I had an idea, all the other games (car subjected) have had a system where you deliver x number of cars to a store and then you sell a Y number of cars. But in reality when you buy a car you order it and it takes maybe 3-6 months?
So you would every month get x amount of orders then depending on how many factory workers you have you could fill the full order or if your short staffed hire more or do more the next month.
I think this would be a better system, since constantly changing your factory output to meme your demand is really boring after maybe 10 mins after constantly doing so every in game month or so.
Also something like “auto complete orders” just one button if you have enough workers to do the orders.
EDIT: And maybe do contracts with large car sellers, they would take a cut but there would be no expenses of owning your own selling lot.
Yeah, not sure exactly how that part of things will work, you will have to deliver to dealers for sure though, but how the ordering/sales will quite work I’m not sure yet.
Perhaps it could be similar to the missions, with car dealers having minimum demands for reliability, performance, etc, and different price ranges. That way there could be special dealers for sports or luxury cars, with higher requirements but also higher profit margins.
No, that would limit the player to making really crappy cars. Lets ay you want to get a 25hp car with loads of emissions and superthick steel so it weights like 2500kg. This way it will be very bad, but a player might think its fun. I think according to how good or bad your car is and fits the targetgroup(s), the demand for your car should increase, stay even, or decrease. (not even talking about advertisement etc.)
So, making cars has to deal with 2 factors: A. Filling up the dealer stock, and B. Delivering orders
As long as there is stock at the dealers, cars can be sold from that. But when you car is a success, at the end of the month you might end up with figures like this:
Cars to be produced to fill stock: 8.288 cars
Cars to be produced to complete orders: 2.109 cars
So you need the stock to be filled again, and also have to make 2.109 cars to deliver the orders.
If your factory only produces 4.500 cars a month, it would take approx. 2 months to make up for this, meaning next month sold cars and orders will count up and you will have to upgrade your production to maintain delivery rates.
So in short, I think we need a bit of both to be honest
Then its exactly the same as every other game, maybe the devs could then implent that in the beginning you can choose witch way you wanna do it becouse it gets really boring to change it every 30 secs. Maybe something like theres an automation button where it prduces automaticly so many as demanded, if you have the workers.
Automatically adapting the production rate to what numbers of cars are required is definetly an option I guess. This way you can automate some micromanagement.
And it would be nice to have some sort of estimate how much you’ll need to produce cars. The accuracy could fex depend on how good your marketing department is… I think that car companies do this all the time and sometimes they can estimate it quite good and sometimes the model could be “surprize success” or something else could happen that changes the demands fex oil crisis etc. And ofcourse sometimes the estimate isn’t right even if nothing special happens…