CSR155 - Swanky Set of Wheels (COMPLETE)

  1. Noone stops you from tuning said entry to drive nicely in Beam for your personal pleasure
    Note that it being tuned for Beam doesnt guarantee it will do well in challenge bcos, unless explicitly stated by host, Beam is not taken into consideration when judging.
    Many people entering either dont have Beam or their PC/laptop mightily struggles to run it

  2. It is trying to tell you something indeed and that would be to do tad bit more research regarding engineering choices.

  • Game has tooltips that explain fair bit of stuff: interiors, entertainment, safety, driving aids, springs in Suspension tab and probably some more have these tooltips that explain them in greater detail
    I had documented my SR 2023 entries via Youtube video and was opening tooltips so i can see exactly what those cars had
    Both examples below are from said source
    Tooltips are accessed by clicking on title of desired part (exactly where cursor is on Entertainment picture; notice said title also has circled question mark beside it, indicating existence of tooltip)
    This is useful reference when comparing to RL cars you may use as engineering benchmark, which is solid way to make realistic entry

  • Despite all of us competing against each other, we are all happy to help out regarding both design and engineering.
    Posting “My entry for XXX tends to terminally oversteer and im not sure why” in Discord is sure to be followed by questions regarding your Suspension and Tires tab and someone else might note your suspension tune is bad and would give tips on how to fix it

Im pretty sure that you will be able to learn from these experiences and do better next time around


Yep, that’s true. I remember that my LHC4 entry had severe oversteer despite being FWD and I tried a lot until I noticed it was the wheel camber that caused it.

Reviews: Part 1

Even through the seemingly never-ending amounts of traffic fueled by hype for the auto show, the intern finally arrived at long last. Not long after he went through the entrance, the intern was filled with awe with the sight of so many high-end cars in a single area.

However, this spectacle wasn’t enough to distract him from the other feeling of pressure on him, knowing that the chance to actually get paid lies on choosing only the finest cream of the crop. So without further ado, the intern started to browse through all of what his arrogant prick of a boss’s new wheels could be.

Nerucci 210 GT Cabriolet

The first car the intern went up to was the 210 GT, which he didn’t think look like anything special. Under the hood, he saw what looked to be a massive engine, only to find out it was way less than what he expected. The thin tires don’t look like they would do wonders in handling, either.



Ah yes, an engine oversquare by almost 40 mm, perfect for when you want the size of an engine almost double the size and service costs, but with half the power. The use of no quality points except for 4 in the interior also hampers most of it’s stats, especially in reliability, where it is dead last.

The worst part is the strong understeer, thanks in part to narrow staggered tires.

Torrent Torpedo

The intern then arrived at the Torrent display, showcasing the Torpedo. He has bad memories of witnessing a Torrent representative showing up one day, only to be quickly be cussed out of the office by Raymond. And it shows, with rather cheap looking suspension and it doesn’t seem like the most enjoyable to ride in.



Besides there being too little detail for my liking, McPherson struts were also a very big risk, which sadly didn’t pay off. The springs are really stiff, which kills the comfort, but the service costs still aren’t that low either. All of this doesn’t make up for it’s relatively low price.

Armor Kestrel

Over at the Armor display, the intern found the Kestrel. This handsome looking luxury sedan sported a modern unibody design, which backed up it’s already fine display of quality.



A good looking luxury boat, even if it is slightly understated. It has some of the highest comfort and prestige of the submissions, all while being believable.

Ilaris Imperial RL

The Ilaris Imperial was certainly the odd one out with it’s rear engine setup. Surprisingly, it seemed like a pretty decent little car for being so out of place, except for one unfortunate standout: a tiny 2.5 liter 6 cylinder making a measily 100 horsepower. The intern knows that Raymond will fire him just for even mentioning this car’s existence!



