CSC64 - Space Age Futurism [FIN]

You still have 10 more days until closing :slight_smile:

my car with stock height is super super tall but when -8 in the suspension is the normal height i want. is that fine? thats the only advanced thing i added

As long as in the suspension stats are as low as you can already yeah okay - the massive ride heights are one of the things that annoys me too when building :stuck_out_tongue:


Roughly 2 days left!

Currently, full submissions by:
VanZandt_Breda, Meteor 151
Riley, Corsair by ZRD
debonair0806, Decatur VS-300

Advert, but no car file from:


Vidar Better Deal

The future of the automobile.

A collaboration between BetterDeals and Vidar, BetterDeals brings an innovative split cockpit design, allowing for perfect comfort and isolation for those who need it.
Inspired by airplane designs, this automobile focuses on visibility, with the whole cockpits being a window.

Besides the wonderful design, it also features something no other car in America or Curacao does; A rear-mounted 6.6 Liter V8. With the size of the vehicle it has enough space for storage and a fuel tank in the middle of the car, and the engine all the way in the back. Powering the rear wheels, this proves to be a driver’s car, able to beat almost anything on both the strip and on a standard course.

This top view shows the layout of the vehicle. Directly behind the cockpits are storage areas, and between those and the engine a fuel tank is placed. This allows for the safest possible crash structure in case of a collision from the rear, which is another reason why the cockpits are places so far forward.

BetterDeals: Truly a Better Deal.|attachment (106.1 KB)


I was both looking forward to and also dreading a Better Deal entry…



Vidar Surfire concept

Concept for Vidar.
Utilizing Vidar's supplied V8, the Highway King is a powerful and robust sedan perfect for long hauls anywhere in the country, from grocery-getting in style to interstate-flying road-trip journeys!


Because it's GOING... GOING...

And clooooooooooosed!

Final submission tally:
VanZandt_Breda, Meteor 151
Riley, Corsair by ZRD
debonair0806, Decatur VS-300
Prium, Stratoflyte
Djadania, Better Deal
Maxbombe, Surfire Concept
supersaturn77, Highway King


Apologies for a bit of a delay - work & home life has been a bit hectic…

I’ll get the first stage out soon-ish™

Good news is no immediate bins :slight_smile: :tada:

(although I was tempted with one of them coughBetterDealscough)


ok, this was fun but actually quite hard to judge, so here goes!

8th Place

@Djadania - Better Deal

Designer was investigated for communist thought crimes and deported, but not before all records of the car’s existence were siezed by authorities and removed from history.

- Front: Uncaught RuntimeError: memory access out of bounds
- Side: NaN
- Rear:

Stack overflow.
Writing minidump with heap to file /tmp/coredump.6412
Written 58191872 bytes (14207 pages) to core file

- Wow-Factor: frame #261935: 0x00007f5a2d4a080f CallDescrWorkerInternal at

Bonus - BeamNG impressions (not part of scoring):
I’ve never driven a non-euclidean car before…
2024-04-25_00-10-28 automation_test_track

7th Place

@VanZandt_Breda - Meteor 151

Definitely looking more sporty than comfort focused, a 2 door layout with a much smaller boot reduces potential practicality somewhat. A bit confused about the door handles (the don’t seem to be placed on the actual door?). The general feel of the design is a bit messy and cluttered with shapes and lines. The front is quite diversive, and it looks like you had a good idea, but unfortunately I dont htink it quite came together. The side view is okay, but it would be improved if the chrome stripe continued after the rear wheel instead of coming to a sudden stop. The rear view is also alright, but doesn’t quite match the feel of the rest of the car. The rear ¾ view is probably the best angle. Also the only one to do something different and submit with an inline 6 (although it does still fit the example engine).

- Front: 3
- Side: 5
- Rear: 6
- Wow-Factor: 3

Bonus - BeamNG impressions (not part of scoring):
You can tell this one is different from the rest, as it handles like a lighter and much more nimble car out of the gate. Definitely more sports focused than the others, however it suffers from strong oversteer even when coasting that makes it hard to control and get the best out of it.

6th Place

@Maxbombe - Surfire

Looks like the focus was on affordable comfort and luxury, rather than something sporty. It stands out with its very geometric shape and sharp lines that feel just a little too modern. The 2 door layout reduces practicality somewhat, but its large enough for it to not hurt too much. I’m not really feeling the colour combination of this slab-sided US boat-on-wheels, but it’s a minor point. I almost missed it at the start, but I do like the idea of the ‘missile look’ wings from the side view very much. It has an imposing presence from the front, if a little cartoony… actually now that I think of it… most of the car looks a little cartoony! .

- Front: 4
- Side: 4
- Rear: 4
- Wow-Factor: 6

Bonus - BeamNG impressions (not part of scoring):
Very soft and wallow-ey, understeers like a lead arrow, some slow oversteer if you can push through the understeer. Doesn’t quite go where you want it to. Super luxo-barge vibes.

