CSCS3: Notruf 110, Season 11 (2004)

Wasn’t there a tuner car from Miko as well?


True, got lost within all the entrants since I didnt count him one in my mind (as he is the most active background car supplier).

@Mikonp7 your car will of course also be included, and race against Mara and IP.

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EPISODE 1 - The Axis of Evil, part 1

Trigger warning: Before you read it all, please be aware that police officers have to face violence, cruelty and overall uncomfortable things. I won´t make something worth FSK18 but please make sure that this is suitable for you.

A truck crashes on the A2 near Berlau, for no apparent reason. The trailer gets loose and flips, blocking the highway and causing accidents. Thankfully, no serious injuries occurred, and Holtmann and Kaportke respond to the emergency call.

The truck did not carry what was in the load papers - instead of camcorders, it´s all plants! The people at the company loaded the wrong trailer. Insurance appraiser Zacharias Jutze appears, being very angry about this, but Kaportke can´t understand that.

I think that´s something to be happy! I mean, the plants are cheaper to replace and surely still sellable, don´t you think?

Aaah, no, officer, they might be still usable but just look at them, they look like plucked chickens… But, eh, officer, I can offer you a great deal!

The next day, Bernd Schneider enters the department and finds plants EVERYWHERE. The department is literally a jungle.


Captain! Your blood pressure! Watch out…

Oh, Sarah? What are you doing here?

You know, I am back in the force now, at least part-time, and… I just wanted to make sure when I start tomorrow, I know the schedule and where I am assigned. By the way… do you have a car for me?

Oh shit! I totally forgot that. Well, eh, I have a spare car, some kind of yellow Mara again, … I think it will do the job for a few days until I will have got something for you…

Ewww… ok… By the way, it looks so much better and friendlier here with these plants! That was really a genius move of you. I feel… so relaxed here (deep inhale)

Frank and Lars are getting food for Holtmann and Kaportke, who have been ordered by Schneider to do radar controls all day, as it did not take long for Schneider to find out who bought all these plants and tries to sell them to colleagues…

A speeding Primus Cognoscenti 600 reacts too late and gets caught in the radar trap. Holtmann tells Kaportke to go into pursuit, who parked two kilometers ahead to pull over the worst speeders.

At first, the Cognoscenti driver signals to comply, then rams the Mara of Kaportke full force, pushing it into a tree at 80 kph. Luckily, Kaportke is uninjured, and reports over radio.

A white Primus Cognoscenti escaped the stop, pushed me into the trees. Registration Berlau-JK 1720. Escapes with high speed to the A10. Last seen at Teberauer Landstraße.

Lars here! He might just enter the A-10 directly in front of us! Sorry, your lunch break needs to wait, we will arrest the suspect first!

Indeed, Frank and Lars soon spot the car. The suspect has no intentions to pull over, instead, he opens fire on the cops, and an intense gunfire combat takes place.


I don´t like Star Trek, I prefer Star Wars. And do I need to remind you of the fact that this is a damn V12? Then drive yourself if you think you can do better!

Star… Wars…over…Star…Trek? FRANK! That´s a serious red flag!

The suspect then speeds through a construction site, in an attempt to get rid of the police. But Frank doesn´t give up, both cars bang heavily, but can continue the chase.

As next, the suspect spins another car to make it block the way of the cops. This works, and Frank crashes into it, but the suspect did not calculate with the fact that he drives a luxobarge and not a formula one car, so the heavy vehicle spins, too, and gets send onto the guardrail, skidding a few meters before getting back on the road with all four wheels.

Franks car skids into an Ilaris, totalling it, and the spun car that the Cognoscenti pushed stands in the middle of the road, so two following vehicles crash into it, causing a fireball, but thanks to the momentum, all vehicles roll out of the inferno, so that the drivers are not burned.

Captain! Requiring assistance on the A2 westbound, kilometer 73! Fugitive is a white Cognoscenti 600.

Can´t you ram it?

Captain, its a Cognoscenti V12. The dashboard alone is held by a million screws and its much heavier than our car. In fact, ours is already giving up.

Come on, Frank! You have already stopped tanks and a damn Primus is not possible? Whatever, BOLLE! TRENTSCH! We do combat maneuver B5! Follow me!

Schneider in his Eroberung and officers Bolle and Trentsch in their IP speed towards the A2 to make it in time, while the IP stops on the hard shoulder, Schneider goes wrong way into the oncoming traffic, aiming directly at the suspect.


The fugitive in the Primus sees the Eroberung speeding towards him, but instead of stopping or evading he just puts on “Highway to Hell”.

The Cognoscenti goes straight ahead, and Schneider, totall irritated by the fact the suspect did not even try to avoid the collision, evades last second, spinning but missing the cars that Frank already directed to the hard shoulder.
Since the fugitive focussed on Schneiders car, he didn´t see that Bolle and Trentsch placed ther IP in the middle of the highway, and slams full force into the IP, getting airborne and crashing into an Anhultz.

The trunk of the crashed Cognoscenti opens, and a body falls out of it. In the exact same moment, the suspect takes a grenade and pulls the ring, blowing the car and himself up, leaving no proof of whatever behind, but he was unaware that the person in the trunk fell out before. The officers Eduard Bolle and Martina Trentsch exit their IP more or less unharmed, as this car has excellent safety.

The Primus was registrated on the company “FAGA Software GmbH”, but Sarah, who was assigned to interrogate the CEO, who used it, finds the Cognoscenti 600 in perfect shape in the yard. The old trick: Same car, same chassis number, same plate.

Frank assumes that there might be a leak at the vehicle registration office, as it would otherwise be very difficult to know the registration of an exact counterpart of one´s vehicle, but without further proof, the DA would not allow a check of all employees, since they have a right to have their personal data handled confidentially. Bernd Schneider then gets the update from the medical examiner, that the person in the trunk was a young Dalluhan. Schneiders next call, the Dalluhan inspector Yasser Al-Wazir, tells that many young girls disappeared and that they think they are deported to Hetvesia, where they are forced to work as prostitutes.

Schneider calls the team in, updating the trio on the situation and the case.

So, ladies and gentlemen, we have to face ice-cold killers in our district. The victim in the trunk is possibly Dalluhan, with a tattooed barcode and an implemented microchip, which was first heavily abused over a long time period. I have rarely seen such cruelty and our enemies don´t give a fuck about people and humanity. She was alive when the chase begun and killed by a bullet that was fired at the trunk, so this must have been some kind of kidnapping. I guess the poor lady just escaped, and… LARS! NO! IT IS NOT YOUR FAULT! There was no way you could have known that there was a person in the trunk!

Lars runs out of the office, Frank follows him, signaling Schneider that he will look a bit after him.

Oh, Sarah, do I spot a tear?

N…, Captain. It is just, that this cruelty makes me feel miserable. Maybe I should not have come back then, as I am too weak for the duty, I think…

That´s bullshit. Any so called weakness can be a potential strength in return. People are de-humanized by disgusting criminal individuals, and the police force is no better, at some point considering victims as numbers and statistics. YOU care for everyone who deserves it, and I am very proud to have you back. So, but what to do now?

Didn´t you said they were tattooed? So, only certain studios use certain inks. Maybe we can get a trace if we know which one has been used. I mean, no “usual” studio would tattoo a barcode, but we can see which private person or unusual company bought the ink at the supplier.

Excellent! Sarah, meet up with the ME tomorrow, I will inform her.

The scientist tells Sarah that it is from a Dalluhan company named Dakh Industries, so the tattooing must have happened in Dalluha and the trace is cold.

Over a two week period, nothing new could be found out. Everyone is more or less down with his or her morale. Sarah, doing a routine patrol, sees a possibly abandoned camper van on a building site. She decides to take a closer look as many tire marks lead through the mud towards the caravan, but all windows are shut with blinds and the door locked. Sarah does not notice that on the unfinished building next to the site, a man watches her and pulls a gun. When Sarah knocked against the door, scared voices in the caravan screamed for help.

The man fires at Sarah, who runs back to her Mara, asking for support on all channels, then deciding to take on the man with the gun, as she realizes this is her only chance to get him, and drives up the ramps of the building.

At the same time, Frank runs into Schneiders office.

CAPTAIN! I NEED YOUR CAR! Sarah is in trouble, and I can´t just sit here and wait for someone else to get to my wife.

Well, Frank, understandable. But why don´t you just take your new Merit?

NEW? Like the NEW MODEL?

Don´t ask stupid questions, grab these keys and save your wife!

In the meantime, Sarah arrives on the ground floor, searching for the suspect. She spots the Mara Ranger, and the SUV shakes her off by ramming a pile of junk that blocks the way for Sarahs smaller Mara that can´t just run over it unbothered.

While the Ranger hides behind a huge pillar at an upper level, and Sarah drives slowly around to check every level. Suddenly, the formerly hidden Ranger appeared behind a huge pillar, racing with full speed towards Sarahs car, matching her direction and speed, and ramming her off the building. The SUV almost falls off, too, but becomes stuck with the front wheels hanging in the air.

Just in that moment, a dark red Saberin appears at the scene, going absurdly fast, but unnoticed by both Sarah and the criminal, as they are too busy with each other.

Sarahs Mara crashes hard on the ground, and she is not only injured, but also jammed in the wrecked car. Gasoline spills out, and her panic increases, as she just filled up the whole tank when she started the patrol.

The criminal lights a cigarette, hears Sarah calling for help.

Bad luck, lady! What did you say? It leaks gasoline? How about me sneezing and accidentally dropping my lighter?


Oh, I will smoke up first. You have two minutes to make your last prayers. HAHAHAHA!


Oh, I wish you had them with you, I would get a lot of money for them. So, lady, BURN IN HELL!

Just in the moment when the criminal reached for his pocket in order to get the lighter out, the Saberin speeds with an insane move around the building, the driver leans out of the window and aims perfectly up at the criminal, shooting him. But then the Saberin driver realizes he was too fast to avoid a collision with explosive barrels, jumping out of his car, letting it crash into the barrels with a giant fireball. And it is revealed to all spectators: The man is Klaus Kasupke!

But after being shot and falling into death, the criminal pulled his gun with his last breathe, shooting at the camper´s gas tank, and blowing it up, killing all the girls trapped inside. Well, that was at least what he thought, when he died on impact on the ground.

But Kasupke broke the door open when Sarah and the criminal were chasing each other, getting everyone out to safety. He then gets Sarah out of the wreck of her Mara, and succeded just at the moment when both an ambulance and Frank arrived.

A few days later, Kasupke visits Sarah in hospital.

Thanks for coming, Klaus. Thank you for saving my life, really. I am sorry that I was such a bitch to you in the past. You know, you did not deserve that.

It´s OK, Sarah, really. But you still look very worried. What is it? The doctor said it´s nothing broken, everyhting will be fine.

It is not that. I am ashamed of myself. How I begged for my life, that was pathetic.

Sarah! Stop! It was not! In fact, most would have ran for ther lives after being shot at, and you were determined to get him. This is what I would have done, this is what Frank would have done, but I don´t know many more that would have the courage.

The episode ends with Bernd Schneider getting used to some plants and finally buying a bunch of them from Holtmann, and then a cut to a Dalluhan supervillain, very angry that the Hetvesian highway patrol sabotaged his business.

cars used by @AndiD , @Knugcab , @Hilbert , @azkaalfafa, @Mikonp7 , @shibusu , @DrDoomD1scord , @Riley , @karhgath , @Ludvig, @S_U_C_C_U_L_E_N_T , @moroza, @66mazda, @Flingang , @HermannMatern , @supersaturn77 , @conan and @Elizipeazie


EPISODE 2 - The Axis of Evil, part 2

Trigger warning: Before you read it all, please be aware that police officers have to face violence, cruelty and overall uncomfortable things. I won´t make something worth FSK18 but please make sure that this is suitable for you.