Quite a daring oddball entry that unfourtanatly didn’t work out in the end. The design looks okay, but also sort of like a dressed-up economy car. And despite the hint of minmax engineering, it is still has the lowest prestige of the ṡ̷̥͠u̸̪͌͘r̶̪͋̾v̸̯͒̎i̷̛̭͊ͅv̵̦̓o̸̜͓̍͠r̷͎̆s̴͉̍ mainly because of that rinky dinky engine and consequentially slow performance.

Jefferson Pharaoh Coupe

The Pharaoh really caught the intern’s eye at the Jefferson display with it’s angry face; the intern thought it would perfectly reflect Raymond’s personality. Despite the unusual suspension setup and quite wide tires, it makes up for this by looking to be quite plush inside.



Honestly, this just makes it through, because despite being somewhat unrealistic and having high costs, it makes up for it by being an awesome looker and having the highest comfort of the submissions.

Di Martini Elysia

Shown at the Di Martino display was the sleek looking Elysia. The intern loved the look of this coachbuilt Italian GT. Unlike that weirdo that was the Imperial, this time the Elysia actually has a 6 cylinder with sufficient pep. After peeking inside to see that ultra-fine hand crafted interior, he can’t help but just daydream going on a cruise along some Amalfi coastal roads.



Really strong entry here with amazing looks, and a good balance of comfort and sportiness. Though one drawback would be the somewhat below average reliability.

KMA KV12 400 Coupe

The next display in sight was the KMA one, showcasing the KV12. The intern thought the design was sort of so-so, and wasn’t really impressed that much by most of the car. But the nail in the coffin was that the KV12 was exactly at the top of Raymond’s budget. Yes, even that asshole has to cheap out sometimes.



Pretty much just mediocre in every stat possible, and with it maxxing out the budget, there are just better options for the money.

Primus Sentinel 570SR

The intern’s eyes were rather unpleasantly drawn to the Primus display, showcasing the outdated looking Sentinel. It was apparently marketed as a sports sedan, even sporting a fuel injected V8, but he found that way too hard to believe with this old grandpa car.



This car just looks way too ugly with that weird 100% flake orange and 0% flake two-tone and pertruding headlights, on top of just looking way too outdated for a 1950s American car. In the engineering aspect, it has pretty high comfort, but is just mediocre everywhere else. Also, staggered tires on this type of car don’t make sense.

To be continued...

Well, it was a good run! Shoulda gone ths tatra route after all.


I hope for a future where reliability does not become a word I hold a deep hatred for

This is the best I’ve done in CSR, ouh also… I’m dumb, I’ve done a lot of oversquare engine but for 2020s car and it produce about 1000 bhp without turbo and i thought it’d work in a 1950s or 60s car :person_facepalming:

It would have been interesting having both of our RR cars going head to head, but I’m too much of a cheapskate. :rofl:

Reviews: Part 2

Steurmann CR300i

Continuing on with his search, the intern found the CR300i at the Steurmann display. This sporty looking German Tourer looked decently fun to drive, but then he looked at all the information about it and figured it might be a service nightmare.



This just barely misses the mark; I like the look of it, even if it resembles a 300SL too much. The car is a mix of hits and misses in most areas, but the main thing that prevents it from advancing is the almost highest service costs and almost lowest reliability of all the cars.

Swanson 555 POA

Next up was the 555 at the Swanson exhibit. It certainly has a unique design, but the intern doesn’t really like it that much. It was another car that was well under Raymond’s budget at below the AM$20k mark, but then it shows not the most glamour compared to what he has seen.



Honestly not a good looker, mainly due to the huge bumpers that look like the 5 mph bumpers on a 70s car. Statisitcally, another victim of having a low price, but little to make up for it it mediocre stats all around.

SAETA Ventus

The intern then arrived to the Ventus located at the SAETA display. It’s low slung design is a major factor on conveying the sportiness of this car, with the additional enhancement of such a refined interior as well. And all of this quality seemed like a relatively good deal for what it was, however, he then noticed that this car had a set of those new radial tires, which raised some concerns as they are hard to replace here.



A decently well-rounded sports car with a good balance of comfort and sportiness, with the additional benefit of the highest drivability of all the submissions. One caveat however, is the pretty expensive service costs.

