Derivative engines (long reading!)

Maybe it’s too early to speak about this ‒ it is something that is going to be useful once the tycoon mode it’s completed ‒ but it growth so much in my head that I have to lay down some ideas and have feedback about it.
Let’s talk about derivative engines.

I don’t know if “derivative” this is the right technical term, what I mean is when you build a new engine not from scratch but from a previous existing engine, re-using the block and several other components in order to reducing time and money involved in the design/engineering/prototyping process. (D/E/P from now on)
For example: building a 1.7 liter EFI engine from an existing 1.5 liter carburettors one.
I’m expecting that building a new engine from scratch it take a lot of time and money (probably depending from the “era” or the components? [carburettors are cheaper to implement than a DI system]) and this feature will give a hand to the player that plan a long term strategy and also have a correct side effect to balance it properly.
If building a new engine from scratch it will not have any D/E/P cost all this discussion it’s useless.

[size=120]IN GAME LOGIC[/size]
Let’s assume that in career mode we have a engine manager UI similar to the actual platforms/models system.

You can develop a new engine from scratch and this is going to be defined as “Native” engine.
To make a derivative engine from it, you choose the native engine and click on the “New derivative”.
Scrap an engine or a derivative if you are not going to use them anymore (maybe this option could put the engine and the cars in a some kind of archive/museum area… I like the idea :wink: )
I’m not sure about the revision. Probably to mess a bit with the engine and look how you have made it. Do not give an option to look the engine parameter inside the editor seems not right to me.
Now… let’s take a look at the engine components in the game and how their design affect other components.


Let’s skip for now the engine block option.
Block Material
Changing the block material mean re-calculate all the block dimension due the material propriety differences (thermal expansion, hardness, fragility etc.)
Cost modification: Very High (I’m wondering if the possibility to apply of modification possible it’s pointless or not)
Changing the bore size in real life is possible. That means to develop new pistons and new head. From the native engine I will imagine a small range of modification of the bore… let’s say +2/-5mm maximum.
Cost modification: High
Bonus: No additional cost to change pistons/compression (included in the Bore size modification). Reduced cost of head redesign (changing the size is cheaper than design a whole new DOCH system from a OHV)
A cheaper alternative to vary your engine size. You must redesign the crank, but I’m not sure about the conrods. There is not a limit to the stroke variation, expect for the one already implemented in the game.
Cost modification: Low
Bonus: No additional cost to change the crank type (included in the Stroke size modification).
Obviously you can change it, just tell me why? I hope you are going to put a huge turbo :wink:
Cost modification: Very low
Bonus: Discount for stroke modification.
You can change it. Are you going to pump up the rev limiter don’t you?
Cost: Very low
It seems logic that redesigning the pistons grant you also to change the compression.
Cost modification: Low
Bonus: No additional cost to change compression (included in the Piston redesigning)


Head and Valves
Changing the head it’s a costly D/E/P operation. Swapping between head type (OHV – OHC – SOHC – DOHC) means changing a lot inside the egine (for the OHV the block should change too!), for SOCH and DOCH valve quanity it’s little bit cheaper.
Cost modification (head only): Medium-High
Bonus (head only): No additional cost for leaded-to-unleaded modification (included in the Head redesign). Small cost discount from OHV to OHC because no camshaft modification required. (don’t know if too difficult to implement). Free (or very big discount) head material modification. Discount on VVT implementation costs.
Cost modification (valve numbers only): Medium
Bonus (valve numbers only): No additional cost for leaded-to-unleaded modification (included in the Valve redesign, valve seat in this case). No additional cost for cam profile modification (included in the Valve redesign, different number of valve need different designed camshaft). Discount on VVT implementation costs.
Cost modification (all): High
Bonus (all): No additional cost for leaded-to-unleaded modification (included in the Head redesign). No additional cost for cam profile modification (included in the Valve redesign, different number of valve). Discount on VVT and VVL implementation costs. Free (or very big discount) head material modification.
Head Material
As for the engine block material, the engineers must re-calculate all the head dimension due the material propriety differences (thermal expansion, hardness, fragility etc.)
Cost modification: Medium
Bonus: No additional cost for leaded-to-unleaded modification (included in the Head redesign). Small price reduction for the head modification.
A piston modification. So…
Cost modification: Low
Bonus: No additional cost to change piston type (included in the Piston redesigning)
Cam Profile
Squeeze the power from that engine!
Cost modification: Low
Bonus: Discount on VVT implementation costs.
There are some study behind it and mechanical stuff to fit in the camshaft timing.
Cost modification: Low-Medium
Bonus: Discount on cam profile modification. Small price reduction in head redesign.
It’s a mess of additional camshaft and technology wizardry. The implementation of this system on an outdated engine head could be costly.
Cost: Medium (Medium-High?)
Bonus: No additional cost for base cam profile modification.
Free! \o/