Even if Klaus Kasupke rescued the scared Dalluhan girls - Lars has absolutely no luck with the interrogations since the girls have been indoctrinated to not trust the police, being told that they are corrupt and on the salary list of their “owner”.
He proposes Frank to let Franks and Sarahs daughter Jenny talk to them, as she experienced exactly this sort of crime herself before her adoption and might find a way to persuade the victims, which Sarah is not fond of - she is afraid that it could re-traumatize Jenny, but it worked - the boss of the gangsters is Nasser Saad, a Dalluhan supervillain.

Frank is fed up with the cruelty and proposes Schneider to attack.

Captain, with all due respect, but we need to stopp Mr. Saad, NOW!

Frank, we are not responsible. We are the highway patrol! The fact we encountered them on the highway makes us start an investigation, but we need to hand it over to the organized crime department. Since Hauptkommissar Richter is in pension, I hardly know anyone there. Except for Kasupke, maybe.

Kasupke? Well, that is worth a try.

Frank, the purpose of this meeting was not just getting a beer, right?

True. I need you to do me a huge favor.

I was afraid of that. But NO, I will not go undercover ever again. The last time almost four years ago was enough for me [compare to season 7]

Klaus, you are the last one I need to explain the cruelty of human traffickers to - you dealt with it yourself. And I can´t go undercover because I am in the wrong department, I don´t know the names of the players there and… I am scared of being shot becuase I move in an environment I am not familiar with and could possibly make a deadly mistake.

Frank Batimus admitting being scared? Damn! Sarah was definitely right when she said being shot twice within two months changed you for the better. [compare to season 7]. Anyway. I MIGHT find out where to find Nasser Saad right now and I can arrange something, BUT THAT´S IT! Either you do the job then or some of your team. I am out!

I don´t want to put neither Lars nor Sarah in danger. Let me try my luck with Captain Schneider.

Kasupke drives through the red light districts of Berlau, as he knows them very well from his undercover work alias Frieder Schön, looking after Nasser Saad. At first he has no luck, but in the Nocturngasse he finally found the, well, établissement, where Saad currently coordinated his businesses in Hetvesia.

Ah! Frieder Schön, the urban legend. I thought you disappeared.

I was caught for tax fraud, Mr. Saad. You know, Hetvesia has no mercy when it comes to taxes.

Sadly I do. But I heard you are interessed in buying some “female commodity” of excellent quality?

Not for me, I am a bit broke after being released from prison. I am trying to re-establish as the right hand of Rolf Löwe. An elder red-light-tycoon from Karlstadt. He wants to expand to Berlau, but isn´t aware with whom he shouldn´t compete, so I am handling it for him.

I will let you know if, when, and where I expect a visit from Rolf Löwe himself.

The next morning, Polizeihauptmeister Uwe Holtmann speaks up to Frank.

Eh, Frank, you have a minute? I might have a new case!

A new case? Well, hurry up then.

You remember that Udo said that this Mr. Jutze working for the insurance was pissed when only cheap plants and not expensive camcorders were broken in that truck accident? Isn´t that totally weird?

Possibly. Proceed.

A truck driver in my neighbourhood is in serious debt - and that is Ewald Gehrke, who said that he would be able to pay his debts soon. Isn´t that weird? This made me think: What if all that is insurance fraud, abusing our highways and putting others in danger for profit?

Interessing thought, Uwe. Does Gehrke have a valuable load with electronics?

He works for Hensmann. I thought you might like to drive there and check out, Frank.

Frank then visits the storage of Spedition Hensmann, getting to know that Gehrke would drive off with DVD players in an hour, and marks the boxes of some DVD players since they could be identified if they are sold then after a possible crash.

Indeed Gehrke flips his truck on purpose, causing a mass crash, luckily, nobody was seriously injured, and Holtmann and Kaportke, following the truck since Holtmann already calculaded with a provoked crash, are soon there to clean the mess up. Ewald Gehrke claims that the sun dazzled him and this led to the unfortunate crash.

Soon after, Zacharias Jutze appears again to inspect the load, writing it all off, and taking a sample of a defective DVD-player with him. Frank, now believing that Uwe Holtmann is indeed solving a crime of fraud, follows Jutzes car, an expensive Kotatsu Metamorpha, to a bargain market, but gets called by the department that Schneider will start his undercover job now, before Frank could do anything further than writing down the adress of the bargain market.

They meet up at a parking lot 10 minutes away from the location Schneider was invited to, with the captain taking Franks civillian car, ordering his officers to hide behind a fence in the bushes, being able to act quick if anything goes wrong.

Schneider alias Löwe is greeted and guided into the basement. Since he was checked for microphones and firearms, Schneider has no possibility to call for backup or keep his team updated. Saad shows him some frightened women, telling Schneider that he can pick any of them as soon as the money was transferred in real time on his bank account. Schneider calls Frank and Lars who wait outside to transfer the money, giving also the sign that proof is now collected. Sarah is told by Lars to transfer the money, which she does from the police office just in time.

In that moment, Saad is called by one of his employees that this is a setup, as the outside of the building has microphones for the surveillance, and the phone call from Lars to Sarah was heard by the gangsters. He grabs the gun and fires at Schneider who noticed the danger and was already jumping behind the sofa. He tells Saad that he has no chance and needs to give up, but Saad then laughs that he is not the person that gives up and the supervillain to never be caught instead.

Frank and Lars heard that, as Schneider didn´t hang up the call between him and Frank to let his officers hear the conversations, and the IP crashes into the entrance, Frank and Lars fire back with their guns, sucessfully taking out Saads guards. When they meet Schneider inside, they hear a loud BANG outside.

Saad speeds off with his chauffeur in his DCMW limouine, and threw two grenades - one at Lars IP, blowing it up, and one towards Franks Primus, that missed the car and the force only smashed the windows of the car.

Frank is relieved that his beloved Merit is still mostly intact, throws himself on the hood, hugging it and giving it a kiss, while Lars mourns the loss of his IP Celestia.

Bernd Schneider has no time for sentimentalities, he runs to his Eroberung and chases the DCMW, soon closing up. Frank can´t join because Schneider still has the key for the Primus…

In the DCMW, Saad doesn´t really become nervous.

Chauffeur, what´s on TV right now?

Notruf 110 reruns. I think season 3.

Yawn! Can´t they make new episodes? Anyway, aren´t there any cartoons I could watch?

Sir, I can´t both drive and read the program magazine, I apologize.

Ah well, Notruf 110 then. YES! HIT HIM, WALKOWSKI!

To shake Schneider off, the Chauffeur hits a Régal in order to spin it, which works, and Schneider just barely escapes the pileup that followed.

SCHNEIDER TO ALL AVAILABLE UNITS! Suspect leaves A10 and merges on A2. I request a road block on the A2! AND DO IT QUICK!

Kaportke here! We will block the road at Kilometer 58. Where are you?

Kilometer 52. HURRY UP!

Sadly Hotmann rushed too much, and cut off a Monarch when merging recklessly on the A2 in order to block it. The crash was inevitable, as a Mara Kavaler couldn´t react in time. This made a Globus Atlas, loaded with a mobile toilet, spin.

The toilet fell off - just in the way of Nasser Saad and Bernd Schneider. While Schneider keeps the wheel straight and brakes hard, Saads chauffeur tries to avoid a crash, but hit the flying dixi toilet that shattered into pieces.



While Schneider slammed into the Globus Atlas pickup, Saads DCMW was catapulted up in the air, landing hard at a bridge pillar and exploding - the DCMW carried grenades in it.

Schneider calls the department immediately.

Crash with explosion and possible fatality on the A2, kilometer 58 eastbound. Reporting possible fatality of the wanted Nasser Saad. Tell that his victims, Sarah. This is a day to celebrate.

cars used by @Knugcab , @moroza , @supersaturn77 , @Ludvig , @Mikonp7 , @azkaalfafa , @66mazda, @S_U_C_C_U_L_E_N_T , @shibusu , @AndiD , @Riley and @DrDoomD1scord


EPISODE 3 - The Axis of Evil, part 3

Trigger warning: Before you read it all, please be aware that police officers have to face violence, cruelty and overall uncomfortable things. I won´t make something worth FSK18 but please make sure that this is suitable for you. @shibusu preferred the team having to get in trouble with the “power grid”, facing enemies with far superior powers. Not a bad idea, so I used it. But it becomes nasty. Not only in a way of physical but also psychological harm, so make sure this and the next episode (story arc ends after ep.04) won´t affect your feelings

Schneider promotes Lars and Sarah to Kriminaloberkommissar, raising his glass to the two.

All right. Lars, after four years, you deserve this. And Sarah, having you back here really shows us how much you were missing in the past three years. Frank, when I will retire in two years, I look foward to giving you my chair. Until then: Drink your champaign, and then get back to work!"

But then the window breaks and a grenade appears. Bernd Schneider throws himself on the grenade.


Captain! No! NO!

But Schneider made a hasty gesture for Frank and Sarah to run as well, as long as they could, and used his right hand to salute.

Sarah, I will tell your father up there what a great cop you have become, and…


It took a few days until the team could finall get one clear thought. Frank, taking the lead of the department, was informed that the grenade was a Dalluhan model.

Lars! This is NOT a coincidence. This must be related to Nasser Saad.

FRANK! SAAD IS DEAD! Just like Schneider… FUCK!

Has anybody checked the remains of Saad?

Frank! We have seen him and his chauffeur. That makes two. Two bodies were found in the wreck. Saad is dead.

No, Lars. I will persuade the DA to allow us an exhumation.


Just at this moment, the 94 year old Siegfried Klemm has a tailgating Nordwagen behind him, and the seniors reflexes are not the best anymore, he steered hastily, not being able to control his vehicle, and caused a crash. A van with captivated Dalluhans is also involved.

As the van is too damaged for an escape, the driver lights the vehicle with the people locked in, then jumps over the guardrail and escapes. In that moment, Holtmann and Kaportke arrive at the scene, hearing the screams and let the people locked in the van escape in the very last moment. The force of the explosion throws Kaportke onto their Kaizen, but his injuries are only superficial.

This time it´s young men, with the passports taken away to work for free on construction sites. They also do not dare to talk a lot, but one finally tells them where one of their building sites is: It is owned by the Ascensor AG, with the CEO Dr. Leonhard Brink. Brink has also interest in Dalluhan oil companies, and it seems like he is doing the money laundry and recieves free workforce in return. Frank interrogates a very rude Brink, promising him to find proof and justice for the victims.

A day later, the bank calls: Franks house credit is cancelled, and Jenny is fired from her job as caregiving assistant. His parents, who saved a lot of money to travel around the world in their retirement, but Albert Batimus is now too sick to do it, are able to pay off the bank with all their savings, but in return, Albert Batimus gets declined the urgently needed dialysis therapy. It is obvious that Brink uses all his power to make the life of the Batimus family miserable.

The first positive news is a familiar voice calling Frank to meet up with him in Berlau - Harald Walkowski. He came over from Gasmea to attend Schneiders funeral and assisting the two inspectors in order to get revenge for Schneiders death.

In order to protect Frank from further trouble, loner Harry tells Frank to leave it to him annoy Brink, as he left Hetvesia already years ago and is not an easy target. The DA does not allow any investigation against Dr. Leonhard Brink, also putting the forced labour workers in a plane back to Dalluha, taking away all testimonies from the team and leaving them with nothing.

But the team is determined to get Brink in order to arrest Saad once for all. Walkowski remembers working together with inspector Berkan who has Dalluhan origins, back in 1996. Berkan is indeed still serving as Hauptkommissar, and he is willing to help his colleagues, even if it would ruin his carreer and risk his life.

Berkan, fluently speaking his maternal language still perfectly, pretends to be one of the Dalluhan slave workers and blackmails Dr. Brink. Even if he didn´t get Brink in person on the phone, he made an appointment with Brinks assistant, getting $ 50.000 for going back to Dalluha and keeping the mouth shut.

Berkan arrives at the scene in his Kaizen patrol car, but a Rhania Preserver SUV already waits for him, as well as three guards opening fire.