Zephorus Espion Roadster

Over at the Zephorus display was the brand-new Espion. With such a striking design full of craftsmanship and a V12 under the hood, the intern’s first impression was that this ready to tear up Le Mans, but upon further inspection, it seemed to be presented as more of a comfortable cruiser with a high tech hydropneumatic suspension system. He thought this was pretty odd, but it wouldn’t be a problem with this handsome thing.



For a sports car, this doesn’t seem very sporty (mainly due to maxxed balancing and a fuel map of 10), but it makes up for this with a high comfort rating and well-rounded everywhere else (but with arguably unnecessarily high reliability), all while looking damn sexy.

P&A Sportsman MK 2

The next car the intern saw the the Sportsman at the P&A display. If he thought the Primus looked outdated, then the Sportsman was a whole other reality, as this dinosaur is just a heavily revised version of a car produced since 1946. But despite being so ancient, it is still relatively expensive, yet the intern doesn’t think it has enough to justify that price.



It’s now time to rest Gramps; t̷̾͊͜ḧ̸̭̗́͗e̶͔̫̾ ̴̪͈̎f̵͚̎l̴̻̮̏ą̵̿m̶̤̯̏͘e̷̙̊̂s̸̻͋ ̶̰̠̔h̴̻̼͑ǎ̶̼̎v̴̈́ͅę̶͆̈́ ̶̃͜ạ̶̞́r̷͙̓ṟ̸̨̒ĩ̷̪͘v̴͕̌͊e̴̠̼̐d̵̲̈́̕. This car really shows it’s age with obviously it’s looks first, then with the fact that a 13 year old car is this expensive, yet offers mediocre stats for the price.

Belerofonte M1B

Over at the mouthful of what was the Belerofonte display, the intern found the Modelo 1 Berlina. To add more pain on top of the already unattractive design, despite the M1B seeming like an absolute thrill to drive, the intern found that that was it’s main focus, as the interior looked to be pretty uncomfortable.



The main thing that just kills the design is the long front but the short rear. Yes, this has the highest sportiness of all the entries, but then that is disregarded with being dead last in comfort, at a measly 9.2, along with low drivability for it’s class.

TurbĂłl Caccia Florio

The intern got a strong feeling of awe as he set his eye on the Caccia Floria at the Turból display. Upon further inspection, he found that all this glamour wasn’t just for show, as a mixture of spectacle and quality could be spotted on every surface of this fine machine. The question is, how did Turból even manage to build such an outstanding car for such a low price?



This car is just amazing pretty much everywhere, especially in the looks department. However, I would say the techpool usage is quite cheesy, but I can’t help but applaud the overall effort.

BSC America Export

Over at the BSC display was this rather compact coupe called the America. He thought it looked somewhat bland, but not terrible. Despite claiming to have a greater focus on luxury for the American market, being the only sports car he has seen with an automatic, he doesn’t think it seems sporty or comfortable enough for Raymond’s taste.



Not exactly a bad looking car, but it looks slightly down-market for what it is. And even with an automatic, it still doesn’t provide that good comfort, and kills the sportiness.

Rosanda Sechs

Even after almost ignoring it because of the unbelievable bore radiating from the display, the intern just couldn’t help but go up to the Rosanda display to view the Sechs. After attempting to hold in his laughter after reading that name, the intern couldn’t help but just let it all out very little interesting about this hunk of junk rather than it’s price.



An embarrassingly cheap shitbox that provides little for it’s price of AM$17,900. Despite apparently being new for 1959, the sheer genericy of this car already makes it look 10 years out of date. It is very slow thanks to an underpowered 6 cylinder, and despite the full luxury interior, the comfort is destroyed by the usage of manual rack & pinion steering on a 1300 kg boat, and the overly stiff suspension tune, which I’m pretty sure isn’t changed much from the default tune.

To be continued…

Reviews: Part 3

Niccolo Griffith Stattista

The intern arrived to the Niccolo display with a confused face upon seeing the questionable the design. However, upon further inspection, it seemed like a very high quality car, but too bad that it looks like that.