-First case: making a turbo engine from a NA one, or the opposite (why should you do that?). You have to design a lot of new stuff and new calculations.
Cost: High (I’ll accept suggestion)
Bonus: Total free modification costs for all the remaining turbo related tabs.
-Second case: modify an existing the turbo setup without modifying the type of forced induction used.
Without touching the turbocharger size you have to modify the exhaust header and some piping. Same intercooler.
Cost modification: Medium-low
Swapping between the two set of bearing shouldn’t affect the compressor or turbine design.
Cost: Very low
Small modification in the intercooler size, placement and piping. Not a big fuzz to change it.
Cost modification: Low
Change the compressor size*.
Cost: Medium
Change the turbine size*.
Cost: Medium
AR Ration
Modifying this affect the turbine housing size*.
Cost: Medium
Max boost
Only the wastegate valve is going to be revised.
Cost: Very low

  • I’m not sure if this items should be treated like the carburettors, as a component not designed inside the company. In that case should be less expansive?


Fuel system
Carburettors are components that you purchase from a dedicated company (or not?) and they are easily replaceable, so you don’t have big developing cost switching between them. Moving from a carburettors system to an injection one it’s a total different story. Like changing the injection systems: all of them are totally different; it’ not to going be cheap.
Cost modification (between carburettors type): Low (Very low?)
Cost modification (between injection type): Medium
Bonus: No additional cost for intake modification (included in the carburettor redesign)
Malus: Additional cost if moving from carburettors to injection. Should be an extra extra-cost for move from and to Direct Injection.
Fuel System Config
Change the intake manifold design and the throttle.
Cost modification: Medium-low
Don’t be afraid, let’s tear down reliability and increase the service cost! You have just to unscrew this and that one…
Cost modification: Very low (or free?)
Fuel Type
As long as you don’t change between leaded and unleaded fuel there are no problem. In the other case, the lack of tetraethyllead will damage the valves seal.
Cost modification: None / Very low (if moving from leaded to unleaded)
Bonus: Tiny discount for head type and valve quantity modification.
Fuel Mixture
Free! \o/
Ignition Timing
Free! \o/
RPM Limit
Free! \o/


In the exhaust system the most expensive modification, but not so costly indeed. Some research must be done, if you are not going to choose for Race Tubular. In that case A LOT of research must be done.
Cost modification: Medium-low
Malus: Extra costs for race tubular.
It shouldn’t take so much time to change it, but you have also to design a new path for the new exhaust pipe.
Cost modification: Low
Bonus: Discount in Exhaust diameter, catalytic converter, first and second muffler variation.
Muffler bypass
Making it sporty?
Cost modification: Very low
Bonus: Discount on first and second muffler variation.
Exhaust diameter
Take care of your back-pressure. It also change the flange on the muffler.
Cost modification: Low
Bonus: Small discount on first and second muffler variation.
Catalytic Converter
Probably some development cost are required.
Cost modification: Low (in the rare case of removing an existing one, should be a free modification)
First and second muffler
Cost modification: Very low (in case of muffler removal, it should be free)
Bonus: No additional cost for muffler bypass valve (included in the muffler redesign)

I’m in the campaign mode and I build a brand new engine for my new small hatchback in the 1978.
This is the “native” engine. A 1197cc 4 cylinder inline regular leaded fuel engine. Let’s see it naked.

(There is no aspiration tab, due the lack of turbo in this hypothetical scenario. It’s NA)
The engine cost $310.29 in material and $302.00 as production time (15.1 hours by 20$). The D/E/P cost me an additional YYYY (to be defined!).