Berkan is under heavy pressure. But Harald Walkowski, meanwhile having met a hairdresser and looking again like the spectators knew him from the seasons 3 to 6, is there as backup with a motorbike. He decides to go up in the air to target the guards from above, but loses control over his motorbike. Despite the dangerous situation, Harry focusses on his job, and takes all three out by doing a salto.

The motorbike crashes into the Rhania, exploding and taking the attackers out. Walkowski lands in a mobile toilet. Harry, having killed all attackers, secures their phones as proof. As the DA refuses investigation and urges the team to hand it back to the Ascensor AG, Lars, a skilled programmer and hacker, investigates the phones himself.

At the same time, insurance employee Jutze is blackmailed by Ewald Gehrke: As he is broke again, he wants to get $ 60.000 from Jutze. A furious Zacharias Jutze is determined to get rid of Gehrke. Meanwhile, another truck with consumer electronics as load crashed under mysterious circumstances with the driver making a dumb excuse, and Holtmann marks the boxes just as Frank did.

In the evening, Sarahs mother, Karin Maier, sober for 3 years since she wanted to be a good person for both her adopted and newborn granddaughters, gets some chocolate as gift by a man who pretends to be the new neighbour she gratefully accepts and eats.
The chocolate has been prepared with alcohol, and Karin Maier soon becomes drunk, and falls back into alcoholism, going to her old Martinet to get some bottles, and running over someone when driving drunk, then crashing and seriously injuring pedestrians. She is arrested at the scene and put into prison, awaiting a trial.

In the next morning, Sarah is full of anger, telling Frank that either he arrests Brink or she kills him, following her mother into prison. But then the kindergarten calls Sarah, telling her that her daughter is no longer welcomened at the kindergarten and should be picked up immediately.

Lars, who is already in the police office, extracts all data and installes bugging devices in the phones before handing them back. While doing that, Frank begs Dr. Brink for stopping the destruction of the lives of his wife and daughters, and focus on him as he is the one challenging him, but Brink laughs that the fun has just begun. He stomps on the phones and destroys them, laughing at Frank that he is definitely not that dumb.

Bernd Schneider recieves a military funeral with all possible honor, being put in a state administrated grave with the ministers of the interior and defense holding speeches.

We are coming together today to salute to not only a father, veteran and police officer, but also a true Hetvesian hero…

I can´t listen to that. I want to get out here.

Me too, Sarah. Flashbacks to your father´s funeral?

Yes. I can´t stand all this anymore, Frank, I am just willing to give up.

Sarah, we need to be strong for the kids. Lars and Harry will help us to find a way to end this. We will win this, trust me.

cars used by @moroza, @azkaalfafa, @AndiD, @66mazda, @Knugcab, @Skygel14, @Ludvig, @Ch_Flash, @shibusu, @NormanVauxhall, @Mikonp7, @HermannMatern, @happyfireballman and @Hilbert


The creativity behind this, amazing!


The governmental agency of construction rang Albert and Helga Batimus out of their sleep: A certificate proves that the soil their house is built on is not safe, and the house is demolished on the spot. Albert Batimus, who is very sick, almost dies from a heart attack in the arms of his wife and falls into coma. Frank has a tantrum and is calmed down by Lars, suggesting that Franks family should hide in Harrys apartment in Crafton to be safe, which Frank does not want, as he wants to continue fighting against the superior enemy.

Frank, I need your car.

Harry! Giving YOU a car means I can as well junk it on the spot. What do you need it for?

I need it for a surveillance job. I will observe Dr. Brink day and night, if neccecary. He WILL make a mistake for sure. And then I am there. You are the boss now, damn, just order yourself another one, but I need yours NOW, if you want to end this nightmare, Frank!

Indeed - already the next afternoon, the car of Dr. Brink drives to an expensive business hotel for a dinner with a man with a disfigured face. The valet parking employee however is dumb, he thinks it would be fun taking the luxury car for a spin - but Walkowski just sees the car speeding off the lot, not knowing who is behind the wheel.


Sarah here! I am very close to your location. Where is he now?

Heading east on Wilhelmstraße!

All right, I am 5 minutes away!

The valet parking idiot then rams a Yamaguchi, spinning it in a way that the way is totally blocked for Harry to follow.


Harry, what´s up?

He blocked my way by causing an accident! Lost him! Last seen heading south on Ritterstraße.

HEY! I GOT AN IDEA. Sarah, can you force him to take a route to the junction Bergmannstraße and Jägerstraße?

Will try, can´t promise. What´s the plan?


Harry then breaks into the Sanju dozer parked at the construction site and speeds off with it.

Sarah does as asked and manages to “guide” Dr. Brinks car towards the desired location.

And there is Walkowski: The road block from Holtmann and Kaportke and Sarah behind him leaves the fugitive only one way to go, and Walkowski rams the car to dust with the “borrowed” dozer.

Sarah and Harry are very surprised who was actually driving the car, but they gratefully take the opportunity to search in the vehicle for suspicious things. A trunk full of dalluhan cash and interessing documents is surely helpful.

OH! Didn´t expect that Brink makes us this easy.

Definitely. Harry, can you organize the tow? I miss Frank and Santiana a bit.

Thats how you named your daughter? How did Frank let that slide?

I… just didn´t ask him? I mean, our neighbours, this weird mechanic, want to name their daughter Chantal Jolina, so that´s worse I guess.

When Sarah arrived home, she found a very unpleasant surprise. Frank was still playing outside with his little daughter, but called in by Sarah.
She found a letter left on the table, written by Jenny, that after losing her job, being about to lose a grandfather and seeing her grandmother going into prison, just can no longer stand the pressure. The mobile phone is turned off, and her most valuable belongings left behind, so Frank and Sarah expect the worst, and Frank is told by Lars and Harry that they will care about the case, and Frank should care about family matters now.

Jenny meanwhile stands on a rooftop in the Berlau city center, looking at the beautiful dawn. Looking down on the main street, she spots how a boy wants to jaywalk, but is held back by his girlfriend with a firm hug to not do that dangerous attempt. That beautiful sight messes up her feelings, and she finally activates her mobile phone, calling Petra [for new spectators, this is the psychologist working as a profiler for the police, often appearing in earlier seasons and also helping Jenny to deal with the abuse she suffered].

Half an hour later, Petra Liehr is there and convinces Jenny to not do what she was up to.

I know, I was a coward not doing it.

Not at all. It is much more brave to not give up on something and dealing with it instead. And even if you do not feel like it, because they are right now very stressed with serious threats, but Frank and Sarah really love you. Am I allowed to call them? I think they are very worried.

And what if they lock me up in a psych ward?

You are an adult by now. I think, the only one who has to decide how to deal with your situation is yourself. I am very thankful that you called me, really. I`ll drive you home now.

The data from Dr. Brinks car showed Lars that he was meeting frequently every with someone at the same house where Schneider was invited to, so the contact to Nasser Saad was prooved, and in the last weeks, he met every sunday morning at an expensive restaurant in central Berlau as well. Frank decides not to arrest Brink, letting him believe that the car wasn´t checked in depth. Before handing back the wreck to the Ascensor AG, Lars does a short circuit on the electronics and lets Brink think that the head unit was destroyed in the crash.
Frank is still in rage that his family is affected by the sabotages of Dr. Brink, and a furious Frank walks into the office of the DA.


Hauptkommissar Batimus, I can understand that you are upset, but is there any real proof for Dr. Brink being involved into crime?

I LITERALLY TOLD YOU ALREADY! In his car was a lot of Dalluhan cash and some folders pointing out that he is doing money laundring for Nasser Saad.

Saad is dead, Mr. Batimus. And why did you read the folders without a search warrant?

HE IS NOT! Here, just sign this so that I can exhume the grave. If it´s Saad, you can have my badge for my fallacy, if you want. BUT IF NOT, STOP SABOTAGING MY WORK AND LET ME ARREST BRINK AND SAAD! And the proof collected already is valid! If a driver escapes a traffic stop there must be a reason, and so after the crash we were allowed to scan the vehicle for a crime possibly committed by the valet parking employee, like drugs in the car or whatever. THIS TIME YOU CAN´T RUIN MY INVESTIGATION!

Two days later, it is confirmed: The one lying in Saads grave is NOT Nasser Saad - there must have been a third person in the DCMW nobody knew about, propably one of his bodyguards.

At the same time, the truck of Ewald Gehrke refuses to brake, and he slams into an IP, causing a crash. He then calls the emergency call 110.

Autobahnpolizeirevier 12, Berlau, Polizeiobermeister Kaportke?

I am Ewald Gehrke! My truck is sabotaged. The cruise control is jammed and the brakes do not work! I am on the A2 from Teberau to Berlau, at half the distance.

We have an officer out there on patrol. We will inform him.

Lars is the nearest, assigned to help the driver, so he speeds towards the truck.

Lars, can you see him?

I am right behind him, Sarah.

I guess we need to get the driver out of the truck, we can´t stop it without risking his life. I told Uwe and Udo to install a roadblock at kilometer 237.



You still have Gehrke on the Phone? Tell him to jump onto my car!


Eh, Lars, Udo here, what to you think we can do in such a short time period? Build up the Berlau Wall again?

CRAP! RUN! The truck will be way too fast to be stopped as planned!

Gehrke was injured when he fell off the Kaizen of Lars, but not severely, and confesses being involved in insurance fraud. What he did NOT confess was that he blackmailed Zacharias Jutze…But Udo Kaportke is already on it.

In the office, Uwe Holtmann stepped up to Frank.

Eh, Frank, you remember, we marked these boxes…

Which boxes? Can you be a bit more precise, please? I am busy!

Those from the crashed trucks. I told Udo to check the bargain store you followed Jutze to, of course in civillian clothes, and he found them there. So the electronics are definitely still sold.

Really? Not bad, Uwe. But that´s not enogh evidence, I am afraid, to get Jutze in person.

Well, Frank, I did my homework. The store is owned by Hilmar Bartsch. And he also owns a recycling company. So he can fake certificates as well if he gets all the electronics declared as junk by Jutze.

I see your point, but where is the connection to Jutze? We need to have that waterproof in order to get an arrest warrant.

I just checked who lives with Jutze. He is married, his wife is Katharina Jutze, born Bartsch… you get it?

Fantastic. I`ll get the arrest warrant really quick now, stand by then.

Frank, you won´t arrest him yourself?

You and Udo solved the case, why should I take away your merit if I have other arrests to plan? I am there as backup if something goes wrong, but you will be the ones bringing Jutze into prison.

The arrest is performed only an hour after, since the case was very clear for the DA, thanks to the good investigations made by the team. But Jutze managed to escape from his house.

Udo here! We need backup. The suspect Zacharias Jutze is escaping on the Feinbrunner Allee in a piss yellow Kotatsu Metamorpha!

Mücke and Greve here. We are blocking the road at Nokturngasse. He must ecape in the backyards then. Frank will block the alley from the other side.

Great! Now we have him!

Jutze was caught, and so was brother-in-law Hilmar Bartsch. But the most important arrest was still to perform: Dr. Leonhard Brink and Nasser Saad!

On sunday, a man with a scared face arrives with Brink at the restaurant: It is Saad, disfigured, but alive. Inside, Holtmann works undercover as waiter, and when bringing them a fresh decorative plant, a microphone was installed. The plan worked, and Frank and Harry arrest Saad and Brink, but Saad has a machinegun in his umbrella and manages to escape with Brink in his car. As this arrest is the most difficult they propably ever had, Frank and Harry agreed doing this, as they are the most experienced officers of the quartet.

Saads chauffeur slams into an IP, and the spinning car cuts off the Primus of the detectives.


I HAVE EYES, FRANK! This is an abbreviation. Don´t worry, we will be right behind them again.


Would the gentlemen please buckle up? There is a roadblock ahead and our alternative route will become a bit bumpy.


Would the gentlemen prefer to be arrested?

No… DAMN! Go for it!




Both cars enter the subway station, then leaving the platform for the rails.


Are you a chatbot or why are you always stating the obvious?


