CSR 162 - Sunset Sporting (FINISHED, Winner Announced!)

Wallahi we’re finished


wallahi habibi we are


It’s so jover


This ad tastes like a dentists office and spring water


Buttons does not work, but well, so doesn’t anything flash based anymore so…


Unquestionably the best-looking Sendo ever - and the best-sounding one as well, thanks to that V10 engine:

That’s the exact same reason why most F1 engine suppliers during the 3.5-liter naturally aspirated era built V10s - although it took until 1998 (the fourth year of the new 3.0-liter normally aspirated era) for them to be universally adopted across the grid; the V10 configuration became mandatory two years later, and would remain so until the 2.4-liter V8 era began in 2006 (although Toro Rosso was allowed to retain a detuned V10 on cost grounds for that season only). In fact, V10-powered cars won nearly every Drivers’ and Constructors’ Championship between 1989 and 2005.

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i am unable to effectively convey the simultaneous emotions of giddyness and anxiety that i felt initially reading through that ad because, on one hand, sex. on the other hand, holy shit it is so over. i can feel my confidence slipping through my hands at this very moment.

anyway have fun hosting csr163.


Yeah I don’t even think I’m even gonna be placing top ten lol my car isn’t competitive but oh well

This looks like it tastes like ice cold cucumber and lime water


Wideeyed Amazed GIFs | Tenor
lord have mercy

I already knew my entry was not winning and was just curious where it’d place, but this somehow still hurt my chances of… something, on account of being too good

Hey you’re not going to be dead last


Oh, come on. I am not saying that the Sendo is not good (because it is, the Sendo team has never cooked up crap, they put out killer builds, no question about it), but let’s not overexaggerate stuff either. It is by no means a groundbreaking build using some form of magic to form results that a skilled player would never be able to achieve or for that matter even beat, it is just a damn good build where a bunch of skilled players have got together to use the best of their skills to make a genuinely solid entry. It is put together by some of the better players in the community, that’s for sure, but the Sendo team is by no means the ONLY very skilled players we have, and I don’t think a build like this should discourage people from entering challenges. Yes, we are many players on a somewhat…less advanced level (myself included) and maybe we won’t stand a chance against the Sendo build. But that also means we would not have stood a chance against the better competitors before, either.

The thing is also that the period correct and very well done presentation makes this build stand out way more than it really does. I mean, let’s say that this build would have been done in default red, only had one photo, at a far distance and out of focus, in that grey-ish standard studio level, and the description had been “the new Carco Fastracer GT7000”, it would objectively not have made the car worse, but it would not have drawn as much attention and it would have looked way more bland. In the end, though, the presentation is not adding anything to the judging of the car.

So, what do I want to say with this? That the Sendo build is overrated or that anybody could do it? Absolutely not! It’s just that in my eyes it is sad if you let a great build discourage you from building, instead of inspiring you to try harder. :slight_smile:


I’m most impressed by the css :white_check_mark:


I will also remind everyone that interiors are not being judged in this round.

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Well Knugcab, you’ve more or less said something that was weighing on my chest since I posted our entry and saw all these reactions to it.

I remember after Sendo first became a thing, people thought; “Let’s create a collaborative challenge where we’ll be able to find who the best group of designers are!”
Sendo got their asses handed to them in that challenge not gonna lie, and showed how unfocused we were as a design team then. However, that (honestly, absolute disaster) only encouraged us to get better, push forward, and improve our design skills! too bad the host of that challenge was an incompetent and overconfident bozo who didn’t actually know anything about designing despite “design” being in the title of the challenge though

So while all the “ya allah save us” stuff was funny, it’s a bit concerning how many people think of Sendo as this “boogeyman” company that will cause everyone’s entries to just magically be vaporized. No, we’re just a group of five weebs that used each other’s strengths as a way to boost the quality of our entry. It’s a bit disheartening to see people be so shocked at one car when I see multiple other good ones here, and none of them seem to have been provoking or illiciting the same reactions as ours, and why? Because it’s an individual who submitted it? Because their presentation doesn’t give off feelings of a future we lost? Because no hatsune miku head unit? Don’t get me wrong, I love the applause, maybe I even live for it, and you can absolutely give love, support, affection, and compliments to cars and designers that you think deserve it, but give the other designers on here some credit too.

Like Knugcab said, try harder. It doesn’t take 5 people to make a car, nor does it make it any easier (cough, micromanagement, cough), seeing the defeatist attitude some people have is saddening sometimes. If I never looked at people like yang or titleguy back in the day and thought “I could be like them”, I don’t think I would be out here with the Sendo team bringing you guys fun stuff like this.

So, thank you all for the love, but please strive for more, and don’t forget the other designers that are the reason why we do our best in the first place!

also remember to vote for hatsune miku in the upcoming election 2024


hatunse miku for president of the world NOW!!!
the world is hers




TRUE hatsune miku for dominos president 2024


Mars Jemini LX

Simplicity over showing off.

It may not be a showoff, but this whale Sports Car from Australia will suit all, and any of your needs.
Speed? Hell yeah. 0-62 in 4.4 seconds, a top speed of 200mph, while weighing only 1500kg.
Drivability? Why ask? Bringing the newest and best electronics, with Electronic Stability Control and Launch Control, this car couldn’t be crashed by a grandma.
Comfort? Of course! Bringing the best and newest infotainment wasn’t enough for us, so you get a fridge too! Besides that, you also get an extra storage compartment behind the seats, when the trunk isn’t enough for you. (NO THIS IS NOT A HATCHBACK HOW DARE YOU!!!)

Powered by a 4 Liter Inline 6 producing 400 horsepower, this torquey engine will be enough for daily driving around the city, and for racing around the track. You will be stuck in traffic most of the time, after all!
Besides that, enjoy well-tuned handling that works both on and off the track, to make your life easier.

Showing off doesn’t win you races.

CSR162_-(Djadania)-_Mars_Jemini_LX.car|attachment (119.1 KB)