5th Place

@supersaturn77 - Highway King

Definitely comes across with a practicality and comfort focused design. The only 4 door submitted, however features a much smaller boot (cough trunk *cough) than the others - still quite practical. I like the headlight-to-taillight chrome design feature, and the side chrome striping also cool. That being said, the roofline & cabin is awkwardly large, giving it a very top-heavy feel, and the front looks awkward. Long chrome exhaust sticking out the rear are a bit too long but I like the idea. The rear view mirrors the front, giving it an almost ‘eastern european’ look. It would probably work best in black as a Soviet limo!..… hrmmm… suspicious……

- Front: 5
- Side: 4
- Rear: 5
- Wow-Factor: 5

Bonus - BeamNG impressions (not part of scoring):
Relaxed but slow feeling. Handling is mostly understeer, but not messily so. Controllable power-oversteer, but again not messily so. It does, however, feel like you need to wrestle the steering a little to force it where you want it to go.

4th Place

@debonair0806 - Decatur VS-300

An interesting design, with a bit of a mix of styles but it still comes together nicely. The front has a bit of a combo luxury/sport mix that I am quite partial to, and somehow looks like it would handle a bit better than the rest. I’m uncertain if I like the red parts in the grille, and also not sure of the black bumper parts - it seems a little out of place? The alternate windscreen wiper arrangement is appreciated, just because. I also like the idea behind the 300 badge on the side, but it’s possibly a little too angular for the era & rest of the car (would be great if it was a little more ‘art deco’ in design maybe). Cool door handles! Unique but slightly awkward rear lights. Nice touch with the rear centre light that sits behind the Vidar badging. Overall looks like a near-production ready concept.

- Front: 7
- Side: 6
- Rear: 5
- Wow-Factor: 6

Bonus - BeamNG impressions (not part of scoring):
An easy and relaxed drive. Predictable and easily controllable handling. Average corner grip and power -oversteer on command but never unsettled or scary. Handling doesn’t quite live up to its looks, but is still in the better 1/2 of the pack.

3rd Place

@Riley - Corsair by ZRD

Woooooah… okay, this is different. It’s hard to say anything without mentioning the front…Blade-runner-esque… umm… I dont even know what it’s called! Some angles look a bit too modern (1970’s), some angles look quite old in design (1940’s), some bits look retro-futuristic. It’s reaaaaally hard to judge this design objectively, as it’s definitely love it or hate it! I love the idea, but unfortunately the cabin just looks too modern. Big respect for taking the risk and embracing the design brief to the max! It also features an enlarged 7.2L engine, just because!

- Front: 4
- Side: 7
- Rear: 6
- Wow-Factor: 9

Bonus - BeamNG impressions (not part of scoring):
An interesting and sometimes unpredictable mix of understeer and oversteer. Somehow feels less comfortable and soft, as well as less sporty than others! It’s definitely made for highway driving however, as it gets more and more stable at speed.

2nd Place

@Prium - Stratoflyte

Looks very comfortable, and pushes this angle over sportyness. A neat production-ready design, which makes it handsome and realistic, if a bit ‘safe’. I like the integrated indicators that fit neatly in the front, along with the car being presented in the perfect colour. The cabin is maybe sliightly awkward in proportions, but only marginally and only some angles. The integrated exhaust is done quite nicely. A classy rear view, and unique rear lights that I like a lot. There are not many angles where this doesnt look good.

- Front: 7
- Side: 8
- Rear: 8
- Wow-Factor: 5

Bonus - BeamNG impressions (not part of scoring):
Another quiet and relaxed drive. A bit more comfortable and composed than the Decatur, but also leaning much more towards understeer – but done so without a fuss or complaint. Very stable.

1st Place!

@KSIolajidebt - Sputnik Rocket Concept

Wow, looks sporty and stylish, even like it’s going fast when standing still. This car looks great from the rear and side views, and definitely manages to straddle the line between realistic and concept quite well. Unfortunately the design of the front is not as great as the rest of the car, although it still isn’t bad at all. A really nice design around the front and rear lights that makes them tie in together, and gives a bit of extra visual interest. The one part that does let the car down is the roofline, as the proportions and angles are just not quite right (rear seats would have almost no headroom), but I can see what it is trying to achieve. The roofline also means that the door openings don’t quite work / line up in a way that would be practical.

- Front: 7
- Side: 7
- Rear: 8
- Wow-Factor: 7

Bonus - BeamNG impressions (not part of scoring):
A bit more sporty than most others, but also a bit less predictable. It’s slightly harder to control, and takes more concentration, but also feels a lot faster and engaging.

Thank you to everyone that entered, and congratulations to the winner!


“Trolling failed, HQ staff must twerk now”

1 Like
using Better.Deals;
using Korsou.Dushi;

namespace TrollComplete

public class trollComplete
return toHQ;

tay ;put primary message counter into Y
bne SecondPartMsg ;if counter nonzero, skip this part, do not print first message
lda CurrentPlayer ;otherwise get player currently on the screen
beq EvalForMusic ;if mario, branch
iny ;otherwise increment Y once for luigi and
bne EvalForMusic ;do an unconditional branch to the same place


Great reviews! Thanks for hosting and congrats to KSIolajidebt!


simply the Kanye best


oh shit i won lol, thanks i kinda didnt see this notification. the design was more of a concept (hehe) so yea most things look weird and might not make sense but kinda intended. proof of concept type shit. ill cook up something for CSC65