Ironically, this car actually boasts some pretty high stats that could have been worthy of the finals. But it just has a face only a mother could love, along with a giant mishmash of design. Since design was the top priority, it unfourtanetly won’t make it through.

AuthiĂŠ et Dallier 6/26 GT 2+2

The next car the intern saw was the 6/26 at the Authié et Daller display. He wasn’t blown away by the design, but he’s seen worse. Under the hood was an inline 6 that was peppy enough to get it to claim a sub 7 second 0-60, plus it seemed to look comfortable enough while doing so.



Pretty decent entry here, with a good balance between both sportiness and comfort, with good looks on top of it.

Pusilanime Polymorphus
@Maxbombe @vouge

Upon seeing the absolutely glorious piece of art that was the Polymorphus, the intern was quickly drawn over to the Pusilanime display. After digesting that mouthful, the intern stared in both awe at such a striking design, plus the luxurious interior that looked like where he could drown out the distraction of the peasants like himself from the outside, as he was also extremely jealous that he might not ever be able to afford something like this. But wait a minute… this is far from the most expensive car he has seen here!



Easily my favorite looker out of all the submissions. There is just so much juicy detail around the entire car, but it’s not only a showboat, as it’s masterpiece of a design is also backed up by excellent stats everywhere, even the price somehow.

DCMW Sharriallat

Over at the DCMW display was the sleek looking Sharriallat. The intern was shocked to find out that this glamorous GT was absolutely loaded with all of the highest tech available, but what wasn’t a surprise was the fact that it came at a hefty price too, plus he can’t imagine it all being easy to maintain.



An amazing looking car with all of those swooping lines and elegance, all while not being too overstated. This is all on top of top of the line stats thanks to using all of the best parts, but this all comes at the cost of the… costs, with the budget maxxed out, meh reliability, and the highest service costs without the instabins.

Faolan Fenrir Z

The intern’s next sight was the glorious Fenrir at the Faolan display. That Zagato badge definitely wasn’t just for bragging rights, the famous coachbuilder also gave it such a glorious and unique design, which the intern thinks aids the individuality to set it apart from all those flamboyant fins he sees on cars nowadays.



I’d say putting the name of a real coachbuilder was a big risk, but luckily you didn’t fuck up the design of this at all, so it deserves the badge. An additional odd plus I’d say is that even though it is not statistically the best, it is definitely one of the most believable here.

Avantii Rivuline

The next display the intern visited was the Avantii display, where the Rivuline was showcased. This rather compact luxury car had a decent design, but upon further inspection, there just seemed like there was not much noteworthy about it.



Another car that just misses the mark; it has a good design, even if it is a bit understated, but other than that it is just average all around.

Dayton Sierra 77 Rocket

The intern then stopped at the Dayton display, which showcased the Sierra 77. He liked the design, even if it was a bit bulky. However, all hope was lost when he inspected the car further and found loads of quality issues with it.



A quite nice looking car but not amazing, even with that fixture spamming at the rear. Unfourtanetly, it has questionable engineering along with awful stats, especially dead last in drivability that probably should have resulted in an instabin if I didn’t overlook it.

Somervell Condor Power-Jector
@Texaslav @debonair0806

Last but most certainly not least was the Somervell display, showcasing the astonishingly beautiful Condor. This one in particular was the Power-Jector, which proved those aggressive looks weren’t just for show, with a high-tech fuel injected V8 that allowed it to achieve a 0-60 of 5.8 seconds! The intern thought it was safe to say his tour of this show ended with a bang.



An absolute monster that fully deserves it’s flamboyant design, as it has the fastest 0-60 of all the submissions, and obviously the highest sportiness of the cars that weren’t binned, since unlike those harsh death traps, this is actually comfortable!


