CSC 62 : Autocrat's Automotive Dreams [RESULTS OUT!]

What? I didn’t get bashed into the ground and finished 3rd?
Troll incomplete, HQ will self-destruct


This was a great comp. Hats off to you for executing it so well.


Knew that the KV40’s boot would be one of the (if not the) biggest drawback for it. Still, a fun scenario to work for, and GGs to the winner

I could let my entry dcook a little more before submitting it. Regardless, it was a fun challenge.

Wow! Can’t believe I won. It was pretty close with some of these designs. Hope there is more asymmetrical stuff in the future.


This challenge is really cool! Great contributions all around.

@Merde this being an ongoing challenge, it’s on you to either come up with CSC 63 or pass it on to the runner up :wink:

Oh, I didn’t know. How long do I have left to come up with something?
Do I just make a new post about any challenge I want?

You can create a new post in the Challenge category; if you want inspiration on how to run a challenge, you can look at previous CSC iterations. You could also leave the new round to the runner-up and take more time to participate and learn the ins and outs of challenges, and if you win again in the future, have a better understanding of how to manage your own.

I would like to be able to host a contest and I have some ideas for one, but I’m busy this time of year and inexperienced in contests. So I will pass this on to the runner up for now.


Doesn’t look like a good time for me to organize a challenge for the time being, so I’ll have to pass this one as well
Huh? Im next?

Would i be allowed to host it with someone else? I’m interested but with the CCC3 currently running and my physical condition, i don’t think i have all the energy for it.

Tell me if anyone wants to co-host, i’ll accept it only if.


I’d be down to help out. I’ve got a few ideas for what to do.


Alright, i’ll think about it and come back later. I might just pass it.

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Omg a Djadania CSC would be the most lit crap EVER!



Your designs are always so out there, seeing what you come up with would be awesome. Please only do it if you are up for it and willing, though.

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I mean, i know exactly what i would want to do.
Like exactly exactly. And i have a bit of a break right now, plus the CCC currently will be far less work since i just need to do footage. I’ll think about it a little bit more but so far i think its a yes.

Decision made. I’ll host.
@Rise_Comics , got a discord?

Next CSC is here!