I searched and can’t find anything so here goes, I wouldn’t think this would be a particularly time consuming feature to implement either as it could be achieved without creating any additional assets.
I think it would be quite interesting to have some way of visualising your current car line up, for example a view where we can see several cars from our companies currently available line up side by side and actually move the camera around the room, even if it is just using the default car builder room background.
It would be good to be able to see the various trims of a car model side by side or even the different models of the same manufacturer side by side.
I quite like the idea of being able to see my 1.8 Litre eco piece of junk next to it’s 3.2 Litre TT V6 Flared arched gas guzzling top of the range model.
Not to mention it could provide some good screenshots for advertising the game.
I think a showroom could be interesting, mainly in the campaign mode and a way to show you the cars on sale/active.
I’ve thought about it (just a bit) and might have 2 ways to manage it.
Ala Detroit, an office/hub that links with almost everything…
Looking good! For when we are using the Unreal Engine that is something we can look into making, but consider this has very low priority as the game needs to be done first it is a nice way to add flavor though.
The second one might look less nice, but will be more functional. I can imagine we might have a lot of models on sale at some point.[/quote]
How about a combination of both, All your cars are lined up like the first one but when you click a car it zoom’s in on it like the second one, you can look all around it and a left and right arrow will appear for navigating between the cars. Up the top there would be a year group selecter (e.g 1940-1949 or 2000-2009) because it would be in-effecient to have to go though all of your cars and finally there would be a stats button where you can see how your car is doing and an Edit button if you wish to put a new trim on sale or something like that.