@Maxbombe & @vouge
@Texaslav & @debonair0806


Just a little correction. Authie et Dallier is the brand, 6/26 the model name. :slightly_smiling_face:


Called it

The Chopping Block

Raymond's Office


The day after the auto show ended, the intern nervously handed slid the list under Raymond's door, then quietly sprinted away to avoid any more confrontation from him. Luckily, that was the exact situation Raymond was planning, as he had a special issue of an automotive magazine featuring cars from the LA Auto Show in hand, ready to weed out those cars that are unworthy of his consideration.

Jefferson Pharaoh & DCMW Shariallat

@the-chowi @moroza

Raymond was disappointed that these 2 fine automobiles, despite apparent commitment to their price, were predicted to be a task to maintain, especially since neither of the 2 had bold claims about reliability.

(Both these cars are similar due to the fact that they are at the top of the budget, with high service costs, especially with the DCMW having the highest. On top of all of that, their reliability isn’t the best, either.)

SAETA Ventus


While Raymond initially was interested in this sleek roadster, upon reading further into it the Ventus didn’t carry an image luxurious enough that he associated the other cars with, plus he also predicted that it would be a maintenance nightmare.

(This doesn’t get to the finals because it has the lowest prestige of all the semifinalists, on top of high service costs as well.)

Zephorus Espion


Raymond was drawn in by the fact that this sexy thing had a V12, only to learn that it was very down on power.

(A sporty looking car without much sportiness was an odd choice, but the final nail in the coffin was less than 200 horsepower from a 4 liter V12, quite embarassing considering it is beaten by 6 cylinders with less displacement. :skull:)

TurbĂłl Caccia Florio


Raymond fell in love with this gorgeous car, especially since it had all of the features he could ever want, but then he was disappointed to find out that all the quality meant that it would take way too long for his car to get built.

(Cheeses the techpool way too hard, with +15 in the interior.)

AuthiĂŠ et Dallier 6/26 GT 2+2


“While the 6/26 GT falls a bit behind compared to it’s competitors,”- Raymond immediately lost interest and turned the page.

(Statistically the worst out of all the semifinalists, not much to say.)


At long last, Raymond has narrowed his choices down to 5. Even he was smart enough to know that each of these cars was a different beast in it’s own right, in the end only one would captivate him the most to become his new dream machine.

This car was a perfect combination of both style and substance, so one day he called up only the finest dealer he knew to make the purchase of his new ride.

Not long after, the loud rumble of the engine filled the streets of LA, as Raymond went on to burn rubber into the sunset. Safe to say, he has acquired one CSR 155 - Swanky Set of Wheels (2023). Maybe he’ll consider paying that intern after all.


Congratulations to @Texaslav and @debonair0806 ! With it’s gorgeous looks and blistering performance, Raymond couldn’t be happier with his new Somervell Condor.

  1. @Texaslav & @debonair0806 - Somervell Condor
  2. @Maxbombe & @vouge - Pusilanime Polymorphus
  3. @Portalkat42 - Faolan Fenrir Z
  4. @GassTiresandOil - Armor Kestrel
  5. @VaporScape - Di Martini Elysia
  6. @donutsnail - TurbĂłl Caccia Florio
  7. @Riley - Zephorus Espion
  8. @Petakabras - SAETA Ventus
  9. @moroza - DMCW Sharriallat
  10. @the-chowi - Jefferson Pharaoh

Regarding some of the verdicts:

Had there been a techpool limit for individual areas (+8 to +10 at most), this car would not have been eligible for consideration.

It’s not the first time I’ve seen a (relatively) high-displacement V12 with a lower specific output than desirable - I remember this writeup for a car entered in an earlier, Kee-era CSR that had the same problem:

And the reaction was priceless:

Mind you, the Espion’s specific output was even lower, at <50bhp/liter - but if that engine had been an I6 or V8, such an understressed design would have been more easily justifiable. It was still among the best-looking cars here, though - and that alone was enough to get it into the top 10.

And congratulations to Texaslav for winning CSR yet again! I bet that he won’t be able to host the next one, though, given that he’s busy hosting CW5 right now on his own. In that case, debonairo8o6 (who collaborated on the winning entry) would take his place (unless he too passes).