Not soon after, the oncoming train arrives, and the front wheels of the DCMW are too jammed to steer… but the same also occurs to the Primus. All persons jump out of their vehicles.

Frank! Are you ok?

Yes… I think so… where is Saad?

Both carefully walked to the remains of the DCMW. The Chauffeur has broken a leg in his jump, and gives up without resistance, throwing away his gun. And Dr. Brink… well, when he jumped out, he landed on the power rail, and since this isnt rated 18+, there is no detailed description needed, except that Dr. Brink is definitely dead.

But one person has escaped AGAIN: Supervillain Nasser Saad…

cars used by @Knugcab, @moroza, @Mikonp7, @ldub0775, @Ch_Flash, @S_U_C_C_U_L_E_N_T, @shibusu, @66mazda, @Ludvig, @azkaalfafa, @AndiD, @happyfireballman, @NormanVauxhall, @ldub0775, @Flingang and @Riley


EPISODE 5 - Piggy Bank

Trigger warning: Before you read it all, please be aware that police officers have to face violence, cruelty and overall uncomfortable things. I won´t make something worth FSK18 but please make sure that this is suitable for you.

A grey-haired business women is sitting in Franks office, introducing herself as Kriminalrätin Dr. Gesine Resch.

Kriminalhauptkommissar Batimus, I understand that you are not pleased by this, but orders are orders and I HAVE BEEN ORDERED TO TAKE OVER.

So what? Arresting almost 10 mobsters, getting a corrupt CEO, protecting my family and solving a huge insurance fraud case within four weeks is not an archievement? What is it then?

Mr. Batimus, have you ever calculated at what cost? The minister of the inner has done this. So, since Kriminaloberrat Schneider sadly passed, you caused the following …eeh… expenses:

  • A motorbike, total loss, value $ 10.000
  • The city district department sent us a bill over Kaizen FC25 repair cost, $ 14.000, I wonder why…
  • A mobile toilet, value $ 2.000, how… NO, I DONT WANT TO EVEN KNOW!
  • Repair bill of a Kaizen FC17, $ 2.500… yeah, peanuts.
  • Repair bills of a Mara and IP patrol car, together $ 22.000.
  • Repair bill of a Delphinida Pilot Sport Plus, $ 13.200.
  • A Primus Merit, total loss, $ 28.000.
  • Plus a lot of damage to criminal´s vehicles, but its their fault if they mess with the police.

THAT MAKES 91.500 IN JUST FOUR WEEKS, CHIEF INSPECTOR! And the worst part is not even included. The health insurances of the subway passengers will sue us. Or they themselves for compensation on top of that. The Berlau Central Hospital ran out of plaster! This is most likely a case in a range up to $ 500.000! YOU CAN NOT HUNT A FUGITIVE DOWN INTO THE SUBWAY!

I didn´t hunt him down there, madam.

Don´t tell me Lieutenant Walker was it. LETTING A FOREIGN OFFICER ENTER DUTY LIKE GETTING AN ICE-CREAM IS IRRESPONSIBLE! Even if he was formerly your partner, this is not how it works. Chief inspector, nobody doubts that you are an excellent cop, but you can´t run a department like this and you left the minister no other choice. I AM THE BOSS NOW!

The streets are totally empty, as today, Hetvesia is in the finale of the football world cup. The Batimus family… well, except for Frank who has to be on duty, is glued to the screen.

Also on duty is money transporter driver Volker Trimborn - on an empty highway. Well, the highway was empty until two trucks appeared in a construction site, jamming the van in between them, and then pushing it in a pit. The now unconscious Trimborn is not aware that the pit is closed - burying him alive in his iron coffin.

As the signal was lost, the company alarms the highway patrol, and Resch orders Frank and Lars to check what happened.

Frank, I checked, the traffic cams recorded the car on kilometer 54, but not on kilometer 68. So it must have happened in between, starting from here, within 14 kilometers. The last signal can be determined with a radius of 5 kilometer, so you can proceed for another 3 until we enter the radius.

Lars, look over there! That´s a mirror, possibly fitting a 1999 Globus DuraTrans. And tire marks. I am stopping here, call for support.

But nothing aside parts of the van and tire marks could be found. It is as if the vehicle vanished by being beamed up by an UFO.

UDO! COME HERE! Who is that other officer here?

Polizeiobermeister Bienert, Frank. Uwe is watching the football…

Ah, yes, correct. Udo, you drive to the apartment of the van driver, named Trimborn. Adress is Wangenseestraße 143. Maybe he stole the vehicle, faking an assault. Or maybe not. But we won´t do if we check that guy. POM Bienert, you do a background check of his financial situation. Come on, Lars, lets get back to the office. Maybe we can still watch a bit of the second halftime.

Bienert does not find anything unsuspicious, like private bankruptcy, serious debt or criminal records. And Kaportke finds the cat left behind in the apartment, which someone loving his pet wouldn´t do, so Frank assumes that the security van driver is innocent.

In the afternoon, Rick Wolter drives in his Swanson on the A-10, as suddenly a Vermillion Daredevil attacks the car, squeezing the car into the guardrail which sends it up in the air. A mass pileup starts, including Frank and Lars, who were on their way to get drunk together with Sarah and Jenny - Hetvesia lost AGAIN against Frunia.

Just when Frank managed to stop his car in time, an old Anhultz without ABS skids into the Delphinida, damaging the car too hard for a pursuit.

But Frank sees that an Eroberung U-BEL stopped behind them, he pulls the driver out and takes the sports car to get the Vermillion, which itself is also a very fast car. The fugitve rams a Journeyman, using the same tactic as against the Swanson: The car becomes catapulted upwards.

Now, the trunk opens and a lot of Cerveza Cristal gets spilled over the A10, but the sharp glass of the cracked bottles punctures the very soft and low diameter tires of the U-BEL, and Frank can´t avoid spinning and crashing into the guardrail, thankfully without totalling it. The fugitive in the Vermillion escapes, leaving behind a frustrated Frank.

Meanwhile, Lars tries to save the life of the Swanson driver.

It is… contaminated… lead…quicksilver…

Sir, what is contaminated? STAY AWAKE! HELP IS ON THE WAY!

The soil… Ascensor… They exchange…


The next day, Sarah provides Frank with the information that the man dying in Lars arms is Rick Wolter, engineer at the Ascensor AG that Frank is sadly already very familiar with… Frank is able to find out that Ascensor develops an expensive luxury housing complex, but the soil might have been found contaminated, so it is secretly exchanged with that from the highway when working simultaneously on both. If it was like that, the last words of Wolter would have made sense.

Sarah is now visiting her mother in prison, and when she left, being sad and angry about what happened, Dr. Resch already waited for her.

Mrs. Batimus, I have a lot of understanding that you need to support your mother, but that`s fraud of your employer if you are supposed to be on duty. Ask me anytime if you need to visit her, and I will allow it.

Yes, madam…

Before coming here, I talked to the DA. When taking over the lead here, I had to get informed about my staff, including personal matters, I hope you can understand this and don´t see it as a sign of mistrust. All persons which your mother ran over are expected to make an almost full recovery. Given all the circumstances, including the disgusting alcohol trap, he will plead for two years on parole, so that you will be able to get her out of prison. I can´t promise that the judge will follow that, but it is very likely.

Frank and Lars show up once more at the Ascensor company headquarter, and the new CEO Stefan Hübner tells them that he is only in charge for a few weeks, so he doesn´t know about everything going wrong.

Mr. Hübner, who is responsible for the building site on the A2? Is it the same like for the “Reichstein-Residenzen”?

No. Mr. Krüger. The housing project is Knut Bieler, while the highway site on the A10 at kilometer 60 was unter the responsibility of Ralf Wolter.

The building site at kilometer 60? That is interessing!

Why, Mr. Batimus?

A money transporter disappeared yesterday at that site. Do you have any blueprints of the site? If yes, I need them, And has there been anything unusual?

Sure, I will order my secretary to hand copies out to you. Hmm, now that you say it, yesterday two trucks had a minor accident there. The driver, Mr. Louis Kovac, the foreman, said he was distracted by the radio, as he listened to football, and caused minor damage.

Louis Kovac! Interessing. Thanks, Mr. Hübner. Do we get his personal file together with the blueprints, please?

Meanwhile, the money transporter has run almost completely out of air, and Trimborn is about to pass out. Frank reads the construction plans of both building sites which Hübner handed him over. He notices that something is different in reality than on the plan - where the minetruck stood was supposed to be a basement for a highwayside restaurant, but it was covered with soil, which it wasnt when he was on patrol the week before. He tells Lars to drive there in order to check out.

You really think that they buried the van there? They could have filled that hole just to get rid of the contaminated soil from their other site.

No, Lars. They don´t just transport it from A to B, they EXCHANGE it. And that damn van has to be somewhere, If not there, where then?

But… what happened to the driver then?

I am sure we are both thinking of the same… DRIVE FASTER, LARS! UNIT 12-2 FOR DEPARTMENT! WE NEED BACKUP, CONSTRUCTION SITE KILOMETER 60. And get us someone who can operate heavy machinery like an excavator, NOW!

This is Kriminalrätin Resch. Holtmann and Kaportke are busy arresting Knut Bieler together with me. He was seen to have stolen a red Vermillion as used in the assault against Ralf Wolter. I will send you Mrs. Batimus.




But Lars, driving evasive maneuvers, damaged the oil pan of his Kaizen FC17, so the engine died - and the minetruck was closing up fast. Lars was able to escape in the very last moment, but his car could not be saved, it was flattened by the giant minetruck.

Meanwhile, Kovac and Frank are in a shootout, and Frank just can´t get onto the vehicle, and has to let loose as a bullet hit his gun, ripping it out of Franks hand.



But then Sarah arrives in her IP, but realizes that the truck can´t be stopped with the car or the gun, but spots a few barrels with funny signs. She remembers the “Harry Maneuver” [compare to season 3] and nervously speaks to herself to calm down.

Ooo…kay… I got exactly one attempt at this, please don´t go wrong, I don´t want to eat that shitty hospital food again… now, fooooocus… aaaaanddddd… ACTIOOOON!

Sarah fires at the barrels, which explode as planned, and the force lifts Sarahs IP up in the air, so that she now has a good position to aim at Kovac, shooting him while flying past him at high altitude.

Kovac is shot dead, and the IP lands hard, with the airbag knocking Sarah out, but she is soon gently woken up by Frank, while Lars operates the machinery to dig out the pit that should be there, according to the blueprints. And indeed - there is the money transporter. Trimborn could be saved in the very last second, being revived by the three inspectors.

A few days later, Sarah sits in the office of Dr. Resch.

So, form 38b there? AGAIN?

Yes madam, request of a new vehicle. My Celestia got a bit dented, and I am afraid…

DENTED? I HAVE RARELY SEEN A POLICE VEHICLE THIS DESTROYED LIKE YOUR THREE HERE! Franks could be repaired but as compensation, he crashed a confiscated sports car, too, to keep it fair, I guess. So, Mrs. Batimus, as you have the blatancy to give me your formal request with the attitude of a bored school girl throwing me her homework on the table, I will now give you a math lesson!

  • Repair Bill Delphinida Pilot Sport Plus: $ 16.400
  • Repair Bill Eroberung U-BEL: $ 12.300
  • Total Loss IP Celestia 3500 Coupé: $ 23.800
  • Total Loss Kaizen FC-17: $ 32.000


cars used by @mikonp7, @knugcab, @flingang, @66mazda, @ludvig, @azkaalfafa, @elizipeazie, and @supersaturn77, and using an idea by @riley


Episode 6: Speed

No trigger warning/disclaimer this time. People don´t have to die in every episode.

Polizeihauptmeister Uwe Holtmann is frustrated with filling in forms, mainly the ordering of the new cars. Sarah gladly takes over, but her smile tells us that she is definitely up to something…

A few weeks later, a furious Gesine Resch tells Holtmann to follow her outside.


I don´t know how, Miss Resch, I was so sure that I told Sarah to write in the color grey…

SARAH? So, you pass your work on instead of doing what you were told? Damn! What a dollhouse here. When I see Mrs. Batimus, she will face consequences!


