Because most games have a few AT LEAST.
A bit of a zany suggestion if I’m honest.
Sandbox tbh gives you unlimited of everything except hard limits 12000RPM for instance anyhow
But if we need to have any this should be one… Calling an engine “NomNomNom” will increase its fuel consumption by x10 (If you get the reference you win a cookie!)
[quote=“BiotecVirus”]Sandbox tbh gives you unlimited of everything except hard limits 12000RPM for instance anyhow
But if we need to have any this should be one… Calling an engine “NomNomNom” will increase its fuel consumption by x10 (If you get the reference you win a cookie!)[/quote]
But the killrob NOS hot sauce isn’t ready yet.
make the killrob NOS faster serothis! we may need it soon