The sales of the car aren’t good as expected. A lot of people want something sportier, due the sporty feeling of the good chassis it have under the skin. I don’t want to spend a lot of money building from scratch another engine so I will make a derivative engine from the Native with a very tight budget.
What we can do? I was expecting some “trouble” so I’ve designed the engine with “High” compression and lower setting for the ignition time.
If I’ll enrich the fuel mixture, remove the first baffled muffler, swapped the single barrel with the dual barrel, change the ignition timing and the intake I can squeeze 4kW more, a better economy and a lot of responsiveness. It’s louder too, but it’s the sport version of the hatchback. It’s also a bit quicker to produce due the lack of the first muffler. I think the power difference is not enough. I’ll spend a little bit on the camshaft and move the rev limiter to 6000.
Let’s see how should look in the game the modification (the bottom end will not show, due the lack of modify)

Results? HERE!

10kW more. Now it’s real sporty!
The engine cost $326.41 in material and $300.00 as production time (15 hours by 20$). The D/E/P cost me it’s way less and I can add a new version of the hatchback with very limited cost.

If a company launch a MY2000 Supermini with a revised engine that it used on their 1946 Small Sedan I think the customers will be disappointed. In order to balance the possibility to keep your old glorious post-war era engine still working in the future I think should be some prestige penalty in order to prevent the abuse of this derivative engine feature.
Also a 1946 designed L4 block should probably have some old fashioned solution not suitable for the modern day and very costly to modify, so a new engine from scratch it’s a better solution. If I build a derivative engine in the 1990 of the '78 1197cc engine shown above, the components modified in the derivative engine are newer (higher quality) and the untouched parts should not gain a 1990 quality, but maybe some half-way… like a 1986 quality. (easy low cost revision after long engine use and huge feedback from your car retails/shops). I’m not sure that the game can handle this kind of dynamic but I think worth mention it.

All the aesthetic UI are poorly made in paint. It’s only a way to show the idea.

Developers and community, please let me know what do you think, if could be useful, if should be revised and so on.
Thank you for reading such long post.

Reading the history of the DFV engine ( ), I was wondering about the possibility to re-use inline configuration block in order to reduce the development cost of the V derivative engine (L3 → V6 / L4 → V8 / L5 → V10 / L6 → V12) forcing to keep the same bore and/or other components.
If Cosworth could do it, why the Znopresk or the Cossaks motors can’t do it? :wink:

Awesome post. I must admit ive just skimmed it as I am in a hurry but I can see what you mean. I think a way that “derivatives” could be implemented easier though could involve “revisions”. So say u have a 1.8L engine and you could “revise” it (at a base initial cost) and then it would bring you to the engine designer but the block/head (or other parts) would be “greyed out” (like some of the scenarios where you have to use an existing block and meet certain parameters). This could mean that making the revision saves you the cost of D/E/P a new block/head etc.

Edit: Sorry, my post seems to just sum up urs haha

excellent i read the whole thing amazingly and I AGREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE altho there is one thing to be said adding new carburateors like 1 barrel then 2 barrels or adding new throttles or more intakes would mean more cost if you didnt add that if i didnt see it

Thanks for read the whole post.
The throttle/intake modification thing is under --Fuel System Config (Fuel System tab). It have some cost (probably the higher of the tab)
About the carburettors swapping. I’m not sure that swap between 1 barrel to 2 barrel mean redesign totally the intake system. In the game there is an aesthetic difference when you change it, but in real life probably it is not like that. (Any evidence/suggestion on this argument is welcome)


Thanks for read the whole post.
The throttle/intake modification thing is under --Fuel System Config (Fuel System tab). It have some cost (probably the higher of the tab)
About the carburettors swapping. I’m not sure that swap between 1 barrel to 2 barrel mean redesign totally the intake system. In the game there is an aesthetic difference when you change it, but in real life probably it is not like that. (Any evidence/suggestion on this argument is welcome)[/quote]

theres adding new intake pipes to the barrels as well as reconfig of setting as well as rewireing the other ones so its a bit of a task and costly job here

i have to just add this about turbos - so basics you need to change on a NA engine