Yes, madam?

You know exactly what I want to discuss here right now, don´t you?

Red is my favourite color! And well, don´t worry, the cars will last a few weeks only anyway, so you can soon have an all-boring sight out of your window again, boss.

ENOUGH! Don´t annoy me, ONE MORE THING, and you will do radar controls all day, is that understood?

The next day, Berlaus street racing scene is as active as always, this time it´s Peggy Paszkowiak in her IP and Vincent Dieselsky in a BetterDeals with V8 and Nitrous injection, since his fancy Cavaliere Nobile was confiscated and auctioned under a new and strict law against street racing, imposed by Dr. Resch herself. But Uwe Holtmann and Udo Kaportke are already after them, although their IP Bolereo struggles to keep up.

To pass Peggy, Vincent now activates NOS, but the huge flame blocks the sight of a Saarland behind him, and the driver causes a crash, but Holtmann evades it and continues the pursuit.

The DIY nitrous injection is faulty, and the gauges indicate that the BetterDeals is about to blow up, so Vincent Dieselsky jumps off in the last second and is arrested by Hauptmeister Kaportke after the car blew up, Peggy Paszkowiak evades being involved, but spins her car, and Frank joins the party to block the way.

Frank meanwhile arrests the attractive woman.

Kriminalhauptkommissar Frank Batimus, Autobahnpolizei. You are arrested, your car is confiscated, you have the right to call for a lawyer, you have the right to shut the fuck up.

Oh, inspector, can´t we solve it… a different way? My passenger seat is very nice, you know?

My wife speeds as fast as you and is the most beautiful woman in the country, so I don´t see a reason to accept your invitation. Hands behind the back, lady!

Later, the phone of Lars Krüger rings. He is called by a familiar voice.

Yes, it´s me, Marko Zora. I saved your live, and your boss spared me, he was a great guy. A bit stiff, but he had honor. I heard he was assasinated by Nasser Saad, a shame.

Yes. It´s a tragedy.

Now listen to me. A very high-rolling man called “Scarface” is looking for capable drivers. And it is very likely that this underworld boss is Saad, considering his appearance. Before you are too happy: I refuse to work together with the department, because I follow my own interests here. But wants to help you to get Saad to give justice to Schneider. I didn´t like him, but I respected him. You have kill a guy like Schneider in a fair 1 vs 1 duel, not gutless with a grenade through the window. I will let you know where and when. AND DO NOT DARE TO ARREST ME. I am faster anyway.

In the evening, Lars visits the Batimus house to discuss the matter with Frank, and Jenny refuses to go up to bed, as she is now a young adult and doesn´t want to be treated as if she was still 15.
Frank agrees with Lars that the opportunity has to be used, but assumes that Saad watches the races and he knows the faces of him, Lars and propably Sarah as well. Complaining about Zoras resistance to work as informant, Frank gets interrupted by Jenny, who tells that she is a very good driver and totally unsuspicious, as she is not a cop.

Frank strongly refuses, but Lars adds that even if Dr. Brink made Jenny fired, it is very unlikely that Saad knows about her, as Brink did a personal vendetta against Frank and not on behalf of Saad, so she could indeed be the right undercover person for this job. A furious Frank tells Lars to forget about that, and later complains in the kitchen to Sarah.

Lars must be out of his mind. Jenny can´t even harm a fly. She won´t survive a single second among those criminals. I would rather let Holtmann or Kaportke do the job!

Frank, come on. We all had a very hard time, and I think this could be the greatest adventure of her life. Is there a better sign of trust to her than allowing her this? We can look after her any time and step in if something goes wrong. It´s just a street race, and you know how much she enjoys speeding.


The next day, Sarah is determined to turn the shy Jenny into a real car girl that is credible in her role as a tough racer, but that turned out to be more difficult than expected.

Do I look good?

You ALWAYS look great, my love. If I was a car, my headlights wouldn´t stop looking at you. You just need to get back your gangster attitude you had before we adopted you.

Really? Should I look mean? Like this?

That´s not mean, this is… ah, forget about it. You´ll succeed no matter what you do. Fuck, where is Franks credit card? Mine is maxed out again…

I just wish I was as cool as you…

You are perfect the way you are, really… I guess, I can try a different make-up. Ah, there is the card. Follow me, beauty.

Soon after, the IP of Peggy Paszkowiak was auctioned. Frank faked the auction, telling the officer in charge that Jenny will offer the highest bid in any case and needs to be handed over the car without any further question. So Jenny now got a competetive car and some credibility, as more or less half of Berlaus street racers attended the public auction.

But the next day, Dr. Resch calls Frank in her office.

Mr. Batimus! How dare you to sabotage an auction of an impounded vehicle, sending your daughter undercover and NOT telling me anything about it?

You would not have allowed it.

CORRECT! I know you want to be in charge of this department, I know you are a good cop, and I also know that you do not care about my opinion. So you will continue your action no matter what we talk in this conversation?

Yes, madam.

So you leave me no other choice. Chief inspector Batimus, you are hereby suspended from duty. Hand me over your badge, gun and car keys. I hate to send a good detective home, but I will NOT tolerate that you are acting up with me. You can report for duty when you reflected your behaiviour and are willing to respect my authority. NOW, GET OUT.

Zora calls Lars the next day, informing him that the first race will be that evening and promising to help Jenny out there. Jenny is not taken serious at first but, after Zora stepped in, approved for the start.

The cars start off with roaring engines, Jenny manages to establish herself up front, while Frank watches everything from a safe distance - even without a badge in his pocket, he makes sure that Jenny is helped in danger, and he has not a total trust to Marko Zora.

ARGH! THE NORDWAGEN! I bet that is the one that Zora stole from me four years ago. This b***tard really wants to provoke me!

After half the distance, Zora is far up in front, with Jenny having trouble to keep up with the pace of the superior Nordwagen, so Zora slows a bit down to let her close up from time to time to give her the feeling of being the best driver in the competition. But Vincent Dieselsky, now having a tuned Eroberung, is also extremely fast and putting pressure on Jenny.

Dieselsky sees both the Nordwagen and the IP directly in striking distance and activates a new feature of his car: The Super Turbo Map, getting absolutely everything out of the engine.

But the extreme boost de-stabilized the car, and the Eroberung skids a bit to the right, ramming Jennys IP and pushing it into a pole, causing a high-speed crash.

A Dalluhan in a red Primus stops, as he was dead last anyway with the underpowered car, so he thought it has no use to continue racing and he can help Jenny out of the wreck. But after getting Jenny out, a red Rigel with police light appeared, and the Dalluhan speeds off as fast as possible.
Jenny is not severely injured and able to limp to Franks car, and a relieved Frank firmly hugs his daughter.

Zora calls Lars the next day, telling him that he won and is invited to a meeting three days later among the others that made it to the finish line. Lars also informs Resch, who is determined to get Marko Zora, despite Lars telling her that he promised Zora immunity.

Zora is told at the meeting that looting the transport from the evidence chamber of the federal police of Hetvesia is the keen plan, and they want to steal the heroine that is on the way to get burned, and that it starts just now. Zora can not provide the information fast enough for the police to protect the truck, and Dr. Resch and Sarah argue in the office.

Come on! Reinstate Frank! We need him NOW.

I agree that your husband would be of help, BUT I will not weaken my own rules. My descision has been made. Get in your car and follow me. INSPECTOR KRÜGER! YOU WILL APPROACH THE TRUCK FROM THE OTHER SIDE. I will take Franks role as senior detective and leave my desk for this.


Mrs. Batimus, I HAVE NO TIME FOR ARGUING NOW. Either you follow my orders or you join your husband and watch some TV at home. IS THAT UNDERSTOOD? We will have a word later on that matter, WHEN WE HAVE THE TIME FOR IT!

While almost the whole department gets into movement, the truck is already looted.

But just when the whole loot was taken by the drivers to be transported to Nasser Saads assistants, the police force arrived, entering a chase. Sarah and Holtmann and Kaportke take on the Mara first, and Sarah squeezes the fugitive into an ACR, but Holtmann notices too late and slams into the ACR as well, while the Mara - now flying through the air - takes out the other patrol car, a Vaughn, so stopping the gangsters is now left to Sarah and Dr. Resch, having to stop three remaining fugitives with only two cars.

Resch yells into the radio of her Volaro.

ARE YOU CRAZY? WHAT WAS THAT? Stop destroying state property as if they were toy cars!

Madam, I have taken out a suspect. Maybe you can give Uwe a raise so that he can afford new glasses, hmmmm?

Mrs. Batimus, I WILL NOT REMIND YOU OF RADIO DISCIPLINE A SECOND TIME! Behave like an inspector if you want to continue wearing that badge. And now watch that! NOW I ALSO HAVE STOPPED ONE!

Dr. Resch rams the fugitive in the ECA in front of her, causing the car to flip over and skid over the roof of the Volaro.


Madam, Lars has given Zora his word.

He can keep his word. But I didn´t give Marko Zora mine, so I CAN DECIDE FOR MYSELF IF I ARREST HIM!

Vincent Dieselsky speeds the next intersection, and a Globus having the right of way crashes into the Eroberung, pushing it full force into a parked Authié et Dallier. The chase is over for Dieselsky, as the car is totally wrecked, and Sarah arrests him without resistance.

All other involved police vehicles came from the other side under the lead of Lars, and they blocked the road to stop the Nordwagen, although Lars, not willing to break his promise, told the others to block the road BEHIND a trailer, and Lars lowered the ramp for Zora to use it. Lars then gave Zora a sign to use the trailer for his escape, and Zora signals him with his headlights that he understood, going sharp right and sending his Nordwagen far up in the air.


Sorry madam, I didn´t think he would be such a daredevil. Maybe we get him next time.

I will get him NOW!

Boss, NO. Your car is not equally fast and way too heavy. YOU WON´T MAKE IT!

Resch ignores that and goes after Zora full throttle, also turning her car into a temporary plane.

While the 50/50 balanced Nordwagen with good aerodynamics made a more or less well-steered landing, the Volaro Grand Verlyn of Dr. Resch was not really going straight and plowed nose-down into an oncoming car, thankfully only skidding on it and not causing a harmful accident. More than a minute later, Lars and Sarah arrive at the scene, while Zora speeds unbothered into the sunset.

Madam, I told you so.

You placed the barrier too far behind on purpose, right?

I even lowered the ramp. You just should not have a leadership against us.

Inspector Krüger, I am not working against you. I know, you are used to another person on my position. Please remind yourself that I am only replacing the position of the Kriminalrat being your superior, NOT replacing Bernd Schneider. Nobody can replace a person, just a function. And I think this is what you need to remind yourself of, before being hostile to me. If the discipline in this department doesn´t rise to what it was before, I need to find other measures nobody of us really wants. NEITHER ME!

A week after, Sarah entered Dr. Reschs office, smiling and with a document in her hands.

Boss! Do you have a calculator?

Yes, why? Do you really have to ask me for that?

Yeeeha, of course. Please type in: 35.700

For what?

A Volaro Grand Verlyn, one that YOU destroyed, the new one is now delivered, aaaand heeeeere is the … invoooooooice!

DO NOT MAKE FUN OF ME! Is my new one at least grey?

Of course not.

Good, because the red really looks nice, I just did not want to admit it to you yet.

DAMN! I should have ordered it grey then as I was told.

Sarah. I am fed up with this hostility. And it will end TODAY.

How so, boss?


Frank appeared as ordered, and Resch invited him with a bottle of expensive wine.

What is this? Just call an escort service for a date, not me.

SIT DOWN AND LISTEN! There are a few things we should speak out openly, without having ranks in mind. So, for every thing you feel like confronting me with, you take a glass in advance and then speak it out. After my experiences, Alcohol helps speaking the truth. The same for me, I have a glass as well.

Then I prefer you to start, ladies first. I guess I have to do it with you to get my badge back?

