and gets airborne, Batimus jumps out of the Swanson which exploded only a few seconds later.

Since the Globus occupants made a deal with the DA, Batimus and Walkowski finally got to arrest the Bald Eagles. But a trap was prepared, and the two cops were hunted through the sewers of Berlau by multiple cars that they manage to eliminate one after one. But finally, they noticed nobody filled the gas tank of the Saarland Origo, since nobody expected the car to last longer than five minutes in the hands of these two and a waste of fuel was to be avoided. Batimus got the idea that “Origo” means mathematical vectors. and when the MC baddies were closing up from both sides, Batimus braked hard so that the two gangsters crashed into each other and were taken down.

In the end, Batimus and Walkowski arrest the president of the “Bald Eagles”, a drug-dealing motorbike club who executed their “Diablos” counterparts in 1981 and were withnessed by Rolle and Zahn.
Bernd Schneider assists them, since he wants to protect his officers and prevent them from causing another mayhem in the donut restaurant where they finally got the president. At this opportunity, you finally got to see Schneiders new wheeled pimphand, a Swanson 437.


It has the best allround capabilities, and looks menacing in the mirror. Only the price hurts, but since it is for the boss this time, it is of lesser concern, making it finally win over the Ilaris rival that became a normal patrol car.

Vehicles in the episode featured by @riley, @ludvig, @knugcab, @skygel14 and @shibusu


Didn’t think a more packed episode than 6 was coming, very nice work!