  1. exhaust mani (obvious)
  2. pistons if you go for massive amounts of boost, melting pistons are bad m’kay?
  3. conrods if you exceed their power limit
  4. piping, which includes intercooler and oil lines
  5. less compression for some applications, most times more fuel a.k.a. richer air/fuel ratio fixes the problem

so i woud’nt say that turbo charging an engine is really, really hard or high costing, well ok, depends on how it is done

I was talking with Norman about it in TS. It depends how you turbo an engine, mosts costs would make the prototyping of the turbine itself and making the calculations before you try.
And when you change from 1-barrel to x-barrels you dont need to change the piping in reality. In Automation it does, but it should not influence the calcs. I mean you pretty much can take of the old 2-barrel and refit a new 4-barrel carb with almost no work. In the times of carburettor cars that was the easiest way to give your car more performance, just change the carb, adjust it and you may gain power.

i just want to add to carb changes, just with manifolds

i have worked on Hondas for a while and what i noticed, D series engines come with 3 different fueling, 1. a very odd looking automatic carb, 2. SPFI, 3. MPFI

swapping from one to the other takes swapping out the manifold and wiring, not a colossal job, not very hard to do

so maybe an add on the engineering level - the more time you put into development, the more versatile the engine block and head is?

swapping from one to the other takes swapping out the manifold and wiring, not a colossal job, not very hard to do

so maybe an add on the engineering level - the more time you put into development, the more versatile the engine block and head is?[/quote]

The costs to change the fuel system on a derivative engine are higher because you have to design it in order to fit it on an engine with a different system installed.
For any modification (most of them) to put in a derivative engine there are costs about research, prototyping, make blueprints, study the production line and adjust the production line to the new components.

I don’t know if there is a “time/effort” value about the engineering of an engine block (except for the tech pool) that could be used to determine how much efforts you are using on an engine. Having tech pool points should help, like for the regular engine.

[quote=“NormanVauxhall”]The costs to change the fuel system on a derivative engine are higher because you have to design it in order to fit it on an engine with a different system installed.

with that i meant - RnD team comes up with your own injection system, you fit it to let’s say a SOHC 16v 1.6 inline 4 engine, it works like a charm and the engine is a huge success, but then you derive it to be a 1.5 and a 1.3 (don’t look at me, Honda uses odd displacements), so in the end you don’t put money into RnD or licensing, but just change out the fueling system on smaller engines to be like the one on the 1.6

real life examples from Honda

D15B2 (1.5 SOHC 16v) uses SPFI, has 90hp
D15B7 (1.5 SOHC 16v) uses MPFI, has 100hp
block/head on both is exactly the same

D14A4 (1.4 SOHC 16v) uses same MPFI mani and system, has ~90hp, except uses OBD2 wiring
D16Z6 (1.6 SOHC 16v /w VVL) uses same MPFI mani and system, ~127hp

and a popular mod D15 block with D16Z6 (1.6 SOHC 16v /w VVL) VTEC head, in the end gets you 115-120hp

i hope you get my point

I get your point. Once you have the pieces it’s extremly easy and fast to swap the pieces but this seems to me the point of view of a car mechanic.
On the designing side I think there are effort (study and prototyping) to do and in a company point of view there are new blueprints, study the production line and adjust the production line to the new components. We have to keep an eye on this logics, no?
There aren’t huge for this modification, but they shoud be somwhere. (and in a case of DI systems we have to modify the head to put the injector right on the top of the cylinder, more costly indeed)

i am a car mechanic :mrgreen:

thought was - once the parts are prototyped and are in mass production, why shouldn’t we be able to fit them to other engines/cars or license them for manufacturing to someone else

I don’t know if in the game logic there is a way to do that.
What you could do is - once you have designed a dervivate engine - make a new derivative from it so you could reuse all the already designed piece on it.

hopefully somebody on the team could clarify something and maybe use something from what you have thought of, because it would be just awesome

Hmmm… and what would you say about cost of going from VVL to no VVL? Like, making a superadvanced engine and then making a cheaper derivative instead of wasting time and making 2 separate engines?

Mmhh… with the actual setup it should have a medium cost with a free modifaction for the camshaft. Do you think could be reasonable? Some redesign are required… maybe I should add a small discount for valve head modification. Any idea?