A gentleman, huh? This goes into a direction I like and yes, I might hand you back your badge, if we are able to solve our issues once for all.

Are you sure, Dr. Resch?

This conversation is not held by me as your superior, it is absolutely informal. Call me Gesine.

The next day, Jenny strays around Berlaus largest tuning meet, in order to find the guy who helped her out of the car, but doesn´t dare to speak to him after she spotted the red Primus. Marko Zora approaches her, handing her a torch.

Oh, Marko… eh, what am I supposed to do with that?

Hey, girl, if you are standing here like a lightpole, you can as well become one.

That was mean.

You are focussed on Metin Kaya, hm?

Is it that obvious?

Almost as obvious that he is focussed on you. Come on, lets go there. I can´t watch that helplessness of both of you any longer. EH, METIN! GOOD TO SEE YOU HAVE A BETTER TASTE IN GIRLS THAN IN CARS!

Marko? You here? What do you have against my Primus?

Metin, I know, I know, you drive that ugly thing just to compensate for the beautiful girl you are dating, right?

I am not dat…

Well, if you don´t do this, I might assume you REALLY have bad taste. So, I think you should take her out now… well, depends if she is willing to be seen in your trashcan.

A shy Jenny giggled.

Well… I guess he compensates with a shitbox for something else being …superior than average…

All three cracked up laughing, and Metin invited Jenny to King Ronalds.

Another few days later, Metin and Jenny are a couple in love, and Marko Zora watches the scene. Zora doesn´t smile, as it would not be in-character for him to do so, but one could tell that he is very proud of his work and happy for Jenny to finally experience real love.

*cars featured by @moroza, @AndiD, @66mazda, @Mikonp7, @Knugcab, @shibusu, @azkaalfafa, @S_U_C_C_U_L_E_N_T, @DoesStuff, @Djadania, @Riley and @Skygel14 *


Yet another BetterWin!


Trigger warning: Before you read it all, please be aware that police officers have to face violence, cruelty and overall uncomfortable things. I won´t make something worth FSK18 but please make sure that this is suitable for you. This one is again quite harsh after the last episode that was comedy. Please also note the hint at the end of this.

Episode 7: The Shark

Jenny is slowly getting back on her feet. She works now part-time in a fastfood restaurant, trying to get over what happened to her family and is still deeply in love with Metin Kaya, who she got to know in the previous episode. But Metin seems very distracted in the recent days, but he doesn´t want to talk to her about it.

In the afternoon, a driver of a Veloce Giove and an Authié et Dallier meet next to the causeway.

So, you have the money?

Well, I had a hard time…

Bullshit! Now, I will finally cut your finger off to remind you of your debt!

The Giove driver, being attacked with some punches and kicks, pulls an electric shocker out of his pocket, and that got him a few seconds to get back into his car and speed away, causing an accident, but still closely followed by the white A&D…

The Giove speeds back to Berlau, with the other car directly behind him, firing constantly at the red sedan.

The Giove driver desperately speeds a red light, crashing into a Zephorus which is then rear-ended by a Macht Teuton, but is able to continue his escape. The A&D driver backed off, noticing the red light, spun the car but is back in pursuit again.

The A&D now shows funny lights on the dashboard.

CRAP! I SHOULD HAVE BOUGHT A PRIMUS! Whatever, let´s end this!

With a perfectly aimed shot, the gangster hits the left rear tire of the Giove that crashes into an Eroberung. The Giove driver slowly gets out, and the Authié et Dallier driver is already there, kicking him in the face.


Both drivers run away, in different directions.

Unit 12-6 to department: Udo here, the red car crashed, the driver escapes on foot. The white car speeds off. We are trying to get the running fugitive.

Unit 12-3, Frank here. I guess the other one will dump his car in the industrial area. We place ourselves there.

Hi, Sarah here. Uwe, Udo, I am on my way!

The fugitive runs into a narrow alley, while Uwe Holtmann needs time to squeeze his Mara patrol car into it, but the success was only short time: From the other side, Sarah already positioned her Fischer as roadblock, welcomening the running suspect and arresting him.

Unit 12-3, we have a white Authié et Dallier behind us, resembling the description. We will try a routine stop on him. Please stand by.

Lars, being behind the wheel, signalizes the A&D to stop and mounts the blue beacon on the roof. The A&D driver tries to run away, but in that moment many lights start a disco and the engine stalls, as well as smoke starts to show up.

FRANK! LOOK! The car seems to break down!

Well, I would rather be surprised if an Authié et Dallier doesn´t… all right, CRAP!

The A&D driver uses the last seconds of his engine´s life to overtake the cops, perform a 180 degree turn and open fire. This results in a dangerous shootout.


Frank, are you ok?

Fuck, my expensive suit! It was NEW! And that asshole is gone.

But what did he have against my car? IT DID NOTHING AND WAS INNOCENT!

I guess he didn´t like the color… speaking of that, can you call the fire brigade? I left my phone in the car, and I think it´s now well done…

In the evening, Jenny takes the subway home from work, but is stopped by a few shady men…

Ah, Jenny, nice to meet you!

Eh… I think I don´t know you…

And you wish you wouldn´t! Look, your boyfriend is in trouble, and…

Please don´t hit me! I don´t know you! PLEASE!

We won´t… at least today. Tell Metin to pay his debt… otherwise… well, it would be bad for both of you…

The next morning Jenny visits Metin at work at the building where he works as janitor.


The less you know, the better.

I thought you loved me. SO SPEAK TO ME!

You better look for another boyfriend who… is better than me, you deserve that.

That´s bullshit. I love you. Either you trust me or you fuck off.

My family in Dalluha lost all belongings to a fire and I falsely told them before that I am successful to make them proud, so they expected money. But… I went to a loan shark…FUCK.

My parents are the toughest cops of Berlau. Please, come with me… we will help you…

Going to the cops? Why don´t we kill ourselves just now instead? Nah!

Meanwhile, Frank interrogates Benny Cleff, the Giove driver.

So, you are willing to tell me, that you flirted with his girlfriend, you can´t recognize anyone and he wanted to kill you for a flirt? REALLY?



I told you all I know.

I will put you in a prison cell. FOR YOUR OWN PROTECTION! Don´t you think that whoever this was will try it again? IDIOT!

A few days later, Metin drives Jenny to work early in the morning.

SHIT! We have someone chasing us.

How do you know, Jenny?

That black Cavaliere Nobile, newest model… he follows us all the way now.






Well Jenny, if you didn´t tell me I wouldn´t have noticed… BEND DOWN AND BRACE YOURSELF, I WILL TRY MY BEST TO GET RID OF HIM!


I head directly into Berlau, there is traffic and I maybe… can shake him off… and there are hundreds of people watching this, he can´t risk an assasination there. I will get you out of this, I promise!

Meanwhile, a second black car speeds through the area, an EMW Hörma 5.2…


NAH! I got the EMW off, but we still have the Cavaliere behind us, please hold on tight, I think I can escape at the next intersection!



The Cavaliere driver pulls his gun and kidnapps both Metin and Jenny… and when the police arrived, they only found the wreck of Metins Primus…

Well, Metin… what should I do? Should I use this knife to cut your finger off… or that of your girlfriend? Aaah, she looks so cute when she is crying.


Metin, it is too late. So, yours or hers?

LISTEN TO ME PLEASE! I can work for you… I mean, I might not be pretty… but don´t you have any other use for me?


Shut up, Metin. Now I am interessed. So, your name is Jenny? Well… I need someone for a little… delivery job. You stay with me. Metin, I warn you. Get me my money tomorrow after your girlfriend has fulfilled her duty, or you both will lose a finger. And … one word to the police, and I will torture her until she begs to be killed, IS THAT UNDERSTOOD?

A very nervous Metin uses a phonebox to call … the Notruf 110… asking for a cop named Batimus.

Sir, we have Kriminalhauptkommissar Frank Batimus and Kriminaloberkommissarin Sarah Batimus at the Autobahnwache 12, which one do you want to speak to?

The one available…

Frank was the first to respond.

KHK Frank Batimus, Autobahnwache 12, how can I be of assistance?

Mr. Batimus, it´s about Jenny… its urgent. Can we meet?

Who are you? WHAT THE FUCK IS IT?

Bergstraße 208, at the cafe. As fast as you can.

Frank jumped into his car and raced to the destination, with a 1000 things going through his mind…

Meanwhile, Dr. Resch cites Sarah in her office.

So, you have the identiy of the owner of the Authié et Dallier, where is the problem to get him? And where is Frank?

I… dont know where Frank is… Lars told me that he just ran out of the office and drove somewhere. Maybe an informant… And with Peer Carlsen, well, there is one problem: We don´t know where he is. Of course he is doing the submarine now, knowing that he is wanted, and…well, Lars is out there checking his former prison friends…

Sarah, please. No excuses. Results. Results, that´s what I want. Nevertheless, no reason to be nervous.

I… can´t get my daughter on the phone. She usually calls me after work, but she wasn´t there…

The elder one? Well… teenies are difficult.

She´s 20 and usually super reliable. I am really worried.

Hm. Well, Carlsen won´t escape too soon, as all highways leaving Hetvesia have officers partroling, all major train station and the airport security staff have his photo. Go home and check for Jessy.


Sorry, I am also a bit overstrained with work. But well, you heard it. I´ll see you tomorrow, please keep me informed. If she isn´t there tomorrow, we might be able to do something, but over 18… we can´t do anything at the moment.

WHAT happened? ARE YOU DUMB? YOU IDIOT ARE RISKING THE LIFE OF MY DAUGHTER! Finally she has a boyfriend and picks a loser like YOU?

I am sorry, Mr. Batimus, I told her to leave me, … I also didn´t tell her any name to not put her in danger, but…


I will provide you with any information you want, really, I didn´t want that this happens…

Yeah, yeah, I believe you… you fucked it all up but right now you made the one and only correct descision to call me… so loan shark Tobias Michalke is also doing drugs, right?

Yes… for a guy he calls scarface… that´s some big deals.


You know him?

I need to go. AND YOU DO NOTHING. You understand? NOTHING. I will handle this now.

Frank, still not really a fan of Dr. Resch, knows that he now needs any help to free Jenny. Resch phones all contacts to get to know if Tobias Michalke is already a known person.

Frank, I have good and bad news.

Bad first.

Michalke has a drug deal tomorrow, and it is very likely that he will use Jenny as decoy. Michalke is very dangerous, I won´t lie to you. The deal is… not a place where I would like to be.

How is there any good news then?

The deal tomorrow will be with an experienced officer, one of the best the orgainized crime department has… Kasallek or how his name was…he is already behind Michalke for months, collecting proof with the identity of Frieder Schön, and he will arrest him tomorrow, and try to get Jenny free.

You mean Kasupke? YES! YEEEES! I mean, that guy is an asshole, but a damn good cop who knows what he does. Where and when?

Frank, this is not our case.

I don´t care. I have my kid in that deal, do you think I will sit at home watching some movies?

No, I don´t. Borsigplatz, tomorrow morning, 8 AM. But as I heard you trust in Kasupke, I think I don´t have to tell you that you MUST NOT INTERFERE IN THE ARREST. Stay in the background!

Under one condition, boss. No word to my wife! it will break Sarah if she knows what´s up here… NO WORD!

I don´t think that this is a good idea, but I won´t interfere with your family matters, Frank. Let me show you the plan of tomorrow´s arrest… eh, what´s that? Our new digital files are just terribly unreliable, what a shit. These computers are just good for one thing: Making a satisfying noise in the junk container!

In the evening, Frank tries to calm down Sarah.

She was always so reliable. Frank, something is wrong!

Maybe she has a boyfriend and is a bit blind of love.


Not if it´s a loser and she doesn´t want me to kill him and you to be disappointed by her choice.

FRANK! Do you know more than me?

No, but… I mean, we have her for more than four years now, and you two have been inseperable all the time, maybe… but now she´s a young adult, maybe willing to be a bit independent? Come on, let´s go to bed, I am sure she is back tomorrow, really!