Regarding the Condor: The reason why it looks like a fighter jet (or even a spaceship) is that although it’s most likely built on the same body set (and size) as my entry (and those of several others), the sheer amount of sculpting through 3d placement of body moldings and patchworks makes the base body almost unrecognizable.


Oh, this things’ still on!

Excuse the slightly off-topic post.

Talk about a blast from the past. I probably just spent 20 minutes reading up on things.

Unfortunately one of the updates for Automation exceeded my computer’s capabilities and then I graduated law school and got a job, so I never got back around to upgrading my 2014 laptop to something that could handle modern gaming. But I love that this thread is still ongoing.

I keep toying with the idea of getting a new computer and really building it out, so maybe I’ll be more active in the not so distant future.

Hope you’ve all been well!


Extra Statistics


Earliest Submission: @Rise_Comics 's Platinum Panamericana, which was submitted 41 minutes before submissions opened, yet even though I allowed a resubmission it still broke 5 rules :sob:

Latest Submission: @Vento 's Bulgemobile, which was submitted 21 minutes before submissions closed

Largest .car file: @Fantic2000 's Dayton Sierra, which was ballooned to 309 kb thanks to all the spamming on the rear, even without an interior somehow.

Smallest . car file: @MrdjaNikolen 's Rosanda Sechs, at 34 kb. What a shocker.

Least Powerful Car: @shibusu 's Ilaris Imperial, at 100 hp

Most Powerful Car: The death trap that is @Rise_Comics 's Platinum Panamericana, at a whopping 409.

Even though these are very much massive outliers, the difference in power is still 309.

Entries by type

Luxobarges: 18

Sports Cars: 18


Entries by cylinder count

6 cylinders: 8

8 cylinders: 18

12 cylinders: 7

16 cylinders: 3
(and they all got instabinned lololololololololol)

Entries by transmission type:

Auto Luxobarges: 15

Manual Luxobarges: 3

Auto Sports Cars: 2

Manual Sports Cars: 16

I don’t know about you but I may see a pattern here

Entries by Interior Detail

I count a full interior as having all of the following: seats, steering wheel, dashboard, gauges, full floor, door panels and pedals

No Interior: 9

Partial Interior: 4

Full Interior: 22



Slowest: @Fayeding_Spray and @DrDoomD1scord 's Eldora AX16 - 12.1 seconds

Fastest: @Texaslav and @debonair0806 's Somervell Condor - 5.8 seconds

Top Speed

Lowest: @shibusu 's Ilaris Imperial - 113 mph

Highest: @Rise_Comics 's death trap - 172 mph

Cornering Gs

Lowest: @Fayeding_Spray and @DrDoomD1scord 's Eldora AX16 :skull: - 0.57 Gs

Highest: @Sealboi 's Gazelle 242 - 1.02 Gs


Heaviest: @Fayeding_Spray and @DrDoomD1scord 's Eldora AX16 :skull: :skull: - 2004 kg

Lightest: @Danicoptero 's M1B - 854 kg


Golden Mikon: @xsneakyxsimx 's Hemsley Comet. There were quite some questionable submissions, but this takes the cake as I’m sure no billionaire would ever bee seen in something as pathetic as Corvair.

Longest Car Name: @machalel 's Boccaccino - Angelica Molto Speciale Riviera, at 44 characters.

Longest Engine Name: @Ludvig again with the Swanson 555’s
55B6PRFF56215-395-16OHGODTHENUMBERS (yes, really)

Least Amount of Techpool Usage: @Sealboi 's Gazelle 242 with 29 total points, with 18 in the engine, but an embarrassing eight total in the car.


I count this as a win. Slowest, Worst cornering, and Heaviest!


But if it was an Austin Mini…

I may have been the slowest and least powerful, but at least…actually I can’t think of anything good about the car.

Wow I did super good! :slight_smile: Second highest comfort and safety, and highest prestige! Super proud!

And also highest utility haha.

I got highest sportiness and lowest weight!

Please ignore everything else.