CSR 152 - Hole in One (Complete)

Sure, but this is a rules deliberation period. I suspect the intent was not to have 600HP super-efficient make believe engines. Also, it did provide value… untuned out of the box stats had drivability over 75, comfort near 60, and prestige over 70. I think it’s pretty clear that we’re supposed to be making things akin to M3/M5, not Lambo-with-a-trunk. None of the posted inspirations are anything like what I was making in price range, but it was pretty close to the Viper in role.

You’re falling into the trap of high numbers I fear, how are these values being achieved and how are they packaged is also important. A number is an estimation but doesn’t entirely specify how it will go about doing its thing.


I mean, I feel like the new rules make much more believable cars without having to worry about it in the first place… yes, a car in 2005 with the electronics system and drivetrain from a 2020 vehicle would probably be very easy to drive, sporty, and would turn heads. But, you can still make nice vehicles in the new rules, and it’s much harder to accidentally work your way out of realism… why not make the change?

Again those are merely numbers, they don’t tell me a lot on their own. I have an impression that a lot of information is being withdrawn. What is most important is how you incorporate these numbers.


I am currently assuming that the total tech pool limit will remain as-is, but with a maximum tech pool value of +6 across all categories. With that in mind, I modified my test mule accordingly; it now costs $37.5k.

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Techpool Decision

Following numerous discussions about it in the official discord the total techpool limit will remain the same with no limits for certain areas. Instead, there will be a multiplier for certain areas according to @Admiral_Obvious’s post:

4x: Engine Architecture
3x: Fuel System, Interior
2x: Top End, Chassis, Drivetrain

Anything not mentioned just counts as 1 techpool point. Basically, this means if you put 5 points in engine architecture, it will really count as 20 points towards the total.


This probably won’t change tp for this round, but having the amount of techpool that the game gives you at outset be penalized if it’s in one of those categories feels odd. With how you have it, it means that people have to fully reset their techpool back down to zero on each category to be able to calculate things properly. Adding and subtracting from the multiplied areas should incur or give back the additional points, but leaving them at the base +5 sandbox starts them with shouldn’t retroactively mean you’ve used up two thirds of your points. A good analogue that i’ve seen for this sort of point buy system comes from the older Tony Hawk games. When build a custom skater in those, you are given even base stats across the board that aren’t 0. You can take away from these stats to put them into others, or just use points to that you gain from leveling up to increase the stats, leaving the baseline ones alone. Leaving a stat in techpool at +5 shouldn’t incur a penalty, and removing points from the higher valued areas probably shouldn’t return more than one point, because multiplying the value can turn into many extra points that the host didn’t intend. I know this is a bit more math and tedium, but it allows the original techpool levels to stay and be manipulated with the multipliers in mind without penalizing people who want to keep things more spread out.


Not trying to be rude, but I just don’t want to change anything because I just don’t know what the hell to do anymore

Techpool has divided the community so much, it’s impossible to appease both sides

Everyone is arguing that limiting techpool is just too restrictive, or that no limits on techpool opens too many doors for minmaxxing

So with submissions opening shortly, I might just finalize the rules then and whatever happens happens


yeah. as I said, wasn’t specifically trying to influence this round, but there has been discussion of making this format a general guide for the future, hence why I’m putting my ideas out there.


Under the new system, a point for the engine block counts as four, but the same point allocated to the fuel system or interior counts as three, and a point in the chassis, top end or drivetrain counts as two - so I’ll need to adjust my test mule’s tech pool distribution accordingly if the changes are approved.

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The main issue I have is, this needlessly overcomplicates things when it doesn’t need to be. Sure, it only adds a bit of multiplication, but it’s still extra work for not only the entrants, but the host too when instead of just adding stuff together, you’re multiplying one value by whatever is listed on there then adding it up to another value that might be multiplied as well.
monke brain don’t need extra equations


You may be right. The new system, as shown below, may well be an unnecessary complication that none of us need:

An example of a valid tech pool distribution under the new system would be as follows:


Engine: (1 x 4) + (6 x 1) + (4 x 2) + (5 x 1) + (2 x 3) + (6 x 1) = 35
Trim: (5 x 1) + (3 x 2) + (2 x 3) + (6 x 1) + (6 x 1) + (3 x 2) + (5 x 1) + (5 x 1) + (5 x 1) + (5 x 1) = 55

That’s a lot more calculation for anyone to process - I prefer the old system of tech pool points being weighted equally everywhere with a 1x multiplier. But at least my test mule remains eligible after these changes, albeit at a cost of $48.6k AMU, which is closer to the budget cap.

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It’s a tough choice, I can have people bitch and complain because they don’t like the ruleset, or I can have people bitch and complain because they don’t like the ruleset :thinking:


i hear your cries, the multipliers are gone but the price limit has been lowered to $45k to balance out your suffering

just don’t minmax to hell or something

i can’t take much of this techpool whining anymore

now let’s get this shitshow on the road boys :sunglasses:

:bangbang: :bangbang: :bangbang: SUBMISSIONS OPEN :bangbang: :bangbang: :bangbang:


I got the idea to maybe make a google docs spreadsheet for quick calculations with this weighted system. Just need to come home from work first.

Challenge accepted!

Already done.


What is that?

The ABAC 290 GT is the top-level trim for ABAC’s volume muscle car. Featuring a luxury interior with high-tech European-style infotainment systems- including an MP3-capable sound system- it shares little besides the body with the original. The suspension geometry was not changed, but the motor was tuned from 220 HP to 290. A more advanced fuel system improves throttle response, and a very high-tech automatic transmission puts the power down smoothly and comfortably, complete with two overdrive gears for better fuel economy on the highway, meaning fewer stops on long road trips.



Let me see what I can do to lower the price of my test mule below that ceiling…

Interesting headlights, reminds me of a Brera.

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