The next morning, Frank is ready with a sniper on a nearby rooftop. At 07:57 AM Klaus Kasupke shows up in his Saberin, everything seems to go well.

Jenny should meet up with the potential buyer Frieder Schön, who is Klaus Kasupke. Michalke watches in safe distance out of his Monarch U1500 and gives Jenny orders via radio.

Kasupke greets Jenny and shows her the money. Frank waits for Jenny handing over the drugs, as he already has Michalke in their rifle scope. Just at the moment, Lars yells at him over radio that yesterday´s computer failure was a hacking attack, and that the identity of all undercover inspectors is blown.

Frank immediately realizes that Michalke knows that this is a setup, and when Jenny is about to open the suitcase, Frank shoots her hand to make her drop it, as he thinks of a sabotaged opening mechanism. But instead, the bomb is remote controlled, and Michalke immediately presses the button, detonating the suitcase, with… terrible effect.

Frank realizes what he has done, and starts crying, and falling on his knees. He hears a beeping sound becoming louder and louder, not being able to get one single clear thought, and passes out…

Hint: This is again an episode with a direct follow-up in the next one…

cars used by @AndiD, @Knugcab, @shibusu, @Ch_Flash, @Riley, @GetWrekt01, @azkaalfafa, @HermannMatern, @Maverick74, @Ludvig, @DrDoomD1scord, @66mazda, @S_U_C_C_U_L_E_N_T, @Mikonp7 (the potty) and @Hilbert


As the last episode ended with quite a cliffhanger, I post the next one shortly after. No trigger warning needed this time again I think, because nobody dies. Still, some kind of violence is included, but not too harsh.


Frank wakes up from his nightmare. A short reality check ensures him that his alarm clock was the beeping that became increasingly louder and allowed him to escape the situation. A worried Sarah is confused what just happened, as Frank screamed “NOOOOO!” in his dream, but then has to look after their younger child, while Frank calls Lars.

Frank, what is it this early?

Our new digital file system had a problem yesterday, and…

Yes, Resch already complained, and as one of the project managers for that I will look into it… but not now, this is surely a minor server issue.


Frank, as IT specialist I can tell you it´s very unlikely that…


Sure… let me just put on my shoes…

Lars discusses the matter with Resch, informing her that he can´t do patrol this morning and actually does find a trace of hacking: A brute force attack dragged away attention from a very precise hacking - searching for “Frieder Schön” - and the cover identity is linked to the personal file of Kriminalhauptkommissar Klaus Kasupke. Lars immediately informs Frank and Dr. Resch.

At 8 AM, nobody showed up - neither Michalke with Jenny nor Kasupke. Instead, Kasupke sits in the car with a gangster threatening him from the rear seat.

What are you doing. Schön?

My Saberin is equipped with the latest navigation system, it is even more advanced than those of Primus. It will guide us to the destination a lot faster. I am still a bit annoyed that you surprised me this morning at my door. Trust is important in our business, tell that your boss.

Exactly, and this is why we are very careful and did not tell you the real location. You could be a cop, too, right?

If any of you would really think I am a cop, I would be dead by now.

True, so don´t complain and drive.

Meanwhile, a stressed Frank calls Lars.

Damn Frank, how did you know it was a successful hacking attack? I needed an hour to find proof of that and that it was Kasupkes file. Are you a mindreader?

Later! Tell me now where Kasupke is.

As IT specialist for the Berlau police, I have all access codes to the systems, let me see… his phone is switched off but his car moves on the A10, heading east.

GOT IT! Can you be more precise?

Sure, our new tracking system also communicates with the vehicle data, if it´s a brand new one with recent technology… Kasupkes car is brand new so… yes. I got the destination in his navigation unit. Flugplatz Zassow.


Frank, he will arrive at …more or less half past eight. YOU NEED ALMOST AN HOUR FROM WHERE YOU ARE NOW! Maybe 40 minutes if you speed when using all the power your car can deliver.

Give me thirty minutes!

Frank switched on his techno music at full volume and drove off like a maniac.

At half past 8, Kasupke entered the hangar at the airfield, used by the voluntary fire brigade of Zassow, a small town near Berlau. When entering the hangar, Kasupke made a burnout, leaving tire marks, excusing himself that he isn´t used to his new car yet, as the new S-Air system of his Saberin increased the horsepower by 40. Michalkes car is already there, with he himself standing in front of it with another of his assistants.

Meanwhile, Frank drove faster than the devil himself, but is now stuck behind two trucks - with one trying to overtake the other with a speed difference of 0,4 kph, while the overtaken one also goes flat out to prevent the overtake.


Frank pulls his gun and shots loose a brake wedge from one of the trailers and uses it as a ramp to lift his Delphinida on two wheels and squeezes through the narrow gap between the trucks.

Meanwhile, Kasupke and Michalke discuss.

I think it is a no-go to surprise me with a gun when leaving my mansion for business, Mr. Michalke. If you want to continue our …deals…, then I want your word that this will never happen again.

Sure, Mr. Schön, My business partner, Mr. Scarface, well, I can´t tell you his real name, has been fooled a lot by cops, so… he is careful, you understand? The last time you showed up, it was for Rolf Löwe alias Kriminaloberrat Bernd Schneider.

Kasupke starts to sweat, but tries to remain calm and professional.

Oh, Nasser Saad… yes, that was unfortunate. I should have suspected that the police will try to lure me into a trap shortly after my release from prison. But I have never heard from Löwe, eh, Schneider again.

Yes, because Saad cared for it. But I think now you see why our … trust has to be earned again by you, right?

Sure, where is your suitcase?

I won´t hand you it out. I prefer watching the deal from a safe distance. But… I have someone. Wait a minute, please…

Meanwhile, Frank is already very close to Zassow, speeding as fast as he can.

Michalke tells Jenny to exchange suitcases, being threatened with a gun, and Kasupke notices that she is totally scared. She does as ordered and is told to come back, but Kasupke wants to get Jenny out of the situation.

Michalke! That girl is very cute. Really to my taste. How much?

What do you mean?

I was looking for someone like her for months. I will pay you any price for her if I can take her with me now. You have my word.

HAHAHAHA! Well, I keep her for my own pleasure. Some idiot borrowed money from me and can´t pay his debt, and he really thinks he will see her again. Well, as I said, he is an idiot. Our Jenny here will be of great use in my… etablissement, so I must deny your offer.

That´s sad. Where do you put her, in which … as you call it… établissement? I`ll pay any price there for her.

No, you won´t, Kasupke, because you won´t leave this hangar alive.

What? My name is Frieder Schön!

Oh? Well, here, a printout of your personal file of the Berlau Police department! That picture is a bit old, right? You look weird without beard but that´s definitely you. ON YOUR KNEES, TRAITOR!

Just in that moment, helped by Kasupkes fresh tire marks, Frank arrives and crashes through the gate, distracting everyone. As Frank is way too fast, he can´t stop and crashes into the parked Monarch and Saberin. The spinning cars take out Michalkes two assistants, which remain alive but immobilized with propably a lot of fractures, while Michalke fires at Jenny. Kasupke jumps onto her, but gets hit by the bullet. Frank, bursting Michalkes tires with his gun, runs to Kasupke and Jenny.


NO! I mean… yes… but no…

It´s over! You are free! Damn, Klaus! That looks bad.

Just the shoulder, Frank… Where is Michalke?

I saw him throwing away his gun because it is jammed with a loading inhibition…

In that moment, one of the fire brigade trucks drives off with a stinky huge diesel cloud, blocking the sight for all and making them cough.


Says the young lady that smokes, Sarah already snitched.

You know each other? HOW THAT? And how did she even find out?

That´s not important, but where is Frank?


With what? He destroyed my Saberin! Oh no, my beloved Aterin! CAN HE JUST STOP TRASHING ANY CAR HE SEES?

There is another firetruck!

Yes, but I can´t drive it with my shoulder. It has no power steering, and you are too weak for that.

NAH! I am stronger than you think and the best driver in town. MOVE IT!

But I will take the driver seat because it´s a non-synchronized gearbox in these models, I will do the pedal and shifting work, you steer. Come on!

With the other truck, they chased Michalke and quickly closed up to him, as Michalke needed a few minutes to get used to the difficult gearbox of the old Popas.

Michalke merges recklessly on the causeway, which leads to an accident, and Kasupke and Jenny have trouble following him,




The Popas gets hit and flips, landing on the side, while Michalke in the other Popas truck speeds off, with Frank struggling more and more to get grip on the ladder.

Meanwhile, Lars arrives at the Hangar and arrests the left gangsters that still were not able to run away, as their legs were broken from the impact with Michalkes heavy SUV.

Michalke plows through the traffic, ramming away all cars in his way to get rid of Frank, who almost falls at every impact.

Finally, Michalke sees a train bridge and wants to use it to kill Frank: He lifts the ladder by pulling the lever, and Frank is scared to see that a train is already coming. But it is too late to jump off onto the asphalt, so he plans to jump off the ladder onto the bridge only a second before the impact.

Frank does this, but lands hard with his head against the rail. The approaching train has not enough time to stop, Dizzy and bleeding, Frank notices what danger he is in and crawls away in the very last second, then fainting of exhaustion.

Other drivers stopped at the accident scene, willing to help, and Michalke pulls a woman out of her ACR and takes the car to escape.

A bit later, Sarah enters her car after dropping off her daughter Santiana at the kindergarten - as she is still only working part-time, she starts her working day at 9 AM and activates the radio.

Unit 12-5 reporting for duty. Location, S-Bahnhof Eberberg.

All units. Suspect Tobias Michalke is last seen escaping in a dark ACR Lanea with foreign registration RT-HG-01.



Yes, he went into the station with two suitcases.

12-5, Try to get a clear visual on the suspect and use your portable radio device.


12-5 to department: He is already walking back out of the station, but without suitcases. Orders?

12-1 here. Sarah, arrest him NOW. I am there in a minute!

Sarah exits her Fischer and pulls her gun running towards the suspect, telling Michalke to freeze. At this moment, an approaching VCV accellerates and tries to run Sarah over, she jumps and can escape, but lands hard on the sidewalk and injures herself, she lost her gun and can´t stand up.

The VCV turns and tries another attempt at running her over.


At the same time, Dr. Resch speeds her Volaro and arrives at the station, immediately noticing what is about to happen.

In the very last second, Kriminalrätin Resch rams the VCV hard enough to push it away from Sarah and causing it to flip.

Sarah! I will help you in a second, but I need to arrest these assholes first! OH, LOOK! Not only Michalke, but HIS CHAUFFEUR IS PEER CARSTEN! I guess you don´t need to further look for him.

Holtmann and Kaportke are the next to arrive and take Michalke and Carsten, while Dr. Resch helps Sarah up.

That… was an expensive save, boss.

I KNOW WHAT MY VOLARO COSTS! CAN YOU STOP MAKING FUN OF ME? That was so close and I thought I can´t save you anymore.

Sorry boss…

Hey! Don´t… ah, nevermind, let it out. That must have scared you. I think I should let you have a check at the hospital, your husband and your daughter are already there.

You found Jenny? REALLY? But… why are they in hospital?

Frank had an accident when he chased Michalke, but … he will be fine soon. Don´t worry. Give me your keys, because my car… well… haha.

Why are you laughing?

I feel like my job starts being fun and I understand why you all have the urge to destroy your cars.

The next day, Sarah and Jenny have a talk in a park.

Really, I do not get it at all. WHAT happened to you?

I fell down an escalator when running to get to the subway, and I passed out, that´s why I did not call…

Sure, Frank, Klaus and … YOU are at the same time in the same hospital, both tell me some shit stories about a drug deal gone wrong… WHAT HAPPENED?

Really, I fell down that escalator.

Another few days after, Frank pulls Jenny aside.

No, you will NOT see that idiot again.

I am an adult now, Frank.

But not mentally! Only children are so dumb to… ah well…


I can´t see you being that sad. Call that dumbass and pass me the phone…

Ok? Well… if you insist…

Hello Jenny, so, you have read my messages? I am so sorry, really, but I will fix it…

No Jenny here this time.


I AM HAUPTKOMMISSAR YOU DUMBASS! H A U P T!!! Anyway, what if we pretend we have never met and all that never happened, and you have a second chance for your first impression?

That would be… well… how do I deserve that?

Actually, you don´t. But I also got some miraculous second chance lately, and … well. This evening, 7 PM. DONT RUIN IT OR I WILL SHOOT YOU IN THE KNEE! And bring flowers for my wife.

While Metin Kaya arrives at the Batimus house, Dr. Resch interrogates Michalke.

Mr. Michalke, I have absolutely no symphaty for people like you, but I will arrange a deal for you, avoiding the life sentence. WHERE IS NASSER SAAD?

cars used by @AndiD, @Knugcab, @shibusu, @Riley, @azkaalfafa, @HermannMatern, @Ludvig, @DrDoomD1scord, @66mazda, @S_U_C_C_U_L_E_N_T, @Mikonp7, @abg7, @doesstuff, @normanvauxhall and @Hilbert


Episode sponsored by Popas


Episode also sponsored by Saberin.

A lot of money was involved.

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Authié et Dallier cancels TV advertising after this…no wait, they don’t do advertising in peasant media like TV anyway, so nevermind.


Your A&D depreciated so much by 2004 due to its unreliability reputation that the producers could afford a container full of them anyway :joy:



This is not finished yet, I am right now writing the plot for the season finale - the production will need a bit, so this can take 1-2 weeks, I plan to finish it just before the JOC judging starts, but can´t promise.


Quite of a late reply, but I love how the Daredevil did reckless driving and rammed the other cars on the traffic, being a synonym of what a Daredevil does. Also, I don’t quite understand why the license plate holder fixture from my car acts like that by not bypassing the normal car texture, so I guess it could look even better if it didn’t happen, but that’s the game being itself. I hope my car is gonna make it to the last episode, even if it’s a background car.

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Episode 9: Point Of No Return

Trigger warning: I did this without unneccecary violence, but the end isn´t an easy one to swallow, so please be sure you can deal with it before reading.

Nasser Saad is due: With Michalkes hints, Frank has finally the possibility to get him. Lars and Frank are chasing his DCMW, followed by Holtmann and Kaportke, but the luxury car is just too fast for them. While Lars has the Kaizen top-model, the Mara of the uniformed colleagues gets left behind.

The chauffeur spins a Saarland to block the A2, and indeed successfully causes a pileup directly in front of the cops going at almost the top speed of their car.




Nope! HOLD ON!

But Holtmann and Kaportke are still in the game… while Frank and Lars, with a serious concussion and a few bruises, barely manage to exit the wreck of their Kaizen, the pileup on the A2 is in progress. Thankfully, Holtmann and Kaportke were not going more than 200 in their four-cylinder Mara, and could brake to a speed that didn´t end fatal when slamming into the other cars…

Unit 12-7, officers Bolle and Trentsch. Got a visual on the suspect. Merging into Nokturngasse. But he is too fast. We will soon loose him.

Hi, Sarah here… eeh… unit 12…5…I guess? I am near your location.

But Saad has his personnel everywhere. While he can pass, his mobsters block the road for the following IP of Kriminalkommissar Eduard Bolle and Kriminalhauptmeisterin Martina Trentsch… when they pull their guns and the mobsters clear the way, the DCMW is already out of any sight and escaped.

Sarah here! Saw him driving onto the Kaiserbrücke.

Resch speaking. That one is closed for construction work? What is he up to? Keep me informed and follow as long as possible.

The DCMW slows down when an airplane approaches the empty bridge, landing directly in front of the car.

Nasser Saad and his chauffeur enter the plane, which then restarts its engines and accellerates for takeoff, while Sarah desperately floors her Fischer to get them.

A race between the Ilaris tiger and the Fischer starts, with Sarah getting closer and closer, but it´s obvious that the car won´t make it in time. But a barrel and a wooden board that were left there by the construction workers seem like a ramp, and Sarah, unaware of the potential danger because of her adrenaline, goes for it…

Sarah crashes against the right wing of the plane, ripping it apart and igniting the kerosine, the plane plunges back with a hard landing, so does Sarahs Fischer. Although the landing was painful, she keeps going and arrests the escaping Saad and his personnel onboard.

The trial becomes a disaster.

Mrs. Batimus, you have taken irresponsible risk for that arrest.

I do not think so. Mr. Saad is not a shoplifter. We are talking about at least 20 confirmed kills on his behalf, and…

The moment you arrested him, did you read out his rights to him?

Due to small formal errors in the whole investigation and arrest process, Saad comes free on a two million dollar bail… which destroys the morale of the whole team. Sarah thinks that he will take revenge on Frank and her for ruining his business for almost a year now.

A week later, when Sarah hears the door opening, she sees Jenny devastated: Her e-Mail adress had been hacked, also her FriendsBook profile, and many insulting e-Mails and posts have been spread, and she is about to lose every single friend. Frank blames Jennys online activity on Sarah and is rude in the stress, as loosing Saad´s arrest made him bitter, and Sarah, in anger, tells him to leave the house and never come back, having enough of his temper.

He finds shelter at Lars apartment and gets drunk while Lars is doing the nightshift, while Jenny runs to Metins apartment, hiding herself from everyone and everything.

After bringing Santiana to the kindergarten the next morning, Sarah goes to Klaus Kasupke, but for talking only, as she still loves Frank but is confused about her feelings, but meeting Klaus again shows her that she loves Frank the most, and Klaus is more a very good friend to her.

After picking Santiana back up from the kindergarden, she strays a bit around, because she can´t bear being at home without Frank and Jenny. In the evening, she finally drives to her mother who was not sentenced to prison and agrees to keep Santiana for the night, so that Sarah can fix her issues with Frank, but the car was obviously sabotaged: A wheel falls of, Sarah crashes, but the toddler is safe, so is Sarah, but the shock really hit her.

To her, is quite obvious that the family is again under attack, propably by Nasser Saad, and she has to warn Frank, which she does after calming down. Frank knows that he must get his temper back under control and apologizes to Sarah, telling her that he will take some weeks off, and that Resch already approved that.

Frank meets up with Klaus Kasupke at night to discuss the matter, and Kasupke tells Frank that there is absolutely nothing to worry about, as he had given Sarah his word that Saad will be watched by him all the time, and that he would stop Nasser Saad from any action against the Batimus family.

After three weeks, Frank comes back, in a good mood, but not for long.

BEURK! Who commited this crime to mankind?

Frank, what exactly do you mean?

Who brewed this awful coffee? Only idiots can mess that task up that much, was it Kaportke?

FRANK! It was ME! This is healthy caffeine free coffee! And a bit more respect!

Oooh, sure, Dr. Resch… I mean, … eeeh… it tastes excellent! I just needed a second…to…eeh… adapt?

Later on patrol, Lars asks Frank to pull over.

FINALLY A POTTY! DAMN! This poison from Dr. Resch causes my stomach to rebel against it…

Not just yours… fine then, I can stop over there.

While Lars makes noises of relief and joy covered up by … nah… no need to go in detail, Frank spots something passing by with speed way over the limit there.



Frank sprints to his Delphinida, mounts the beacon on the roof and does a burnout, and Lars struggles, with pants still down, to enter the passenger door…

The DCMW causes a crash in Berlau, but Frank is not shaken off, and can continue the chase, although he has trouble keeping up.

At another intersection, the fugitive crashes into a Saarland Origo, causing an evading Cavaliere Nobile Freccia to spin and ram the cop car, but the damage is not too bad, so Frank is still behind Saads luxury car.

HAH! HE TURNED INTO A DEAD END! Now I got you, you bastard!

Frank, careful, he will be armed.

Yes, I already have my hand on the gun. Pull yours, too!

They were surprised to find an ordinary car thief in there, and not Nasser Saad… in the following interrogation, it is revealed that the car was sitting abandoned for at least a month before the current driver stole it.

The next day in the office is very confusing, and Lars does an investigation on Jennys accounts - and it was not Nasser Saad: Instead, it was a working colleague that Jenny had an argument with. And the departments mechanics tell Sarah that the wheel fell off due to her not tightening the bolts properly after changing to winter tires…

This leads to the question where Nasser Saad actually is - and the business seems to have been taken over by other Dalluhan mafiosi, he didn´t attack the Batimus family, but Kasupke still claims to be watching Saad. A hint from an informant leads Frank to a tip that Saad had a meeting with a guy named Holger Fischer, driving a Saberin. Frank takes Reschs Volaro and shows the withnesses a picture of Kasupke, and it is confirmed that this is Fischer. Frank is not sure if he should investigate against his colleague or not.

He decides to call Kasupke, directly asking him what he was doing there - an official undercover thing, or was he doing it alone against all orders? Kasupke answers wery weird, and Frank goes to bed with a bad feeling.
In the night, Kasupke calls Sarah…

Klaus, what is it this late? Are you in trouble?

Au contraire, my lovely friend. I GOT NASSER SAAD. I arrested him, successfully.

What? Really? I mean… how?

Saads old mansion, Frank knows where. Please bring him here, too, I think he is interessed?

Sure… but… Klaus? KLAUS?

Sarahs intuition tells her something is really wrong, and Frank agrees, but refuses to call backup, as they want to check on Klaus themselves first instead of involving others.

Where is the flashlight?

That thing there on the dash. Eco friendy LEDs, and Resch also says that there it can´t fly off the roof anymore…

Ugh! That sounds like the descision of a person drinking caffeine-free coffee…

Frank… that silence… it feels bad. Can you turn on the radio?


The Volaro arrives, and they immediately spot Kasupkes Saberin Atarin, and they enter the abandoned mansion, while Frank pulls a gun, Sarah doesnt… she trusts Klaus…

AH, MY FRIENDS! Come in, let´s say hello to Mr. Saad.

Klaus, he isn´t here. What is this?

Ooooooh, he is, be patient, Frank. We just need to wake him up.

Klaus… you are scaring me…

Sarah, please bring me the drill…

We will need the small one for the … fine work… Frank, take the large one. Over there, you see where concrete has been refilled. Break it loose, but only on the outside with the heavy one.

Klaus, I…

SHUT UP! Please, just do as I tell you.

The drilling reveals… the body of Nasser Saad… his face still showing a scream in fear.

Frank! I had the perfect solution. Why didn´t you leave it like that? Why were you investigating against me? I PROMISED SARAH TO HANDLE IT FOR HER! I DID IT!

Klaus, we are cops! YES WE ASKED YOU FOR HELP BUT NOT THIS! Cops have to follow the paths of the law.

AHAHAHAHAHA! FRANK! Come on, haven´t you been close to taking it in your own hands? After all these disappointments, slimy lawyers, foul deals, the suffering of innocent people?

Too close. Way too close, Klaus… I understand you. We were never friends as you and Sarah, but I promise you, I will get you the best help possible. Lawyers… psychatrists… everyone and everything you need. I stand in your guilt for your help over the years.

AHAHAHA! HELP? HEEEEELLLLPP!!! It is too late for help. I will help myself. Sarah, I have always loved you, and I can now smile knowing I have done everything I could to protect you and your family.

Kasupke activated the drill and tried to drill into his head, Sarah jumped up and tried to stop her friend, but it is too late… in a short fight, Klaus pushes Sarah down and executes himself with the drill before Frank could do something…


FUCK! DON´t LOOK AT HIM! LOOK TO ME! Yes… look to me…

Why … couldn´t I prevent this? Why did I have to ask him for help? Why did I … make him do this? WHY?

Sarah… it´s not you… it´s not me… and also… I think it´s not him. It´s the fucking job. Please, let me call backup now…

cars used by @azkaalfafa, @Knugcab, @shibusu, @moroza, @Riley, @Mikonp7, @Skygel14, @abg7, @Ludvig, @conan, @S_U_C_C_U_L_E_N_T, @66mazda, @AndiD, @DoesStuff and @happyfireballman


How Saad…